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Everything posted by lrp1984

  1. lrp1984

    How to report a server and admin?

    Make sure it's actually breaking the rules first. A lot of people still don't realise private and public servers have different sets of rules. If you got kicked or banned from a private server for instance, no rules have been broken.
  2. On my private server I find weapons and ammo at NWAF and Myshkino tents. They seem to respawn reasonably quickly. Also helicopter crashes are a great way to find higher tier guns. M4's and AUG's do spawn in the half circle solid barracks at the tents.
  3. They're a lot better experience than public, and gearing up is much more of an accomplishment without server hopping. I'm only on the server in my signature. My in-game name changes after every death. Right now I'm making my way through Russian authors. Gogol just died :(
  4. lrp1984

    Adult Content

    That would be my ideal clan uniform.. As long as the leather vest was waterproof. I'd hate to die of hypothermia after the first rain cloud.
  5. I play on a private server rather than public. No secret stashes on a low pop server they can jump onto. If they have a stash, I can find it.
  6. I love the PVP on DayZ. I often kill on sight, and play with a group of players were our main aim to get as many kills as we can in a particular evening (we fight around NWAF and Myshkino so rarely fresh spawns before you cry foul). However with that in mind, I would hate the ability to spawn in weapons or food whenever you want. That would completely ruin every aspect of the game. I enjoy the gear-up after a death. I avoid combat until I have my essentials covered (fully energised, hydrated and healthy, waterproof coat, food, gun and ammo). The gear up can take from 15 minutes if I'm lucky, to several hours if I'm not. When I kill a geared player, I know they've likely had to go through this whole process. For all the people that say if you just want to shoot someone, go and play on Arma or CoD, then you have absolutely no understanding of why PvP in Dayz is so good. It's not about just killing another player, it's about stealing that time from them, they've struggled to get what they had, what you've now taken. A player in a first person shooter is a just a mindless background character, they have no story, they've not done anything, they spawn with a weapon and kill, and when they die they come right back. I find that utterly boring. A fully kitted out player in DayZ is a main character, they have a history, they could have survived weeks (months if no patch wipes), they've invested time into what they're wearing, they've gone through the highs of finding decent loot. I love it when you find a player with a protector case, or ammo box, or medkit and you can see what they've deliberately decided to keep safe. You know they've probably hidden somewhere and sorted through that at some point. It's a true joy.
  7. lrp1984

    T-72 In the works?

    I don't know anything about tanks, so when I saw the subject about a T-72 I assumed it was an earlier model of Terminator made by Skynet. I thought maybe they were going to exchange zombies for terminators.. Rebrand the game to DayT.
  8. lrp1984

    Own server(s) not appearing in server listings

    People are joining your server from the Internet tab so it is white-listed with BI. Max ping defaults to 100, try changing it to 500, and the server should appear. I've noticed a few servers, including my own, have a ping spike over 100 every so often which will make it not appear to those with the default filters. In terms of why it's still got low numbers, it's most likely got low numbers because it has low numbers. The vast majority of people playing DayZ filter the servers by number of players, and server type, and then join a server with more than 40 out of 50 players in it. They'll then add these busy servers to favourites, or check their own history for them to go back to. Once you hit 50/50 for a couple nights running, you'll be in enough peoples favourite/history list to stay popular. We all like to think people play on our servers because we're great admins, or we run a good server, but to be honest this isn't the case. Even with a name like UK Alliance I'd still imagine your volume of British players is no more than 20% when you're full. The vast majority of your players in the past will have had no engagement with your community and most likely won't have remembered your server name once it dropped off their favourites at IP change, or paid any attention to any messages about an IP change that you put in server messages. Your 3pp server has 50 slots, so will more than likely will once again reach the top 10 servers on Gametracker at some point, it just takes one busy weekend. The gametracker rankings are calculated over a running 7 day period based on how many people have consistently been logged on. The top servers on Gametracker are not a measure of quality, they are really just a measure of which servers have Asians keeping them populated at night and therefore have a higher average player count :P
  9. lrp1984

    Own server(s) not appearing in server listings

    From what screen are you trying to put it into favourites? If you're on the remote tab it won't display the server information correctly and doesn't allow it to be added to favourites. Find the server through the internet tab, or get a friend to join and then add to favourites from the friend tab.
  10. lrp1984

    Need help with server start time

    Hey, can you post the exact format you put the date and time in? On my server I would put a 6am start time as; 2015/8/8/06/00
  11. Work PC has IE installed on it, and I can't change it. Laptop I use Firefox as Chrome was a little laggy on it a while back. My gaming PC I use Chrome.
  12. Works fine in IE, Chrome and Firefox for me.
  13. lrp1984

    Is it time for single player mode yet?

