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Everything posted by lrp1984

  1. I'm not sure I agree with that if the server allows up to 50 players. Most of these fill up pretty fast.
  2. I agree, please block all VOIP, and make the microphone constantly on! Everyone in my group has a microphone with a mute button and another device with TS on it, so we'd still be able to chat over Teamspeak like we do now, but we'd have a huge advantage over everyone else. It's be great. Please do this asap. Thanks.
  3. Most likely without the guard huts full of gear, and the lack of zombies, there are people all around you, just not making any noise as they don't have anything.
  4. lrp1984

    Can't tear clothes for rags

    The need for a knife to tear a t-shirt or shirt doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Although it's amazing how that black and red t-shirt turns white after it's torn up..
  5. Not stupid at all. Right now if you log off whilst retrained you die. If this was to be removed, and you are able to log back in restrained then it would have to be that you were no longer able to wriggle free, as people would exploit it. Although in most situations, as soon as you appear to be logging off you'll get shot. I think I've had a character restrained once (not including jokes from clan mates), and that was as a freshspawn. I'd recently re-installed the game after upgrading my PC and had forgotten to set a default character, so had logged in as a female character. I was met by a guy that said he was friendly, and asked me to follow. I kept to text chat, told them I was a 17 year old girl, and pretended I was new, but I had a good idea of what was coming. Was led to house and given some food, I could see his friend behind me, handcuffs in hand, but thought might as well let it pan out how they want for a laugh. After they had applied the handcuffs came the lame excuse for abuse, and pseudo sexual assault. After a couple minutes of them pretending to rape my character, telling me I was getting it now, etc etc I put some Lady Gaga on in the background and announced over voice chat, "Hey guys! OMG that was suuuuper! My names Lance by the way, if you guys are ever in San Fran you have to look me up!" Oddly enough I was immediately killed.
  6. I agree with the others, if you've been stripped and cuffed, death is pretty much the best you can hope for at that point. Easier to logout and kill yourself, log back in for a better spawn and then try and track down your captors. A better solution would be for you to not die, but rather add a five minute spawn timer, and that if you log out whilst restrained it set any restraints to being permanent (unless someone else lets you out), so for anyone without friends, logging out is a game killer until someone kills you or lets you go, and it's therefore better to play out the hostage situation... or you know, make sure nobody ever manages to restrain you in the first place?
  7. Any form of global communication should require the realism of holding a radio and having it tuned to the right frequency. The radio should also be audible to people around you, so if you're hiding in a house and your radio sparks up, people nearby have a chance to hear it. I like the idea of the radio towers being able to transmit longer distances. There are towers around the map. I would say perhaps you could have radio relays, and the only way to transmit to the whole map would be to have control of green mountain and have a relay installed in one of the smaller towers in the north, south and east and west of the map as well. I strongly disagree with any form of global text or voice communication system that doesn't require the in-game item to use it. A global communication system would be a very simple thing to add to the game, the fact it doesn't exist at this stage fills me with hope that it never will.
  8. lrp1984

    3 Days Looking for Pistol Suppressor Spawn

    I've found them in the side rooms of those long white barns a few times. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/564393990303757001/7F0B86E0326A336F5310075C8915C80D04C8B89C/
  9. I would much rather be able to drag an unconscious body than a handcuffed one. All too often a comrade gets hit by a sniper and it's simply too dangerous to stand still over them applying a bandage, it'd be nice to be able to quickly grab and drag them to cover.
  10. lrp1984

    Never ever friendly again

    90% of the time it's just easier to kill everyone you see. Anyone that spawns on the coast, and stays there, is looking for trouble. People that want to stay alive, live off the land, and have a PVE playstyle run in-land. Elektro, Berezino, Cherno and anywhere on the coast is KOSland. The small towns in the middle or north of the map, away from the coast, and away from key airfields or military bases, see very little footfall. There are some pretty big towns on the map that you can get everything you need with little to no chance of seeing another player even on a 50/50 server. Also consider that the people you might meet in these towns are playing in a similar fashion to you, not looking to kill, and therefore much more likely to be able to talk to.
  11. lrp1984

    I KOS'd and i felt horrible for it.

    Glad you enjoyed
  12. lrp1984

    Fortifying villages?

    If you were to fortify a town I think you'd want to pick a town on the western side of the map. Unless the server is locked to just you, then anywhere on the coast you'd be killed before you even got 20% built.
  13. We're still always looking for new people to come and enjoy our server.
  14. lrp1984

    Set "lock Spawn" to players for 24h

    Or just let people decide where they spawn from a set list? No more suicides, and people can get back into playing the game however they want when they die. Be it someone wanting to rejoin their group, or someone wanting to spawn away from everyone else and play lonewolf.
  15. lrp1984

