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Mor (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Mor (DayZ)

  1. Pretty simple suggestion introduce arm fatigue when the weapon is raised up and aiming.


    Anyone who has ever shot a rifle before will tell you that holding a rifle up at eye level begins to tire you out after a while.


    This is particularly true for heavier rifles. They could simulate this fatigue in a simple way by increasing sway.

    You mean something comparable to the holding your breath mechanics?

  2. +1 as long as its only during the "lag" between loading into the server and loading on client.

    Although IMO this (and the teleporting zombie the OP mentioned) are bugs, that should be addressed when the whole server redesign is complete, without any need fro special protections.

  3. I agree with CJFlint, we can use some more verity in player starting gear. With that said, it should be low level cosmetic gear (so we don't devalue anything) and customize able through your profile. I think that most of us will appreciate a little more personal touches there.

    As of right now everything is place holders.

    While theoretically everything is place holder during alpha, if you haven't been to the wiki, I suggest you take a quick look there, I think Dayz clothing line is pretty mature and while it may not had a final polish pass, most of it certainly appear far beyond mare place holder..

  4. There is an obvious KOS/bandit problem in the standalone. I know that the mod attempted to fix the situation simply by changing your skin when you kill a player, but there are problems with this. 


    1.) You can be labeled as a bandit even if it was self defense

    2.) It still had very little consequences for the bandits

    3.) It would easy to cover the skin with your gear

    4.) Having "bad" people look different is unrealistic and maybe a little prejudice


    My system should fix most of these problems

    I am not sure how your system will fix anything.. What you want todo is instead of marking bandits and thus placing them in a disadvantage in PVP interactions, simply place them in a disadvantage on the server side. Ignoring the logic behind it, the problem with all those system has always been with arbitrary rules:

    1.) It will also put others in disadvantage like those who act in self defense.

    2/3. ) Bandits could easily use a verity of methods to make themselves in game saints and avoid the consequences.

    4.) Having bandits attract more zombies, fall of walls etc is just as unrealistic and maybe a little prejudice

  5. With the implementation of vehicle(s), I am making this suggestion with the best intentions.  I suggest all servers have a fuel source depletion timer/user amount and in turn a craftable means to equip and run vehicles with alternative resources. 


    Vegetable Oil- Looted from markets and pubs filled into jerry cans.

    Its a good idea, but I am not sure about the implementation. It seems silly to me that fuel will be the only finite resource in the game (guns/bullets nope, fresh oranges nope etc). Also it sound wrong that we would be able to dry out at gas station that hold at least 25tons of fuel, to be replaced with ultimate replenish-able fuel source, THE COOKING OIL... ( Announcer: now available for free at your local quicky-mart for the zombie-apoclypse season, please come again )

    In H1Z1 you can grow corn and produced ethanol, which IMO it would be a better complimentary mechanic.

    • Like 2

  6. I'm a friendly player. I've never killed another player for his gear or for plain fun. Only in self defence. Since the very beginning of this alpha, people keep saying that if you want to stay alive, you should KOS - because everyone esle does. I'll do my best to restore your faith in kindness and solidarity.

    IMHO Kill on Sight is sometimes a code name for killed unaware and most people PvP because its (a) more exciting, you don't get an adrenaline rush by planting tomatoes ( B ) currently there isn't a lot todo beside that.

    So while your project is admirable its biggest value is in giving you something todo, and entertainment. Its not the first time people here and declared new goal\projects for their gameplay ...

    • Like 1

  7. Tear gas seems good as well as the other one mentioned. Tear gas should be in police stations like the sumbachine gun.

    Any thought as to how tear gas can be implemented? Because if its will add some post processing effect, it could be easily abused.

    I'm sure smokes will be in due time, CS would be interesting for clearing buildings also if gas mask effects were added would be a nice touch.

    Probably after they update the render.

  8. So i was just playing experimental and heard a vs3 coming down the road while i was hiding in the bush, i was just thinking to my self it would be really cool to lay some spikes or something on the road and try to pop the tyres of the vs3 and stop the person, same idea as polce spikes

    +1 sounds like a great idea and an exciting gameplay opportunity, however, I must caution that those traps will be as effective as claymores i.e. most drivers will never see it coming. Hence if this trap would be craft-able or in anyway common, it could be easily abused i.e. trolls could use the plentiful useless junk to booby trap all roads, as result all vehicles will be used as land rovers (with Dayz physics\Vehicles as we seen todate its viable) which will dampen the mood for me.

