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Just Caused

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Everything posted by Just Caused

  1. Just Caused

    Camp lifetime question

    Does anybody really know the official information of military tents and barells lifetime?
  2. Just Caused

    Summer Weather

    When can we expect summer time weather in DayZ to end? It's really annoying to get hyperthermia even if you only have T-shirt and cargo pants. Also, I want to wear full TTKSO uniform once again. :)
  3. Just Caused

    Rifle Straps

    Clipping will be issuse.
  4. Just Caused

    Summer Weather

    I'm only playing on official servers, therefore I am forced to play on server's date ( which is usually the nowadays date ). I know one good server with cold weather, but I don't like to play on it since it's low-pop and it's not official.
  5. Just Caused


    What happened to bayonets? No one noticed them missing, I remember back in the old days that I was able to attach few versions of bayonets on few weapon models, such as Mosin, SKS and M4. Where did they go, maybe alongside with Dean Hall they left our game?
  6. Just Caused

    New Item propose

    If you are old enough to remember any kind of war ( Fortunatly, I am not ), you'll know that in hard times, people used tokens to buy food or life supplies. DayZ definetly doesn't need money, if they are going to add it, it'll be tokens, but I highly doubt it because most of players are against that. Item for item, that's the best, atleast in my opinion.
  7. Just Caused

    First time seeing this?

    Yeah, I saw that. That M65 is hurting my eyes, I am running in T-shirt and I am overheating somehow...
  8. Just Caused

    Base Camp Building

    Why don't you think this will get implemented? There WILL be basebuildign in game, only question is when.
  9. Just Caused

    Trading Post

    I rate it 5/7. Let's stick to trading.
  10. Just Caused

    New to day z and loving it

    I remember my first time playing DayZ, oh God, that was awesome! :) It's much better to play with group, they can show you things and in PvP it's much more easier to stay alive. If you want, add me on Steam, and I'll be happy to show you new stuff.
  11. Just Caused

    Bases +Storage

    Looks cool, but if they are going to implement treehouses, they shall make it similar to Forest.
  12. Just Caused

    Status Report - 19 July 2016

    Good job guys! Can't wait to hear new audio system. Two questions: Now, when you've hotfixed tents, how long can mil. tent stay on a server without getting refreshed, and do I have to re-pitch it or just simply move item inside tent like before? Also, are cars saved now in same place after server restart? I don't mind if they rotate a bit, I am just curious do they stay in same place?
  13. Just Caused

    Trading Post

    Selling Plate Carrier POUCHES only to highest bidder. Quote me if you're interested.
  14. Just Caused

    New bleeding mechanic

    Are you summoning satan in first picture? I agree to everything you stated here, but it's kinda hard to implement.
  15. Just Caused

    Can I build a base ?

    No, they don't.
  16. Just Caused


    They weren't in DayZ for atleast 10 versions.
  17. FX8320E 3.2GHz with HUGE OC power and R9 270X do the job perfectly fine for me. Cheap, but hella' effective.
  18. Just Caused

    Shotgun Reliability

  19. Just Caused


    I had huge FPS boost when transfering DayZ to my super fast SSD.
  20. Just Caused

    Where do you find .308?

    In this last stable patch it has been extremly hard to find Winchester .308 ammo. Where do you find this ammo? I usually search all those small civilian houses and houses associated to hunting, but this ammo has became extremly rare and if I find any, it's most likely 6-8 damaged bullets in somekind of clothing or 20 stack ruined bullets on dead corpse. :) ( I literally just got back from game, killed guy in Miskhino, he had 20 ruined .308 ammo ) As lone marksman, I am really depended on those bullets and it means either life or death to my character. Too bad I can't find SVD, since 7.62x54mmR is extremly common now. This ammo is so hard to find that it literally has same commonality like 5.56mm in 0.59 patch. And if anyone is interested in trading them, I'm happy to hear your offer.
  21. Just Caused

    Progression system

    Don't even dare to think about these ones. Devs said that they will never mess their hands in combat with soft skills.
  22. I got R9 270X for very cheap price. I am vey satsifished with performance, but I hate AMD's drivers.
  23. Just Caused

    Help me plz

    Seems like Gaben sent you on VACation. Enjoy your free time.