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[TAW] GunRunner

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Everything posted by [TAW] GunRunner

  1. [TAW] GunRunner

    [TAW] Clan encounters DimitrisPhotography

    http://youtu.be/wAWs4y199Tw Ran into this guy during a squad operation the other night. Thought I would share this as this is just a small example of what makes TAW.net different. Nice to see it from the other perspective for a change. :thumbsup:
  2. [TAW] GunRunner

    Trouble in Electro with Sosgreen

    Great video! Shame it was ruined due to a mysterious "crash". <_<
  3. [TAW] GunRunner

    Dayz Standalone Three Valleys Bandits

    That was an epic distraction and a nice shot by Ozzy in the first part of the video. Turan said "guns", stopped like the guy asked, then BOOOOM! Dropped like a sack of bricks! Amazing teamwork throughout. Nice job guys!
  4. [TAW] GunRunner

    [Screenshot/Video] 5 Truck Coastal Convoy

    We jumped on our home server as soon as it restarted and gathered all the trucks. We moved to the coast and had an armed escort of 20 guys run along side. Sadly, our operation got cut short by an invisible hacker who was pulling the gear off of our scout teams and then killing them but it was still a blast. Very well organized group operation by our TAW.net brethren, and we will be doing it again soon. EDIT: One of our guys uploaded some of the gameplay. This is the beginning of the op. Sadly, we didn't make it much further than what the end of the video showed as our sniper team in the town up ahead came in contact with the hacker. :(
  5. [TAW] GunRunner

    [Screenshot/Video] 5 Truck Coastal Convoy

    Exactly what he said for the driving part. Using the shift key does use 25% more fuel while holding it though, so I only use it to make sure I hit top speed before and during a hill climb. And for HOW we got the trucks, pretty much exactly what you said. We had two guys checking the eastern spawns and about 6 more checking the western ones. Once we found one, we used it to find the next and so on. The eastern spawn points took the longest as those are spread far and thin, but we managed to get all 5 trucks about 30 minutes after restart.
  6. [TAW] GunRunner

    I got a new Grapichs card and video card

    Hey man, lookin' good so far. But there is just a couple things wrong with your screenshots preventing them from being perfect. -Your aspect ratio is a bit off. Unless you have a square monitor you should not be using 4:3. You should instead use 16:9 or 16:10 depending on the size. -Also, make sure your resolution is set to your current system resolution. Mine is currently 1920x1080 on my system, so I set it for 1920x1080 in game. There are two different resolution settings and they should both be set to your system resolution. Try tweaking those two settings in game and lets see the results :)
  7. [TAW] GunRunner

    [Screenshot/Video] 5 Truck Coastal Convoy

    Updated the post with a video of the start of the op. If this kind of gameplay interests anybody you should definitely check us out. We do all different kinds of operations too, not just tactical ones like this.
  8. [TAW] GunRunner

    [Screenshot/Video] 5 Truck Coastal Convoy

    I've seen a few others on reddit, but none on here.
  9. [TAW] GunRunner

    Status Report - Week of 05 Jan 15

    See, I see alot of people complaining about the effect that group identification will have on immersion. I think the BIGGEST effect is the graphical limitations of the game. IRL: I could identify a friend from 200m away having just seen them. I could pick out there size, shape, clothing color, the way they move etc. In game, some things don't render properly and graphics settings alter between players. The character models are limited and all animations are the same. There is a limited number of types of "desired" gear (eg: camoflage, helmets, military boots) so most people wear the same stuff. Those right there are the biggest immersion breakers IMO. If they can compensate for THAT by making differentiating between friendly/enemy players easier, then I personally don't care if friendlies have a glowing green orb above there head. I'm sure there are those of you out there that disagree, which is fine. But also.... if they do decide to implement something UI based don't you think they would give the option to turn it on/off?
  10. [TAW] GunRunner

    Status Report - Week of 05 Jan 15

    :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: YES! YES YES YES! YES YES YES YES YES! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: That and vehicle persistence are the two biggest things (imo) that I got out of this. Can't wait!! A couple side questions though. Are the Wednesday persistence wipes going to stop soon? Or at least become bi-weekly, monthly, etc? Right now its extremely annoying to have to pick up tents every week and get rid of a ton of good gear. A lot of our people in TAW don't even bother with tents because of this :( And when 0.53 is pushed to stable will there be a hive reset? I know it was said there will be one soon, but we are all wondering how soon it will be. Mostly asking because we are planning a few special events for our clan that require a ton of items and I don't want to waste time collecting them all just to have them wiped before we get to do the events.
  11. [TAW] GunRunner

    [Screenshot] We Almost Beat the Game!