    Single Player DayZ? Nope doesn't exist yet, but you could paint a nearby wall and watch it dry. That'd be about as entertaining as DayZ in it's current form would be without any other players.
  14. lrp1984

    Character Reset

    I lost connection whilst driving a truck and logged back into see this. Apparently I fell out of the truck and died when I disconnected.
  15. lrp1984

    Stupid question about persistence

    Hi, I'm an owner on the server listed in my signature below. Our private server has been running since January. Persistence is something that hasn't really worked on private hives since the first iteration of the central loot economy. With the roll out of 0.58 to stable it didn't initially work, and we had no notification it wasn't working until we tested it ourselves (we're too used to losing camps to ever not carry out tests), we contacted our GSP and it was an issue with them, not Bohemia. It took them until Thursday morning to resolve the issue. I assume they work with BI to resolve these problems so I expect any solutions to have been shared with all the server providers. After significant testing, persistence appears to be working as intended on our private hive. The main issue is the level of desync that camps cause. The developers were not over-stating when they said to not make large camps. If you place more than two tents/barrels near each other, the game almost becomes unplayable. I'd recommend keeping camps very small, or spread out over a large area whilst this is being worked on. Restart Cycle/Acceleration - Previously our provider fixed restarts at 4 hours, however with 0.58 we are now able to change it and have as such set it to 12 hours. We can choose to set the ingame time to anything we want, and can accelerate time up to 24x (1 day cycle per hour). Right now we however have our server run 8.30am to 8.30pm, so we're mostly a day server with a little bit of dusk. I'd quite like to have the acceleration at x2 so we have a full day and night cycle over 12 hours, however a lot of people still don't like or want night-time. We can also make the server time persistent, so if it restarts at 6pm in-game time, it'll restart at that time, rather than the default start time. I guess this is good to for maintaining a full cycle with no sudden changes from night to day upon a restart. Persistent is set to on, and can't be turned off. However we are able to wipe persistence at any time manually. During 0.55 this was essential to make sure new loot spawned. Hicks has mentioned private server hosts can continue to do this, but right now I don't see any merit in it. We want people to make our server their home, and there isn't much point if the world gets wiped regularly. All kinds of people run servers, from groups to individuals and you've no real way of knowing how serious they are about it. I would recommend making home on a private server that has lasted at least a couple months as it's more likely they'll keep it up. Private servers are expensive and if you find one you like, maybe offer to donate towards the server costs to keep it running (ideally donations should go directly to the GSP for that server. Multiplay have a clanpay function that lets you donate towards the cost of the server, and your donation is taken from the server cost rather than going to an admin's beer money fund).
  16. lrp1984

    0.58 Thoughts

    I've encountered more bugs than usual. The most worrying being the level of desync. I've had a friend drive across to me in a truck, park beside me, get out, walk around for five minutes, punch me a few times all without me being able to see him or the truck. I felt the punches though and incurred damage. Also, and I guess its the same bug, I have come across a friend that was stood still in the middle of a field, his character remained there for 15 minutes whilst on his end he was running around some distance away setting up a camp. I was able to punch him which caused him damage. This has happened several times in a couple days to my small group, so I think there will be a lot of reports of "hackers" which are actually glitches in the game. A worrying part of this is if you play lone-wolf, you have no real idea if this is happening to you. You might think you're perfectly hidden in a tree line scoping out the town, but the rest of the players see you stood still by a well, ripe to be punched or killed.
  17. I think gore in general needs a lot of work in the game, and hopefully its on the cards before release. I would like to see a system that has has a more realistic display of gore. Decapitations, limb loss, huge pools of blood, and blood trails after getting hit. If I shoot someone and they manage to keep running, there should be a very visible trail of blood until at least they bandage. A decal system that also changes the character model based on damage taken would be good. Been punched in the face a few times, you have a black eye, broken nose, bruising, blood around your face. If you take a beating in game, your character should look like he's taken a beating.
  18. lrp1984

    Musical Instruments

    I guess in some ways they would bring some joy to the game. For instance if I was making my way through the forests of DayZ and started to hear the musical tones of Kumbaya drifting through the trees I would know to follow the sweet sound of the music and take great delight in destroying every sucker sat around the fire.
  19. lrp1984


    Why are beards not in yet? This should have been a priority for Q1! The lack of beards is a game killer.
  20. I don't understand why you need two large rifles? As you seem to be aware, you can already carry a long range rifle and a secondary weapon, either any pistol or an MP5/RAK/AK74U or new UMP without having to keep one in your hands. The submachine guns are as lethal as an AK or M4. Equally the various scopes on the assault rifles allow for some reasonably ranged shots. If you don't like double carrying, then don't, there is no reason to have two large guns, it's just greed, you'll still get killed just as easily by a guy with an SKS.
  21. lrp1984

    Musical Instruments

    Please no...
  22. lrp1984

    Passengers shooting while driving

    I would imagine this is something that they will add if it's possible to do, but I think the issues with desync for passengers render this impossible for now.