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Just Caused

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Everything posted by Just Caused

  1. Just Caused

    1.14 Experimental Release

    Or they just could disable count in stashes/inventory. It might be a *uck fest but still better than searching whole mil base and finding only Colt.
  2. Just Caused

    1.14 Experimental Release

    Everyone is talking about dupers, but to be honest I've never seen anyone that is suspicious of being a duper on PC servers...
  3. Just Caused

    Dead cam and report

    Big no no to death cam. This isn't Call of Duty.
  4. Just Caused

    Radios in cars??

    I can't wait to do a drive-by with my homies on poor freshies in Elektro, all while shouting "East Coast OG" .
  5. Just Caused

    [HARDCORE] 10YearsLater Xbox Server

    If that's so, ignore my comment and I wish you all the best with your server. People usually tend to do the thing I described above and you can never be too careful with sketchy newly created accounts.
  6. Just Caused

    [HARDCORE] 10YearsLater Xbox Server

    How about not creating fake profiles just to comment on your server ad?
  7. Just Caused

    1.14 coming soon.

    That's great. If I was any good at game dev, I'd probably apply lol.
  8. Just Caused

    1.14 coming soon.

    Where did you get that they are expanding the DayZ team?
  9. Just Caused

    Are Seasons Possible?

    It's pretty much possible to implement it (look at Days Gone) but knowing DayZ dev team, don't bother hoping for it, you'll have your dreams broken. There are 8 people and they can't even fix the base game, much less work on a bit more difficult feature. Modders are your best bet.
  10. Just Caused

    Examples of "bad".

    Maybe you just aren't that good, mate?
  11. Just Caused

    Night Vision Goggles - Require Balance?

    I don't think they should be removed because they are pretty rare as it is. Maybe add a bit grain to the image and also add blinding effect when someone flashes you with light. NVGs are supposed to be the OP'est item in the game. Even without NVGs, I can guarantee you that people still won't use flashlights in the dark. I know that will not happen because I've been playing DayZ since it started and I've seen less people use flashlights than the number of people I've saw using NVGs. They'd rather jack up gamma or walk in pitch black darkness than use light.
  12. Just Caused

    Is it possible that there was a bug?..

    Probably a hacker, sadly.
  13. Just Caused

    Heavy swing is broken.

    I prefer shoot in sky, get them all together and lock them inside a big building. Other ways are too much hassle for stuff that is broken, lol.
  14. Just Caused

    DayZ Update 1.13

    Don't get me wrong, but I don't see why this game was ever made for consoles aside from milking money from a dead game. It's just too complex to be on consoles. ARMA isn't on consoles, why should DayZ?
  15. Just Caused

    One computer, two steam accounts

    Is it just me or whenever I see those posts I'm 99% sure people who ask these questions are hackers?
  16. Just Caused

    DayZ Update 1.13

    Avoid kuru since if you're planning to play long term on same character, it'll have side effects. It really isn't that hard, if you spawn in Berezino, head to Orlovets or Polana. If you spawn at Kabanino (SE corner, forgot names already since I play Esseker only now) I'd head towards Elektro and then thru checkpoint up north. Maybe even try playing with someone, but in my opinion I survive PvE best on my own and PvP with teammates.
  17. Just Caused

    DayZ Update 1.13

    Are you playing on Namalsk? To me, it's much harder up there. Once you spawn on the coast, first thing I do is find a closest well. If you're good with killing zombied, sometimes they spawn food on them, but usually risk-reward isn't that worth it, especially with infection now. Go inland, it's literally same as when you played before. 🙂
  18. Just Caused

    After the 1.13 Update My Character Deleted!

    No, because server wipes clears server, gets rid of dupers, improves performance and restarts gameplay loop.
  19. Just Caused

    Ai Military groups

    You saw how bad the AI is in Arma 3. You'd get spotted from 2 kilometers through 3 dense forests and then you'd get headshot by second shot. Or, you could go close combat with AI and they will miss all shots from a meter away. As much as I'd like something like Rust or mod had, I don't think devs are competent enough to make it work. Even zombies need polishing.
  20. Just Caused

    DayZ Wipe Announcement 1.13

    Last night I was about to write a message but gave up. Seems like you said all I wanted to say, in even better way. Very well said.
  21. Just Caused

    Quality of life changes

    Until we get cars working it's fine as it is.
  22. Just Caused

    The Awesome Vehicle Thread

    What is still beyond me is, why they don't move cars to client side? Yes, server side offers "protection" against hackers, but seeing how little of them are there, and how many times cars flip out, it's much more rational to move them to client side.
  23. Just Caused

    Wrote a nice review on the Xbox storefront

    They are doing okay but for triple A company this should be a lot better.
  24. Just Caused

    Hipfire should totally random (aimcone)

    Oh that explains it. I saw a lot of YouTubers just shooting off the hip and I was wondering do they really forget to aim the gun or is the gun shooting always in the center of the screen.
  25. Just Caused

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

    Hi, can you please tell me more if devs are working on zombie pathfinding (not sure if that's the right word)? Even on low-ping servers, zombies tend to just walk through you, sometimes not register your hits, or they run in circles? Really important bug which I believe is not getting enough attention by the community. Also it's huge quality of life improvement.