    We found 4 of the 5 V3S spawns within 30 minutes of a reset. We decided to meet up with the rest of our friends who were online on our TAW.net server. During that same time frame we also found all 3 helicopter spawns. Have any other groups out there found all 5 V3S spawns before a reset? PS- Happy New Year from TAW.net!!!!!!
  12. [TAW] GunRunner

    [Screenshot] We Almost Beat the Game!

    I'll chock that up to bad luck my friend. The main road on the west side of the map (running from Vybor to Zelenogorsk) is the best place to look for trucks. There are 23 Points along the road and in the towns it runs through. If you extend out a little bit and check the outskirt spawn points (about 500-750m to either side of the road) you can add an additional 10 locations to that. Statistically (33 points checked out of 72[iThink], 5 trucks), doing so would give you about a 45% chance of finding at LEAST one. But logically its more around 75% as nearly half of the potential points are in that area and there are 5 trucks per restart. Unless you are severely unlucky and every single truck spawns away from that area, you should be in good shape. And I also have noticed gas canisters spawning less and less. It seems a good place to find one of those is in the Military Research Base near Pavlovo. Its risky, as its a high traffic area, but there are 15 small storage sheds/garages in that 300m X 400m area that could potentially spawn them. It is also 5.5km away (in a straight line, factor about another 1-2km in for road travel) from Vybor. As I have heard, a truck that spawns with 20L of fuel can travel up to 8km before running dry which should be plenty to get you there. There is also a single gas pump in the base to refuel near that gate that is directly in front of the hospital. Hope this helps :)
  13. [TAW] GunRunner

    Problem with loot spawns

    You are partially wrong. When you pick the items up and then drop them they do not go back on the "list" as a spawned item. You can keep picking things up and dropping them as items continue to respawn. True, they may be junk items that come into game but that is because there is more "junk" than useful things on the list of items that spawn in X location. Also, the grid in which these items respawn varies in size. Some that you may think would be extremely small, may extend an extra 500-750 meters. Kamyshovo for instance: The town itself is obvious. However, Otmel Island (the little one you can walk to) as well as the Deer Stand up the hill to the northwest of town and the feedshack along the dirt road to the north are confirmed in the same grid. Castle Rog, the radio tower near Rog, as well as the few buildings near Krutoy Cap may potentially be as well (didn't check those). If you continuously just check the town itself loot will eventually stop spawning there and be piled up in the outskirt locations. Source: Personally tested multiple times with a group of friends to speed up the process. Tested ONLY on persistence enable servers PS- If you do this make separate piles. Put junk items in junk backpacks/clothing to make it a bit more organized. And share the wealth! I did this in Kamyshovo and invited all the freshies running by to grab what ever they wanted.
  14. [TAW] GunRunner

    [Screenshot] We Almost Beat the Game!

    Yes I understand that. The thread title was mostly a joke with a little bit of "clever marketing" mixed in to spark interest and draw attention. Its a cheap ploy, I know, but hey.... it apparently works ;) Haha thank you. When we met up with our clanmates, they had no idea we were coming. They were in Cherno and there reactions of "Truck incoming... wait... two trucks. Three...... FOUR?!?!? WHAT?" was absolutely hilarious.
  15. [TAW] GunRunner

    2 Questions about tents

    NorthWEST Airstrip* ;) And yes, the only place to find military tent spawns are in those buildings you described. Alternatively, you can run along the western edge of the map on a persistent server in the hopes of finding somebody's tent they have set up. The hills and valleys in the woods is a VERY common place for people to put them down. ALSO, even though you can find them on any server, you MUST place them on a persistence enabled server otherwise it will disappear when the server restarts. They are also currently wiping persistence during the Wednesday 7am GMT maintenance so the tents and all items must be picked up before then and on your person otherwise it will be gone.
  16. [TAW] GunRunner

