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About Heatofbattle

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  1. Heatofbattle

    Dealing with the frustration

    Delusional. Bohemia will likely move the rest of the dayz team to make new Arma 3 content, will end up like every other Early Access game.
  2. Heatofbattle

    New Renderer

    Maybe I wasn't as clear as I should have been. I am frustrated more about the fact that the renderer isn't taking the main-stage, the other criticisms I have some valid, some less so, don't belong here. This post was meant to raise the question of "are the devs focused on the right things? I think that they aren't and that the renderer should take front stage.
  3. Heatofbattle

    New Renderer

    And there you are, dodging my post. And to your point, I have taken a look at this from many different angles, read through lots of info, and seen both what the community and the devs have to say. I can safely say that the way these devs decided to design the game hasn't turned out to be very effective. Early Access was a mistake, the community who PLAYS the game is already mostly gone. Either way enjoy your lack of new renderer, or any meaningful features. I like how no one has actually responded to the renderer part, must be a soft spot for people.
  4. Heatofbattle

    New Renderer

    So I believe it was promised Quarter 1 2015. Q1 2015 Basic vehicles Advanced loot distribution New renderer New Zombie AI Basic stealth system (zombies and animals) Diseases Improved cooking and horticulture Advanced anti-hack system (Dynamic BattlEye) Q2 2015 Advanced vehicles (repair and modifications) Advanced animals (life cycle, group behavior) Player statistics New UI Player stamina Dynamic events World containers New physics system Q3 2015 Traps Barricading Character life span + soft skills Animal predators + birds Aerial transport Console prototype Advanced communication Q4 2015 Animal companions Steam community integration Construction (base building) Beta version, expected price €34.99 / $43.99. Well, Good Job lol, little of this is in, and what is in isn't remotely close to on time. Please give us realistic expectations. Yeah it's an alpha and all that, but when I upgrade my computer to i7 4770k, 980ti, and much more I'd expect slightly better performance in cities by this point. guess not lol. And the renderer not being in is the killer for me. I think a lot rests on it, and if it's not a priority there is serious communication issues And don't give me the "its already in" argument, there have been small changes but nothing game-changing and fps and performance getting worse not better. I've played Dayz mod since december 2013 and standalone since october 2014, and performance has always been a HUGE issue. They've had close to 3 years to figure it out, guess i'll come back in 2017, maybe population will go from 5000 up by then. Still 3.3 million and only 5000, again, unrealistic expectations that were only helped by devs as shown above.
  5. Heatofbattle

    What are the current big military areas of the map?

    Used to be better when the jail building actually spawned grenades and stuff, now nothing there.
  6. Let us have a moment of silence for my complete plate carrier, saving me from a mosin shot to the chest on 12-25-15 and allowing me to continue handing out Christmas pipsi bottles to freshspawns. 2015-2015 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=583971111 Seriously, though, if you can get ahold of a full set, it is much better in my opinion then the High Capacity. Anyways, your opinions on the plate carrier? Guy I killed had hicap so now im stuck with that. P.S. the first guy I killed with my pm73 had akm with 2x 75 round drum mags and was fully kitted out. He did zero damage to me. The second had a mosin with 5 rounds and nothing else, and almost killed me 15 seconds later. This game :D
  7. Omfg this again.... When will you people realize they cant afford to alienate 90% of the playerbase, maybe they could with 100000+ players per week, but we have 5000 a day max now. The game sold 3 million, and after the original hype, no one cares or plays it anymore
  8. Cause it was in the mod and sucked
  9. Heatofbattle

    Plate Carrier = Best vest, life saver.

    Get back to me on that, Now I want to know! Either way I think the plate carrier is supposed to provide at least SOME extra protection, otherwise everyone uses HI-Cap.
  10. Heatofbattle

    Plate Carrier = Best vest, life saver.

    Unless it was a low caliber bullet, like a sporter. Didn't hear a big sound, just a thud so it's possible it saved him
  11. Heatofbattle

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    Good idea if the devs want to chase most of the last few thousand people playing away.
  12. Heatofbattle

    RPG Thoughts

    But it doesn't have a poll and I want a poll.
  13. Heatofbattle

    RPG Thoughts

    So I haven't been here in a while and the first thing I see when I check the devtracker is that there is a RPG WIP, so I thought I must make a poll about this :)
  14. Heatofbattle

