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Mor (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Mor (DayZ)

  1. Mor (DayZ)

    Eating and drinking system - Please, just give it up.

    Seriously, what is your point? He didn't suggest that you should go for 3 weeks before you die, but that "Dying half an hour after spawn if you don't find food is not reasonable", with part you nit picked being a reply to Lady Kyrah RL example, he also specifically noted that he don't suggest a true to life hunger system. Because you post boils down to energy and thirst being far more critical in survival situation than in RL i.e. "few hours without drinking anything, alongside strenuous activity .. [will make you].. feel like complete and utter shit" - not addressing what he said. Also on the point of balance, I have personal experienced how much water intake our bodies need while, dressed up, active and in warm and humid environment. The game isn't trying to be realistic, it tries to balance it with gameplay. So to reinforce something from my previous posts: having hunger and thirst play an important part is authentic, but having hunger and thirst the only things you need to do in zombie apocalypse is bad gameplay.
  2. Mor (DayZ)

    Discussion: Barricading and Raiding

    I am only know about the barricading mechanic that is currently in the works and commenting on that. With that in mind, fences will stand out and will be a huge sign pointing toward your base begging for someone to ransack it, similar to how wearing a Balaclava mask effect your survival rates. Assuming that this will lead to something more than just tent with a lock hidden in plain sight. I Honestly don't see how it can work unless provided some form of protection (like the plots suggestion). As i noted in MMO PVP there is no viable defense, even if you are super duper awesome hardcore who spend 16hours a day online. Hiding won't be effective for most people, sure some will hide behind private walls and others use exploits placing it on low pop servers and hide it 20min run from any hot spot and only server hope to it to avoid exposure, but ultimately it will its just a matter of time. So considering the time investment I imagine base building will require, i don't see how it can work without some form of protection. I can already see the rants by some hardcore who spent the last 20h chopping wood and collecting stone to building a base, only to getting KOSed by some "COD kids".
  3. Mor (DayZ)

    Discussion: Barricading and Raiding

    I think that barricading a building is intended as the tent variant with a lock i.e. it will offers a little more protection than a tent, but ultimately none. As for other possible base building elements fence, traps and all that jazz.. keep inmind that with the exception of invulnerability I am not familiar with a single MMO PVP mechanics that will save you from a raider. You can spend 100 hours, all you do is make yourself a bigger target, and the moment you log out, it will take few minutes for a couple of bandits to piss your effort away.
  4. Mor (DayZ)

    Eating and drinking system - Please, just give it up.

    You can say that life is survival game, but obviously there is more to life than eat\sleep\poop and there is certainly more to a "zombie" apocalypse game than having to feed\water your character every few minutes, spending the rest looking for that food drink.. I don't want to play sims, nor a time filler like farmvile. Balance is the key here, and while balance is matter of WIP, I think that the point against excessive realism should be reinforced, despite the "hardcore" vocals. You just don't understand the mechanic... just like in RL it takes time for your food to digest. It wasn't implemented so to be realistically anal, but avoid people becoming magically healthy whenever they want by stuffing a truck load of food down their throat. You make yourself sick by over eating. So don't be hoarding on your food, eat it when ever you get it or pace it out. Over time your energy -> Blood -> health should recover with time. Those mechanics was implemented to encourage a much slower game pace. I believe that right now it should take you about an hour to recover your health after a bad fire fight.
  5. Mor (DayZ)

    Eating and drinking system - Please, just give it up.

    Of course, pretty much everyone will. With the exception of few who enjoy game like sim farm/truck where you get to realistically get to drive a tractor/truck for hours, or time filler games like farmvile (i'd rather have a zombie chew on my balls) But then again you just trolling trying to get a rise. I doubt that such change will happen in vacuum, there will be more things todo in any given place e.g. better zombies/hunting/shelters, there will be more players on the servers, loot will be balanced, vehicles will be added etc... Like I said before basically its matter of balance. The current issues are almost certainly due to the game being still WIP and or the gave testing new mechanics in extreme conditions. However, I 100% support the sentiment in OP against excessive realism.
  6. Mor (DayZ)

    Eating and drinking system - Please, just give it up.

    Amen to that, even though I think that current system is good and just need little balancing. So far I love what the dev has done, those system fix and add to gameplay, however, ultimately this is a zombie apocalypse, not survival sim, and those mechanics should be an extra not the core of gameplay. There are always hardcore vocal clamoring for more realism/difficulty, most of them played hundreds of hours and have warped perspective, they already passed their discovery phase, know all the tricks, and generally ranting about cod kids. They are not representative of the whole community.
  7. Few questions: 1. Does pain goes away on its own like shock? 2. Is there severe food poisoning? in the video guide there is only light/medium and chemical one poisoning. Has severe has been implemented since (if what cause it) or 'medium' has graduated to severe i.e. mild\severe food poisoning and chemical poisoning. 3. Can you break your arms or only legs can be broken, while arms are fractured?
  8. Mor (DayZ)

    any updates for ETA of release?

