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Everything posted by LucidHills

  1. LucidHills

    What should I keep and what should I drop/trade?

    Is the 1911 quiet though? it sounds pretty loud to me. I hope to hunt down an Amphibia S for silent zombie clean up eventually. That's another thing. If I drop some of these guns, how long would they remain before despawning in the current .49 build and in the upcoming .50?
  2. LucidHills

    What should I keep and what should I drop/trade?

    If I found an AKM and some AK101 mags at the same time, which gun do you think would be better? As much as I really really love the SKS (it's so beautiful *tears up*), an AK will be so much better. I do plan to drop or trade if when I get my hands on an AK. I think the MP5 is a beauty too but yeah. I'm thinking of trading it if I could. Though is a magazineless MP5 worth much?
  3. LucidHills

    Killed by zombies while waiting to connect

    As someone with an ok computer but terrible bandwidth, it takes about 2-5 minutes to log in, sitting on the "please wait" screen. I too have had zombies find me in however long the time is that you stand there and start beating into me before I could move which very very almost killed me before I was able to defend myself. More than half my stuff had been ruined but I was alive. So I still think that it's unfair. You should only appear in-game in the same moment that you are given control. Not before. It is also triggered when you drop out because of terrible internet.
  4. LucidHills

    Engraved 1911

    The 1911 is cursed Every time I find one the game destroys it: Floor glitch ruined it along while in was my pantszombie found me inside a small house while I was spawning and couldn't move. It was ruined along with half my stuff. Inventory glitch erased it from existence when logging in. I really love the gun, that's why I keep picking them up but they do more harm than good for me.
  5. If anyone is looking for a LongHorn, I just dropped a Pristine one in the top floor room of the Bashnya Military Base on the 1st person "Hell In A HandBasket" server.
  6. LucidHills

    More "Dynamic" Helicopter crash's

    This is unnecessary. When vehicles are implemented there will be players flying the rare functioning helicopter around that you can follow and shoot down.
  7. LucidHills

    Giving away 2 AKMs.

    Yep. No one trusts a handout. I'm keen though. :)
  8. LucidHills

    If anyone is looking for a LongHorn...

    Did someone attack you?
  9. LucidHills

    If anyone is looking for a LongHorn...

    Yeah this looks a lot like a trap but It's not. At least not my me... posting this might mean someone will camp it but it's a very low pop server. I don't like letting popular or rare things someone might want just despawn when I drop them, so I like dropping them in high traffic areas. I dropped a fully kitted out mosin with a hunting pack half full of it's ammo and 2 reloaders at NWAF about a week back because I found an SKS (my favourite gun). :D
  10. LucidHills

    Trading Post

    Oh and I have a Hacksaw if someone wants to trade something for it (or to use it)
  11. LucidHills

    Trading Post

    If anyone is looking for a LongHorn, I just dropped a Pristine one in the top floor room of the Bashnya Military Base on the 1st person "Hell In A HandBasket" server.
  12. LucidHills

    Breaking down weapons?

    Sounds like a neat idea. A lot of things could be done when the game is near finished and the crafting system is working and a major part of the game. Kinda off topic but personally I kinda wish the inventory had 4x the current blocks but no more space. So backpacks have more blocks but items take up more blocks too. This way there would be more varying and realistic space requirements for small and large items alike. It would also make inventory management require a little more attention. :)
  13. LucidHills

    Spawning noise?

    Another tip for the current system is to close every door behind you. If all the doors in a building are closed, you're more likely to hear someone moving around inside.
  14. LucidHills

    Looking for people to play with!

    What country are you from? How much time do you like to spend playing DayZ?
  15. LucidHills

    Why am I dying suddenly?

    There are a few insta-death bugs in the current build. :(
  16. LucidHills

    Which map?

    It doesn't. I used maps at first but once I've been to an area once or twice I know my way around from memory. These days I just use my map for when I am in an area I've never been to before or to measure distance.
  17. LucidHills

    Need motivation to play 3p view servers

    I play 1p servers but there are only like 4 regularly online servers in Australia. I tend to play on either of my favourite 2 unless they are both down at the same time. The thing I miss about 3p is seeing how I look in my environment. Checking how well camouflaged and hidden I am while in cover etc.
  18. LucidHills

    Spawning noise?

