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Everything posted by youtubejmachine

  1. youtubejmachine

    Shoot On Sight

  2. youtubejmachine

    DayZ Guns & Gear

  3. youtubejmachine

    £1000 Gaming PC Build

    Sorry If This Is The Wrong Area To Post Just Wanted To Know What You Guys Think Of The Build And What Builds Your Currently Running http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDh1VnMSdo4
  4. youtubejmachine

    DayZ The Journey Continues

  5. youtubejmachine

    DayZ The Journey Continues

  6. youtubejmachine

    DayZ The Journey Continues

    thanks man for the tips how you know where i was i really struggle to navigate unless i have a sign on a town or city
  7. youtubejmachine

    let's Play DayZ Episode 1

  8. Tutorial On How To Increase FPS On DayZ Can Be Used For Both DayZ Standalone And Arma 2 Mod your feedback is much appreciated http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7DQniwjMPg
  9. youtubejmachine

    How To Increase Your FPS On DayZ (Now Getting Over 100FPS)

    yeah i would turn clouds off but because i record i keep them on to keep the feel of the game the same for the viewers
  10. i decided to upload this episode as a showcase for how much it takes the piss to kill a zombie in a zombie survival game. your thoughts on the matter of what happens in the video is appreciated i personally think that many hits and a zombie still lives is personally taking the piss. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXWVqRTjO_8
  11. youtubejmachine

    Let's Play DayZ: Are You Taking The Piss! - Ep. 6

    definetely i still think its far too much though especially when the game is evolving more into pvp than pve
  12. youtubejmachine

    How To Increase Your FPS On DayZ (Now Getting Over 100FPS)

    what behaviour?
  13. youtubejmachine

    Let's Play DayZ: Are You Taking The Piss! - Ep. 6

    why this video was to showcase how bad it is to kill zombies in a zombie survival game
  14. youtubejmachine

    Let's Play DayZ: Are You Taking The Piss! - Ep. 6

    Feedback wanted
  15. youtubejmachine

    How To Increase Your FPS On DayZ (Now Getting Over 100FPS)

    yeah v sync caps it
  16. youtubejmachine

    How To Increase Your FPS On DayZ (Now Getting Over 100FPS)

    unfortunately dude your graphics card is below the minimum requirements to do all of the things in the video your best of just doing everything else
  17. youtubejmachine

    Let's Play DayZ: Are You Taking The Piss! - Ep. 6

    thanks man ill definetely vote it up its terribly i noticed today zombies are just tracking us from miles away its rediculous
  18. youtubejmachine

    How To Increase Your FPS On DayZ (Now Getting Over 100FPS)

    simply out running a game in compatability mode makes it more friendly with lower spec machines and older hardware meaning pcs with higher specs will run it even better and giving lower spec pcs a chance to run it
  19. youtubejmachine

    How To Increase Your FPS On DayZ (Now Getting Over 100FPS)

    mine looks fine in fact i use them settings for my dayz series and theres barely any difference
  20. youtubejmachine

    How To Increase Your FPS On DayZ (Now Getting Over 100FPS)

    no in game aswell unfortunately i share the PC with my brother and i didnt have enough time to get in game screenshots/footage
  21. youtubejmachine

    How To Increase Your FPS On DayZ (Now Getting Over 100FPS)

    thats what came on default i left it there so you guys didnt get any audio or video quality problems with the recording i changed my settings when i wasnt recording
  22. youtubejmachine

    How To Increase Your FPS On DayZ (Now Getting Over 100FPS)

    okay thanks for the info
  23. youtubejmachine

    DayZ - Ep. 5 - Wheres All The Loot?

    Episode 5 of my dayz series is now live please check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rfAg-zfFEM
  24. youtubejmachine

    DayZ - Ep. 5 - Wheres All The Loot?

    i never knew burnt out vehicles had loot in ive never found anything only just noticed that in your post