    I don't know if you are to stupid or just didn't bother to read the thread or its title. a. The question is when the game will be released, not some non committal statement about when its beta stage isn't. b. People come to the official dayz forum for a reason, suggesting that they are lazy\stupid and should go google it aren't constructive, even trollish as in the case of some of the other posters. c. If you believe that the information is there, despite the FAQ and the mods\others just stating that there is non at this point, be constructive and provide updated info\link instead of implying through your post that they are lazy\stupid.
  9. Mor (DayZ)

    any updates for ETA of release?

    Everything in life can be incredibly fluid, just the other week our insulator bill got very fluid :rolleye: but at the same time everyone give estimates as a matter of transparency. I can understand the rage that delays can create, but I am not asking for exact shipping date, but something as general as late 2015, early 2016, 2017? .. Also I don't know what "Early Access" games you subscribe to, but on the ones that I do and that are led by ~similar sized studios, we had a tentative release date, which IMO encourage confidence.
  10. Mor (DayZ)

    The term bandit what it means now

    Yes, but real life practice shown us time and time again that those are way more fun to read about i.e. adventures sound way better after the fact... I seen many people claim that a certain play styles are more intelligent, usually ranting about 12years old COD bandits. IMO those notions are misguided. While faster paced games tend to attract a younger crowd, people of all ages play this and all games; and while Dayz have a bit steeper learning curve than most AAA games**, the notion that it or any specific playstyle requires higher intellect is silly and usually indicative of different circumstances/tastes, rage and or personal insecurities. I read once that Wikipedia editor demographic comprised mostly of people in their early adult life(~18-23) and in their retirement. I think it speaks of time investment, which is relevant here as well. I seen many people who spent considerable time in the game, for whom this is their social circle, who tend to roleplay great extent and or talk about their adventures afterwards. For example, recently I seen a post by someone who had encounter in police station, who spent 40min laying in waiting to make sure it resolved and no on is waiting for him outside the room. That is one dedicated player and I am happy he enjoys his time, however, this play style and time investment it requires is not for everyone... So if you miss the ol'days, maybe you should start/join a group for like minded people in similar circumstances to yours and keep rocking? ** As an old time PC gamer I know the violent knee jerks people get when they hear AAA/consuls/streamlining, however, this game could use some streamlining to lessen that learning curve. No, not as in dumbing down the mechanics, but as in better explaining them. IMO it will go a long way to improve average player game styles some basic mechanics are explained and their implication through a very short tutorial.
  11. Mor (DayZ)

    any updates for ETA of release?

    Any reason for that? Because I can only think one that involves marketing i.e. if people think the game is closer than it is they might be more inclined to buy it, while others will have to comeback for periodic updates rather than wait patiently until release\big mile stones. The idea that someone who supported the developers/game by buying it early, not knowing a release date seem wrong. Even big kickstares who officially don't have any obligations to their "investors" usually provide a tentative release date.
  12. Mor (DayZ)

    any updates for ETA of release?

    As seen in: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/153735-frequently-asked-questions/ No offence, but honestly while this answer might be cute for small kickstarter run by few kids who never actually produced a game, for a producer on this project (with a studio of this size, which works with several team; who have yearly roadmap, and publish periodical updates) not to have target window for release or at the very least Feature complete status is unrealistic. So either they are incompetent or intentionally do not disclose that information.
  13. Mor (DayZ)

    The term bandit what it means now

    Speaking of romantic touches. In many cases KoSer is what people like to call anyone who got the drop on them, to deal with bruised egos and/or loss of time/effort (think how in car accidents no one ever is guilty). Same goes for your romanticized definition of bandits, you want bandits to behave like that to save you time\effort, but lets be honest the common bandit isn't trying to pull schemes on you, he is an opportunistic ~fresh spawn and most "Real bandits" are player who play in groups (using teamspeak) who geared/bored up their ass and almost always in complete control of the situation.
  14. Mor (DayZ)

    For those of you that have lost faith in DayZ...

