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Mor (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Mor (DayZ)

  1. Actually it can't be held off for later, it has to become part of the roadmap and time\resources are allocated to it during the production phase, while later only comes feature locked status. Hence the topic, because its obviously important to some Dayz
  2. I think it does. While there are always those who express their dissatisfaction poorly. This goes for everyone around, those who "bitch and whine" about the Game and those who "bitch and whine" about those who "bitch and whine". If people were more informed about the process, there would be far less less of them making vocal claims based on incorrect information and it would certainly be more productive than after the fact a horde of smug fanboys screaming\chanting at them Alpha Alpha!!! like some lawyers pointing an obscure technical clause in one of those long disclaimer that 99.99999% of people click away without reading.
  3. Mor (DayZ)

    Bandits are hilarious...? and liers?

    He had no idea if you had guns or what are your intentions and someone in camo gear lurking in such elevated position, is more often than not a sniper noob, looking for easy pickings. With two of you there, i might have shoot at your direction as well, it just not worth the risk of running around exposed like that.
  4. Despite all the warnings, I don't think that most people understand that^ at the time of purchase. Most has no incline as to what the vague terminology 'early access alpha' actually means, with at most experience with big public betas. I wonder how many less complaints would have been if, the warning would have been worded differently e.g. Instead: WARNING: THIS GAME IS EARLY ACCESS ALPHA. PLEASE DO NOT PURCHASE IT UNLESS YOU WANT TO ACTIVELY SUPPORT DEVELOPMENT OF THE GAME AND ARE PREPARED TO HANDLE WITH SERIOUS ISSUES AND POSSIBLE INTERRUPTIONS OF GAME Something like: WARNING: THIS GAME scheduled for 2016, this is EARLY development build. PLEASE DO NOT PURCHASE IT UNLESS YOU WANT TO ACTIVELY SUPPORT DEVELOPMENT OF THE GAME AND ARE PREPARED TO HANDLE WITH SERIOUS ISSUES AND POSSIBLE INTERRUPTIONS OF GAME
  5. I think they suppose to shorten the duration of stages from various sickness.
  6. Mor (DayZ)

    The Quick Question Thread

    Is the info at http://dayzdb.com/guide/11-standalone-status-effects accurate? I am looking at the Food Poisoning effect for water (-13.3% Water/sec) it seem VERY extreme. (its about 75% of your water in 10 seconds?!) If not, then i'd appreciate a link to a more accurate\updated source.
  7. Mor (DayZ)

    Does anyone else want to be captured/tortured?

    The title of this thread sound like a advertisement for a sado mazo salon. Considering how little many of you think of the average player, do you really want to get captured? Since not everyone oblige to do as they are told and die on cue, and you can never know how good is your opponent, its no wonder that many feel that KOS is the prudent and safest way i.e. "when you have to shoot...Shoot! Don't talk"
  8. Mor (DayZ)

    How are we supposed to play the game right now?

    And this rant is addressed at..? I understand that some people find the idea of working as testers or feeling like they are being a part of development process is fun, however, alpha\beta builds are not fun\playable for most people ( especially those with no extra spare time and better things todo ), and even those who do have to vent sometimes. What I don't understand is how the issues/bugs that will continue to be introduced through the game development process, speaks about the player abilities; nor why negative feedback about the game difficulty is less valid than your positve one. Obviously veterans who spent hundreds of hours ingame, know all the tricks and use all the extra online resources(such as loot maps), tend to find little challenge are clamoring for every extra bit of difficulty, but they are a niche among the players, and shouldn't be the target audience. Also for every "whiner" or harmless venting, we have the pretentious little schmucks, who seem to outnumber their counterparts by a huge margin. Many of whom suffer from superiority fewer, that reminds me of school kids trying to appear different, with their unofficial motto being 'We are not mainstream fuck yeah!!!!' or we are smarter, have more patience etc than a 12 year old COD player. Embarrassing...
  9. Mor (DayZ)