  9. I don't think you do... Again I am not commenting on how buggy the system is, but that its current design is very poor, something that even after bug fixing wont change... because even if they addressed most of the common complaints about melee, it will still be run in circles twitch hitter.

  10. I don't know about roundhouse kicks, something tell me it will be a hitbox nightmare in pvp. But otherwise I like the idea of being able to use your feet to break branches and it might be nice for melee purposes. Although i'd prefer they fixed pretty much everything else about melee before hand.

  11. ^ simple: patient zero, element of surprise, initial panic and ill equipped disorganized security forces due to civil war that torn the country apart.. - its plausible with 28 days later Hollywood sparkles.

    • Like 1

  12. ^ this one of those things that never made sense to me. iirc Dayz virus isn't airborne, so I can't imagine how an infected horde can swarm over modern military force... sure it might overwhelm the local forces, but eventually a perimeter will be established and there is nothing a brainless horde can do against artillery, planes, bullets etc..

  13. Its true that by simply making tools more rare banditry would increase - but so would cooperation if only to defend against banditry.

    Or more realistically, deepen the trust issues and increase KoS, which is what we can see today. If the suggestion were about adding more military equipment, would you also advocate it because it might encourage "cooperation if only to defend against banditry" :rolleyes:


    In any way "rare" does not mean "exceedingly rare" - but you do not want to provide every tool for every survivor to carry around.

    Going by what we already have as of 0.51 and possible new (leaked) items, no one can carry all tools by himself (I doubt that two people with best carrying capacity can) hence every player already have to prioritize what he needs most and depend on others, especially if they want to start up some bigger projects. - this by it self will encourage cooperation.

    While your suggestion to make common tools more rare, isn't realistic as they should be available almost everywhere in rural\industrial areas, will only increase the amount of junk and weapons that will spawn there and per my reason in the previous post encourage PvP KoS type of gameplay.


    Then by also making the tasks nontrivial getting the tool is only a small part - you still have to put in some effort.

    I have no problem with that. Like I said some tasks might need adjusting, but to me the idea of making tools less accessible is the linchpin that ruin or your suggestion.

    With that said, here few examples of what I liked:

    1. "repairing items should not be a simple drag&drop actions but require some materials and a little bit of time for the actual repairs" - I think that focus should be on the more material part, higher grade civilian/military equipment should require more material to fix i.e. fixing a mountain backpack will require more attention then T-shirt. This both realistic and might discourage people jumping into combat at every opportunity.

    2. "resources and food in particular should be much rarer" - With "new" system food and water is one of the things that most do not stock, it is also the most important resource to keep yourself healthy and healing, hence it will encourage bandits to rely on alternative means of acquiring food like hunting.


    What I don't agree with is:

    1. tools should be made more rare - per reason above.

    2. tools should be made more durable - this seems like a way to eliminate the need to scavenge for tools and the danger it entails.

  14. And as crazy. Mor says that perhaps  "making civilian task harder, will only make banditry more attractive"

    Hey, that could be true - but then you might get a breed of tougher civilians too..  I don't think of that as a risk, it's part of the gameplay - it evolves as things change, but I don't want everyone to be nice moral sweet friendly farmers ( yeegh.. I'd go play some other game). But there is plenty of space for OPs ideas and I'm all for a trend that way.

    I don't think that there is place for "maybe"s in discussions about gameplay mechanics e.g. lets un-nerf sniper rifles, maybe then we get a breed of tougher civilians too...

    Currently there are three survival mechanics scavenging, banditry and "gathering". The later include hunting\fishing\farming\etc all which are dependent on tools. Hence my reasoning, if you make tools more scarce, it will impact gameplay in a negative way, making banditry the most efficient way to play, which the opposite of what the OP is looking for.

    IMO as long as they keep adding functions to tools, and make them all valuable, they don't need to change anything. We already have enough tools so that most player can't have it all unless they are playing in a team and share..

    EDIT: With that said I also agree that some aspects like tomato growing times need some balancing.

  15. I think one of the major reason many players go for KoS lone wolf is that you can basically do everything on your own without too much hazzle making cooperation not worth it because of trust issues. In short: You don't really need other players and it doesn't really benefit you to try and make friends. One of the reason for this is "civilian tasks" being trivalized to simple, realtively short and easy actions leaving only combat as a viable option. [..]

    I agree. Although IMO the problem is lack of "end game" prospect. Its the same ol' story once people fully kitted, they get bored and go kill bambis; What else are we to do? maintaining your gear, sound like farmvile time filler; And while few will RP, most will KOS anyone who has so much as a can opener.