    You can find such tactic vocal people, in most communities. In our case is the "hardcore" niche of PC games. You have to understand that since gaming became mainstream, many people feel that "casual players" are the focus of development, diluting their PC gaming experience. Which is why various early access funding projects such as this or kickstar, became so popular. With people who felt that they are left out, falling over each other, screaming shut up and take our money, each time someone throws a hint of classic at them, gives them the chance to stick it to the man big publishers, and allows them to feel like they are a meaningful part of the process. (as oppose to community/publicity building tool, free testers and investors who probably aint going to be around when the final product arrives, or enjoy it after wasting their first impressions on bugs and experiencing everything already..) Anyway, the reason you haven't seen this tactic with anything except PC games. Is because early access to developer builds are uncommon in any AAA, where at best you get feature locked, already somewhat polished closed beta. so maybe the problem isn't with the community, maybe the process is just not something for you. My general rule is not to buy any game, until after couple of month after release. It works well for my nerves and pocket.
  15. Mor (DayZ)

    Nothing interesting.

    He will have the same issue with mod. Bottom line people move on, no one plays a game forever.... and btw on topic of development, while the whole kickstart-ish method get the results I want, as far as those who opt in early IMHO its one of the most exploitative measures ever devised.
  16. My fellow Survivor, ask not what the community can do for you, ask what you can do for your community... Just how exactly did you make it interesting for other players?
  17. Mor (DayZ)

    Persistence Enabled vs Persistence Disabled [OPTING IN/OUT]

    Lets be honest this is a no brainier, anyone can load up DayZ loot map and find a bunch, however, it does mean that the current system will cause us to waste more time running around to remote locations and scavenging to achieve the same thing as before. Hmm...the ability to teleport to a private stash while the rest are suffering from shortages.
  18. Mor (DayZ)

    wheres the fuddin food gone?

    Calms down lad-y, you know that in RL no beans\Spaghetti cans are going to start spawning miraculously. So if you want to the Hunger Games, its time to lean some new skills like hunting and fishing ;) Meh, I am just trolling, although such stories with each revision, kinda remind me of Fallout and its vault social experiments ;)
  19. Mor (DayZ)

    My last 20 minutes in Dayz.

    Any chance those were Russians? I noticed that many of them tend to regard all English speakers as american's :?
  20. While I think that those are great suggestion (i.e. makings zombies more challenging and other mechanics that will encourage cooperation, which I understand those are already in the works, and they come on the heel of the health\energy mechanic that encourage slower paced game) I don't think that any of that will change the current game balance in any significant way. * People always whine about PvP, even if the uncertainty that it brings is what makes the game soo exciting for them. * The way everyone try to sound holier than the pope about Banditry\KoSer, make me thing of Catholic priest in the little boys incident, and I doubt that even the zealots haven't dabbled in it when it suited them. * Regardless your opinion on the matter, many will find PvP more challenging than PvE and or better fitting to their playing style\goals. * Due to player "exhaustion", in general there will be more "noob"s than "vanguards", and the inexperienced players are more likely to resort to Banditry and KoS. Anyway, IMO the solution for this isn't technical, its social. Cooperation, its benefits and necessity for long term survival should be impressed in the manual\tutorial (I assume there will be short one, since its a stand alone now)
  21. Mor (DayZ)

    Do you want pooping in this game?

    Assuming that the devs actually considering this, and this is not just some trolling. This can be implemented in a few ways: * An extension to the whole stomach mechanic i.e. we will have to find time to poop and might have involuntary bowl movement in certain situation. * Non voluntary sickness stage, like vomiting. * Something else? IMO if it is the former, it will be an annoying/unnecessary extra micromanagement and prone to abuse as 'gesture' (like tea-bagging). If it is the later, i don't see an issue with it. Since so far the Devs had done an outstanding job with Dayz SA stats and medical conditions, I'll wait to something more substantial before i'd throw in my vote.
  22. Mor (DayZ)

    Zombie Classification

    If the servers could handle it, I think that horde(that can't be dealt by no one man\woman, and need to be avoided) "migrating" through the area, would have been a nice touch, that adds a nice dynamic to player interaction.
  23. Mor (DayZ)

    Do you want pooping in this game?

    I am against pooping mechanic. It seem one step too close to simulator, I don't want to play Dayz sims. Not propaganda hard stats, in most category it measures with so called "3rd world countries"(Developing countries), not as far as south African countries, but neither western world, it similar to greater Asia countries.
  24. Mor (DayZ)

    The Quick Question Thread

    Soo.. is there anyone who can solve\explain to me the mystery of the various -16%water\sec stages. Which seem way to severe, causing about 75% water loss in mater of 10sec. http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5518/11465589613_dd9a04d979_o.png or point me out to more uptodate info (btw does Dayz use lua ?)