    Lockpicking: Minigames yes or no

    Unless you make it reflex based mini-game (which will likely penalize some older players) you should assume that soon after EVERYONE will be smart enough to figure it (or google out step by step instruction\video and likely have somewhere where they can practice it). Hence everyone will be an expert locksmith, which in an MMO will make a locksmithing mini-game mechanic the equivalent of extra 10sec or so to opening doors. Then it becomes a question of where something like this will be implemented, if locks will be commonly used outdoors, then it will soon become the top most repetitive time consuming task and useless tasks. If it will be only used rarely (one bases, or player bases), then lockpicking will the silent alternative to breaching, in which case it should be severely handicapped i.e. very rare items and or IMO combination of first and second approach so its not only skill bases aka time delay. EDIT: Where I live something like that wouldn't make a dent in any entrance door. While in cherno, you shouldn't need a crowbar to be able to force your way through a house door\window.
  10. Mor (DayZ)

    Lockpicking: Minigames yes or no

    From everything I seen in Dayz, lockpicking seem like a crazy novelty. Realisticly we should be able to force our way into every building easily and quickly as can be seen in the vid. ETA: One use for such mechanics can be where force isn't an option like hotwiring a car. On the contrary, Mini-game or not, lockpicking should take time in which you are exposed and vulnerable for such opportunistic headshots. I have no doubt that many people will agree with you, going by the 'skill based vs button mashing' logic. However, it should be considered that this is NOT a single player, after few tries everyone would be an expert locksmith making locks useless.
  11. Mor (DayZ)

    Anyone using the Blaze 95?

    Some of those might be more useful(silent) if Zombies were more plentiful and not as easy to avoid.
  12. Mor (DayZ)

    Status icons

    In my experience unless such animation used as rare cosmetic touch ups, they soon become repetitive, distracting and extremely annoying. Hence not a good status indicator. (I don't want to wonder if the guy moaning in the next room is in pain or having a good time..) As for 'actual shivering', IMO only extreme conditions that hinder your abilities should have such visual cues.
  13. Mor (DayZ)

    How are we supposed to play the game right now?

    Even more so the amount of Tarzan's, chest beating while crying its a Survival game! every time someone feels like venting.. (There are at least 10 of those here replaying to the same post) This also true for those who single mindedly believe that making the gameplay better = making the game harder, even if it is a SURVIVAL GAME! :rolleyes:
  14. Mor (DayZ)

    My encounter with a cheater

    It shows nothing other than you killing some guy..
  15. Mor (DayZ)

    How are we supposed to play the game right now?

    Alpha build means that it is still under active development, unlike Beta which is feature complete and just need all the bugs fixed. So its not just Dayz with new weapons for you to test, its Dayz with active work/redesign on some basic mechanics, and while you can play an alpha, it is mainly meant as task to help out the dev team, not fun. (unless you are a masochist) If by "designed to stop the CoD behavior" you mean 'designed to encourage slower paced game' then yes. Although I hope that design include new mechanics or tweaks to current ones, otherwise it will just make it into micromanagement hell. It is good advice, however, IMO IF you need to move inland to find basic survival items/gear something is broken in the game design. Don't forget that most people aren't veterans who know the game map and every drop site by heart, so while migration inland to find more rare/interesting stuff should be encouraged, the basics should be there for those who still Zombie shell shocked and need to find their barrings.
  16. Mor (DayZ)

    Its getting hot in here...

  17. Mor (DayZ)

    Goodbye Balota barracks

    If that is the case, then I think it is obvious that they are trying to make military gear less accessible. IMO it is good, since it will make the process of acquiring the higher grade military gear a higher risk/reward adventure, meanwhile making intermediate gear more useful, throughout the game. What a patronising attitude. Who the fuck are you to tell others, how they should be playing\enjoying their game?! Like it or not this an MMO, and the majority of people(who aren't boring) started as or tried roleplaying as bandits, without them it wouldn't be a proper post-apoc game and a boring one at that if bots would be the height of your challenge. and Dayz is great because it offers versatile servers\rules that cater to different people play styles and or restriction, don't like go hide yourself in private server.
  18. Mor (DayZ)

    Love the New Sway

    The current weapon sway mechanic (as well as many other) has little todo with reality. Since we can never fully imitate reality (nor do we want to in most cases) it is always better to look at sch mechanics in terms of what gameplay elements it changes. In this case it makes long range sniping and sprint/shoot harder. (although I have no doubt that with enough practice it can be exploited like in COD Twitch combos).