    As for your suggestions: Don't you think that making civilian task harder, will only make banditry more attractive and encourage the phenomena? Because I don't see how making tools rare will reduce the incentive for people to Kill on sight... as oppose to marking your as mobile high chance loot drop.. Furthermore most people will prefer the adrenalin rush of combat\hostage situation, over hours of farming\maintaining their gear, and you ensure that its best way on time\gain scale ...

    To sum it up, while I agree with your sentiment, we can only benefit from increased player cooperation and player economy is good way to achieve it, but with server hopping and our low/random pop servers I don't how it can be done :/


    Once they flesh everything out and can properly balance the loot table, fix the zombies, animations, glitches, crashes, and whatever else is broken, the difficulty will be ramped up.

    Personally, I find the increase difficulty trick to be rater cheap way of adding challenge, like those games that add more hit-points instead of adding more capabilities\scenarios\better AI..

  16. a. You are assuming the developers wouldn't implement a detailed interface, dispute members of the Dev Team like Dean Hall talking about the ACE and ACRE mods and thei merits.

    b. The overlay would at best give you some cliff notes on the dials and mil increments, something that wouldn't be an easy button

    c. Biggest gripe here. The RPG isn't some Micheal Bay scene delivery vehicle. They will make a good complement  to other launchers like M203s and GP-25s.

    • You are right, I am assuming just that, but I am open to the possibility. Can you show me a single interface in either Dayz or Arma that wasn't ..uhm.. "streamlined"? If the wanted such detail, don't you think we would be able to drive a stick? Also its my understanding that the current menu interface is soon going to be replaced with visual one(drag and drop only).
    • IIRC at least one of the online maps has has an heightmap overlay and can measure distances between two points, so if mortar will be useful in-game I am betting on someone making an app sooner then later.
    • You might not plan it as a Micheal Bay movie, but that the script that I am reading. We have very small servers\encounters, so can't imagine a scenario in which it would fit well, except for those who want to wage clan wars, massive PvP deathmatches, or some good ol' trolling.
    This what I have in mind when I think of post-apocalypse



    This what I think of when you speak about mortars, RPGs and the like in Dayz:



  17. Seeing as Chernorus is coastal, might be a nice map feature to add some disused WWII bunkers/gun emplacements (minus the artillery) on a few elevated spots along the coast line, maybe with the odd tunnel/limited underground structure.

    Some historical sights might be a nice touch and add some verity to the landscape. For example going by Arma2 lore, the mountain east of chernogorsk across the bay, used to be warning post against pirates raids in medieval times and now used as tourist site. There is nothing there, but it would be nice there was, it doesn't have to have loot just something to encourage\reward exploration.


    I'd love to see some of these rusting in the forests on long treks. Maybe a good idea, clump them all together with some T-34 and Su-series tank husks WW2 era highway of death to make a unique location on the map:



    Looks nice. Personally, I think that every kind of detail adds and it doesn't have to be WW2 tank, simple play grounds will do.
    • Like 1

  18. What I get from you saying that is "I don't know how to use a mortar, so I'll be at a disadvantage if I ever managed to get everything together to use one." [..]

    Then you completely failed to comprehend what I said.

    a. it will never be delivered with as complex handling mechanics.

    b. it will soon be used by every kid with steam overlay and the like.

    c. it will be used as an excuse to bring other heavy weapons, like rpgs that require no skill other than point and shoot.

    Bottom line its an overpowered weapon, with a lot of potential for abuse (that IMHO doesn't fit well with our tiny server encounters), which will not be offset by that suggestion and only open the door for more heavy weapons for, turning it into a death match.

  19. It requires thinking and some simple math before you can even begin to fire.

    Every once in a while you got some older player, who thinks that the way to introduce overpowered weapons with huge potential for abuse is making it too hard to use, assuming that only he and few other people will be able to handle it.

    However, even in arma you never see such complexity outside of mods, and Dayz isn't a military tactical shooter. Whatever complexity will be added, will be supplemented the next day with an app on steam overlay that does every calculation for you and cheat sheets with thumbnail rules and common target info.

    Also once you add one heavy weapon, there will be request for many others, which are often of the common shoot and forget verity.

  20. Ace mod mortars would be great in dayz mostly for defensive reasons with stamina and weight you won't be lugging it around unless you have a truck.

    So plant a tent on low pop server, fill it with mortar rounds and car nearby. When called to action drive the armaments to the location and ghost to where the action is and trolololu.

    I am not sure that mortars is necessary for Dayz, where engagement never have more then few people on each sides. IMHO grenades are enough firepower.