    Un Nerf the Bow

    OnionofShame is indeed correct, an improvised bow with an improvised arrow would no minimal damage unless you hit someone in the eye or throat. Right now the improvised bow is a stick with rope tied to each end. You don't need any crafting tools to make it, it's not shaped into a recurve, and it's rope, not bow string, so the power would be pretty limited. In all honesty, they should allow people to throw sharpened sticks like spears at people. It'd be about as lethal.
  16. I don't believe there should be any direct consequences for killing another player. Certainly no coded penalty on the killer as that would ruin the game. Of course there are indirect ways to make people think twice before pulling the trigger. From what I can gather, the main motivation not to fire in the finished game will be the response it generates from the infected. Once they have resolved the performance issues with the infected, I think the aim is to make a single un-silenced shot trigger a hundred zombies to come looking for the source of the noise. The infected, and limited resources are going to be the only real way to limit KOS. Right now, the infected are not an issue at all, and ammunition is plentiful, so PVP is going to happen a lot. Once they make the PVE side of the game a lot tougher, with stealth being essential in cities for survival, you will see less PVP, or less shooting, and it's somewhat easier to survive a melee attack. You will also see a lot of PVP focused players quit the game and wait for a mod that makes it back like it is now, but with more stuff.
  17. lrp1984

    Radios : A Cure for Player Interaction

    It's about time 13 year old kids on DayZ had a bigger audience to play their expletive filled rap music to. Because that's what DayZ really needs. I know I can't wait to listen to children swearing over microphone, thinking they're gods gift to humanity. Put radio in hand, look towards sea, hold down G for thirty seconds, release.
  18. lrp1984

    Can we agree this is feesable?

    I appreciate in terms of reality you'd be able to climb over, or make a ladder and scale the wall, but I don't see them allowing that in the game. You have balance playability and realism. Nobody will make a base if it takes someone 20 seconds to get into it the second they're offline. In reality there is no offline, and people would man the base at all times. Bases have to be made hard to get into, or there is no point adding them at all and they should just keep to tents and campsites where your only defense is staying hidden.
  19. lrp1984

    Can we agree this is feesable?

    If you climb the wall you will have a drop on the other side, and since a drop of 2 feet or more is a broken leg or death in DayZ, climbing wouldn't be a good idea!
  20. lrp1984

    Can we agree this is feesable?

    If bases are easy to get into, then they'd need to be easy to build, otherwise the majority of people would never bother with the mechanic. I think there needs to be a balance struck between realism of building it, and realism of breaking into it. There is no point expecting someone to spend dozens of hours getting the materials and building a base only for someone to spend 30 seconds blowing it up. Explosives should be very rare in DayZ, it's an apocalypse simulation, not a military one. As much as I enjoy the PVP element of the game right now, I would be in favour of a reduction of automatic and military grade weapon spawns. They should be rare, very rare, and the ammo even harder to come by. I hope private hive server admins will have the ability to tweak the spawn rates in the near future. It would be good to see a potential for big bases that are run by large communities of players, not just hidden ones. Bases with an inner keep stronghold, and then farmlands and an outer wall (think medieval citadels). Within the middle area would be farming plots, animal pens, workshops and everything that would make the base (village?) completely self sufficient.
  21. lrp1984

    I KOS'd and i felt horrible for it.

    DayZ "Friendly" Encounters. Me - "Hi, friendly huh? Where are you from?" Friendly Guy - "Russia" Aim at guys head, shoot. Me - "No such thing as a friendly Russian." ------------------------------------------------------------ Me - "Hi, friendly huh? Where are you from?" Friendly Guy - "Mich pooten vagan tashen" Aim at guys head, shoot. Me - "No such thing as a friendly guy that doesn't speak English" ------------------------------------------------------------ Me - "Hi, friendly huh? Where are you from?" Friendly Guy - "France" Aim at guys head, shoot. Me - "I just don't like you" ------------------------------------------------------------ Me - "Hi, friendly huh? Where are you from?" Friendly Guy - "Me wom China" Aim at guys head, shoot. Me - "Wow, weird, you seem to have vests inside vests inside cooking pots..." ------------------------------------------------------------ Me - "Hi, friendly huh? Where are you from?" Friendly Girl - "I'm a girl." Me - "Oh hi there, do you need food? A gun maybe? All the clothes off my back? What's your Steam ID? Wanna Skype? Got any pics?"
  22. lrp1984

    Can we agree this is feesable?

    Not at all if you plan on staying alive for as long as possible? I'd be in favour of padlocks or doorlocks with keys, you need to carry that key around to unlock the door. You can make copies of the keys to hand out to friends, clan members etc. This would mean if you die, someone can loot the key to your base, and easily get in if they can find your base. You should also be able to add extra fortifications like bolts, barriers and re-inforcements from the inside only, these would make it harder to break into, but can only be added when you're inside and would render the door unusable to leave until you move them away. So if you're in your base, you're a lot more secure (I'm talking about larger bases, not sheds), and your base is significantly more secure when you're offline if you return to your base to log off.
  23. lrp1984

    Can we agree this is feesable?

    I think it would be essential that after death you lose all access to any shelter that you've created and have to smash down the door to get in like anyone else. I don't agree with the H1Z1 style access codes that allow people to return and access their shelters after death. Death is supposed to be quite final in dayz, you lose everything, and that should include access to your shelters.
  24. lrp1984

    How many hero's out there anymore

    I've no interest in that, I find it tedious. I have no doubts about my skills, I simply doubt the validity of many of your claims.
  25. lrp1984

    How many hero's out there anymore

    I kill on sight, so not really tactics I need.