    First 100 minutes of Gameplay

    They will be adding more zombies into the game, as well as improving the AI. As of right now, they are working on a few things so there's no point in updating them and spending man-hours (aka- money) on something that will be thrown out in the coming months. Same goes for optimization of the entirety of the game. Things will get smoother once the necessary systems are implemented. Think of it this way. Would you invest $500 to beef up your windows 98 machine when you know you'll be buying a shiny new and state of the art one in 4 months for $1000? Same goes for DayZ. in relation to your first thread about FPS issues: -If you use an Nvidia graphics card check this quick 45 second video -After that is done, follow this guide as well: http://www.dayztv.com/standalone/dayz-performance-guide-crash-fix/ - Then, if you are still having FPS issues reduce ALL settings to minimum besides your resolution (set to what your monitor is currently), your rendering resolution (set to 100%), and your aspect ratio (if using a widescreen set to 16:9/16:10 depending on what size screen you have).
  17. [TAW] GunRunner

    How/Where can i get a private 2 slot DayZ server?

    There's no way for you to host your own server. Everything is run off servers hosted by gaming server companies. If you want a private DayZ SA experience, you will have to rent a private shard from one of the companies SmashT listed above. From there you can set a password to it and only share it with your friends.
  18. [TAW] GunRunner

    Giving Away M4A1s

    You do realize that by posting that, you bumped a thread that was a week old right? -_- Anyway, this was posted way long ago and is no longer valid. Should be locked.
  19. [TAW] GunRunner

    They Stole My Truck!

    As organized as we are, the TAW clan still has those little bumps in the road every now and then. This was recorded by one of our members during our most recent group operation. Looks like this bambi made out like a bandit ;) p.s- the audio in this video is spot on! hilarious!!!
  20. [TAW] GunRunner

    They Stole My Truck!

    Haha no problem bud! I posted it up here as soon as you sent me the link because it was that awesome!
  21. [TAW] GunRunner

    They Stole My Truck!

    We lit the truck up as he was driving by but sadly none of them penetrated the truck :( As you can see in the video, he pulled over shortly after stealing it and drove with the hood up so he essentially had a shield to stop all of our bullets. After he took shots from 6 other guys he decided it was best if he just continued on his way. I don't think anybody recorded it but I'll ask around.
  22. [TAW] GunRunner

    Stable Branch - 0.52 Discussion

    Yeah, the good news: Since the servers aren't connected to the hive at all they didn't save your fresh spawned character. Once they are reconnected, HOPEFULLY your old one will load properly. I'm just speculating but that would explain why you are fresh every time you reconnect.
  23. [TAW] GunRunner

    Stable Branch - 0.52 Discussion

    I would give it a few minutes. It seems the servers can't connect to the hive at all. Whenever you spawn you are fresh in a new location. Happens over and over, no matter how many servers you go on or which one. Give the dev's a few minutes to see if they can't work out the cause. I'm sure they'll make an announcement about it soon.
  24. [TAW] GunRunner

    Status Report - Week of 08 Dec 14

    Tents: Get binoculars. Sit on the top of the apartment shown below. Use binoculars to check surrounding appartments. Hop servers. Repeat. Trucks: Only 3 spawn per server reset so you have to be fast. Find a server that just reset within 15 minutes (9:00, 12:00, 15:00 are the most common reset times). Check Kobanino, Vybor, Lopatino spawn locations. Server hop. Repeat. Doing that I have found 3 blue tents in an hour and a half. May have been luck. Other times it has taken me about an hour to find 1. For the trucks, it may also be luck but I seem to always find one in one of those 3 locations in the span of 3 recently reset servers. Hope this helps. You may have just had bad luck buddy.
  25. [TAW] GunRunner

    TAW Wish you a good Christmas

    I would like to have a cargo bay on the back of the V3S so I can carry all the freshy's to the middle of NWAF and have them go at it "Hunger Games" style :D p.s- I believe you meant DAYZ Mr. Jericho :P