    I am against a spawning in sound as and fix all solution and I am in no way a server hopper. I do agree something needs to change, it just needs to be balanced. The current system is gives a surprise advantage to the recently spawned player but a spawning sound would tip the scales giving an unbalanced advantage to the presently in-game player. I would like the idea of a spawning sound a little bit more if it only applied to those who just changed server but even then it's not the best way to fix the problem in my view. Let me tell you a semi related story first. I have a very slow internet connection and not the best computer and spawning in takes a very long time for me. I learnt that while spawning if I hit Esc I can see my surroundings long before I can move. I also learnt that the whole time I'm spawning in that my body exists in-game just standing there vulnerable and I can't do anything about it. About a week ago a server restart caught me out in the middle of a field. As I was spawning in, my character uncontrollable and vulnerable, a zombie found me and started laying into me. I was healthy before the restart. by the time I could take control I was probably only a couple of hits from death as my screen was completely greyscale. I killed the zombie and survived but half my stuff was unfairly ruined. If a sound were played while spawning in, an in-game player could easily find a spawning player while they stand there vulnerable and uncontrollable waiting to spawning in. It would be massively unbalanced. Allow me to propose an alternate idea I would much prefer restricted spawn-in areas. Meaning that you couldn't spawn into popular buildings or out in the open. If you attempted to spawn into these areas your spawn would be pushed to the nearest small house away from players or the nearest tree line away from players and zombies. So that the recently spawned player doesn't receive a tactical advantage of knowing they have been pushed away from a player the rules should be similar to as I just said. Always be pushed out of popular buildings such as hospitals and military buildings rather than only pushed when there is a player nearby.
  19. LucidHills

    Killed a backpack-ception guy

    Just had to remove the "?580x362_120" from the end of the URL of OP's image.
  20. LucidHills

    How many grenades is too many?

    I was curious and googled it. I found 2 methods that work in the current stable build. I won't discuss them here but they're out there. Also, since the .49 update. I somehow accidentally duped a magazine for my 1911 while reloading once. I don't know how it happened but I blame my super laggy internet... It's gone now though. Eaten by the backpack rearrange glitch along with my engraved 1911 it was in.
  21. Yes. Different food items will give you more energy than others. Some food will add to your hydration too, others will reduce it. For example, rice and powered milk currently have the highest energy content in the game but both will reduce your hydration when eaten because they are very dry.
  22. A summary for those who don't want to sit and watch a 40 minute video: Energised = Slow blood regeneration (1 Blood / second) Energised + Hydrated = Full blood regeneration (3 Blood / second) Energised + Hydrated + 100% blood = Healing (1 Health / second) Healthy = 100% Health Also, your body temperature effects rates of energy and hydration consumption. When too hot, you consume water at a higher rate. The rate increasing the more over heated you are. When too cold, you consume energy at a higher rate. Again, this is increased by how cold you are. This is until you become Hypothermic. When you become Hypothermic you start losing both Health and Blood. For more information on temperature in DayZ, here is a video on Hyperthermia (Hot) and one on Hypothermia (Cold).
  23. It still works for me. The lower food spawns means it's harder to find enough to eat to get light green Energised. I only got to it yesterday when I found two small towns completely unlooted and there were cans of food everywhere. I stocked up and haven't been in the dark green since. As for healing/healthy: Healing is triggered when energised is light green and hydrated at least dark green. Healthy is triggered when the conditions for healing have been met for a few minutes. ~Updated~ Made a new post with more info over on the next page.
  24. LucidHills

    Common items you've never seen.

    I have not seen a single SKS since the .49 update. In .48 they were everywhere! It's a shame because it's my favourite primary weapon.
  25. LucidHills

    I wanna eat u

    Cannibalism should only be a last resort, so you should only have to the option to do it when your character is currently starving and about to die. If it worked like that, I'd be happy for it to be in game.