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Just Caused

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Everything posted by Just Caused

  1. Just Caused

    So is this normal? One punch death in melee.

    Zombies are very, very broken right now.
  2. Just Caused

    Stable Update 1.01

    Ooo, I love this.
  3. Just Caused

    Combat Knife Bug

    It's not bug. Can you open, let's say, a can of beans while your knife is in the drawer. No. You take the knife out and you take can in your hands.
  4. Just Caused

    Experimental Update 1.0150408

    *Acustic screeching*
  5. Just Caused


    This sounds useful for console players, but doesn't this give you unfair advantage over the other players? It's like using Bluestacks for mobile games.
  6. Just Caused

    Night-vision scope useless?

    Nobody loves night, they might enjoy it for a bit since it refreshes gameplay but having it as long as day is a bit too much. I'd say 2 hours daylight, 45ish minutes dusk and dawn combined and 1 hour night.
  7. Just Caused

    Night-vision scope useless?

    A bit of a overkill, dusk and dawn should be much shorter than day.
  8. Just Caused

    Content is #1 Priority, Not Persistence.

    By fixing persistence you'll get working bases, stashes and cars that won't despawn everytime the server files get corrupted. Why would you bother with that stuff now when you know they'll despawn? Amount of gameplay that depends on this stuff is far larget than having more guns and some new items in the game. Sure, new gun sounds cool, it might take you sometime to find it but do you know how long it takes to build a base and fix a car? Way longer and provides much more gameplay.
  9. Just Caused

    Content is #1 Priority, Not Persistence.

    You're very very wrong about this. As someone above mentioned, DayZ without persistence is basically slow paced PUBG. Just because you don't have that AK101 doesn't mean bases, stashes and cars shouldn't be working. Persistence is ESSENTIAL to this game. What's the point of the game beside it? I'll tell you and it's DM. If I don't have a naše to build Id probably just DM since there's no actual goal. If you get persistence you can build a base, find and fix a car and do some camp crafting which extends game play time way longer than just going around the coast and DMing. Few guns and other small items can wait, it's not mistake that persistence is priority fix.
  10. Just Caused

    barbed wire adjustment

    I think you need pliers or hammer to actually attach them.
  11. Just Caused

    PS4 Release?

    DayZ on PC isn't even a version that we'd call full release, I doubt you'll get PS4 version soon. Aside from that, I'll let others who might know more inform you.
  12. Just Caused

    Experimental Update 1.0.150183

    I'm just waiting for the day when the server perssistence won't be a issuse anymore... I just want to get a car (that actuall works and doesn't bounce around) and build a base deep in the woods. Is that too much to ask? :(
  13. Just Caused

    Xbox Update 14/01/2019

    Yeah. I thought you guys had character selection.
  14. Just Caused

    Xbox Update 14/01/2019

    He got cancer and had to go to chemotherapy. He's one of the characters that you can play as, white gingerish brown guy with short hair. I always choose him.
  15. Just Caused

    Please Bohemia can we get character locked servers?

    I'd love to see servers with private hive, but I think the problem will be that sever pop changes. That was a big problem for me in Rust. At th beggining I want to find a server with high pop, not full but high pop, and by the end of the week pop just goes down to low, sometimes 5ish people playing. I don't want the same to happen to my server. I might build very big base on high-medium pop and after few days that server might become low or even empty. Then, what's the point of me playing there?
  16. Just Caused

    ID Cards

  17. Just Caused

    Wapon jammed

    Check the subforum. It's XBOX. Since I'm from PC community aswell, I'd bet it's by holding reload button on joystick?
  18. Hi, I'm looking to find other people to play with. Keep in mind that I wouldn't like to join any clans/big groups since it can be very frustating to play with large amounts of players, especially in firefights. I'm looking for one or four at most people to play with. I'm playing with a friend but he's not very active during work days. Unlike him, I'll probably be able to play all weekend depending on my school duties. I am very active and I have more than one thousand hours in DayZ. I preffer marksmanship over close quarter combats. I'm eighteen and I live in Serbia, GTM+1. Also I can speak English and a little bit of German. Here's my Steam account: https://steamcommunity.com/id/justcaused
  19. Just Caused

    Stashes and tents vanishing

    There is an explanation but it seems you didn't bother to read update reports or even dig a bit in general discussions. Known Issues Server crashes can cause a persistence wipe. Especially for server owners, try to work with regular persistence backups, and if you encounter server crashes, report them with your crash dumps to our Feedback Tracker. If you have any proven reproduction steps for persistence wipes, let us know. The team is working on a long-term solution, which unfortunately will take some time.
  20. Just Caused

    So i got shot and respawned into

    Exit the server, customize your character and click apply. Enter the server with your character as girl, commit suicide. You'll spawn as your character but only for one life.
  21. Just Caused


    Hi, we're glad new people are coming to DayZ. Here are some of my answers: You can use popularity of server to see how many players are there at the moment (Empty/Low/Medium/High/Full). Each server has 60 servers by deafult. Loot is spawning random by using system known as Central Loot Economy (CLE) which registers if somebody takes the item located, it let's say tent, another item that is connected to the loot that tent has will spawn in and take it's space after some time. (5-10ish minutes). Keep in mind that each location has it's own items. You will never be able to find, for example, AKM in civilian house. Military buildings have military loot. On PC you can pull an item down into the hotbar, and by pressing the number attached to the item, you'll take out the item automatically. You can even use them for mags/reloads. Avoid basebuilding at the moment since persistence had some issues after 0.62 ( one version ago) and your stuff may or may not be wiped. It's very random so don't stress yourself with basebuilding. You can press star in the left corner of the server to mark them as favourite but I'm unsure if it works.
  22. Just Caused

    How I Became The Best Player In DayZ

    I was the worst DayZ player for all these years. Well, today, I was blessed enough to see this miracle, to see your advice. From that moment on after reading this post, I becamse a DayZ God. Not only obvious benefits in DayZ followed but I made some real life improvements too. My wife and I are back together now and I don't need to pay anymore alimentation for my kids, my cholesterol has gone down and I can finally have a normal stool. Thank you, kind sir.
  23. Just Caused

    Concept suggestion: Heat-seeking missiles

    https://store.steampowered.com/app/311210/Call_of_Duty_Black_Ops_III/ There you go buddy, I think you have got lost on the way.
  24. Just Caused

    Stable Update 1.0.150000

    Heads up to anyone trying to fix the car: Don't even bother. I found two abandoned cars, tried to start them just for fun and it flew me up in the air. First I managed to exit the car but still got some damage, no biggie. Second time, just 10 minutes later I found another car, and it literally killed my fully geared character just because I exited on top of the car and server registered it as car running me over.
  25. Just Caused

    Stable Update 1.0.150000

    But do the servers do auto-saves now? I don't mind if it throws me back 10-15 minutes. It only takes 5-ish minutes to set up the camp, which understanding the odds, will be auto-saved. I don't mess around my tents for a while. I come in, deposit the stuff and then headback towards military bases, so the only important thing to me is that I'll know that my base from, for example yesterday, won't be deleted in 2 days.