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Everything posted by huptut

  1. There were at Least 5 of you i had just spawned and found an m16A2 with 2 mags at the military tents. I figured id make a run on the AFB quick i scouted it out briefly and assumed i was safe to proceed. It was... until i got to the second hanger and i heard Coughing (one of yours was infected). So i Dashed to the crashed truck inside the hanger and camped it out. Sure enough i see 2 of you coming around the corner next to the rubble pile...i waited until one of you tried your Luck to get inside and shot him dead. I waited for the second guy next to the rubble pile to peak his head out... he did and i was able to shoot him through a Small crack. That's when i heard a 3rd person approaching from the opposite side of the hanger...i tried to Bluff my way out of this situation saying i had a couple friends coming any minute now. I think it worked for 5 minutes or so.... it seemed Like an eternity in that hanger. Eventually (not hearing footsteps for awhile) i went to the opposite side of the hanger to see if i could get a better eye on things and Loot the first dead guys body. What i didn't know was that one of you had a sniper >.< he shot and broke my Leg i was able to bandage and avoid his sniper fire from the far right corner of the hanger. I decided to wait there and make my final stand. After another short eternity the 3rd guy i had heard from the left side of the hanger started moving again as well as a 4th new guy from the right side of the hanger where i shot the first 2 guys. Finally the third guy poked his head out enough and i took the shot and kiIIed him...since i was in 3rd person i was able to see the 4th guy start proning his way to the hanger as i tried to shimmy out and ninja him quick BOOM your sniper shot and killed me. Was just wondering if i could get one of your guy's side of the story from your perspective. You guys had my heart pumping so fast i think i had about 4 heart attacks XD (if i dont get a reply everyone else enjoy my story!)
  2. huptut

    Replacement for L85 ^^

    hahaha this was good very nice OP On a serious note: the onIy solid argument peopIe have with the L85 was that it was great for counter sniping.....why not throw in a pair of thermal binoculars to spot your target?
  3. huptut


    Fun fact 200ms is also the amount of time it takes your brain to recognize emotion in facial expressions
  4. so yeah i would post this elsewhere but since the update i cant post anywhere but here? even tho this is Like my 60th post so if you would please resolve this and grant me access to the rest of the forums? thanks :D
  5. huptut

    Fix my account pIease mods

    Mmmk thanks for the quick repIy Iegacy hopefuIIy it gets resoIved for me soon ^__^
  6. huptut

    Looking for advice on CZ550

    if you want the most accurate judge of distance yes...once you get used to this system however doing the math isn't even needed as you'll be able to eyeball it more or less. Another handy way is to do the math before hand and have a cheat sheet next to you with mildot-distance conversions handy.
  7. huptut

    How many hackers do you bump into?

    in my 2 months of playing not even one hacker. However i don't join full up servers either i stick to the 20-30 player servers
  8. huptut

    Looking for advice on CZ550

    The best way with the cz to judge distance is to use the chevron as a mildot... its about 1.5 mildots big so you just need to find out the height of the object, times it by 1000, then divide that number by the height of it in mildots. A standing zombie is about 1.8m tall a monkey .8 and a crawler .4 so a Standing zombie thats 3 mildots tall is about 600m away (1.8x1000/3) or a monkey thats 1.5 mildots tall is 550m or so away (.8x1000/1.5) thats the best i can do for ya :D Hope it helped! *edit* OFC the more you use the gun the easier it gets to judge distances
  9. huptut

    Looking for advice on CZ550

    i believe you can use pgup and pgdwn to zero the cz anywhere from 100-800m the default is 300m. (or so says the wiki http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=CZ550 ) If you were looking for the challenge of using the mildots grab a dmr as it is perma zeroed on 400m.
  10. since animals don't seem fazed by the infection..and roaming the country side is pretty anticlimactic with no zombies. How about another element of danger...such as roaming packs of wolves/dogs..some bears a sparse amount of tigers i know those animals are native to russia and would make the wilds more...well wild.
  11. huptut

    Dangerous Wilderness!

    another well thought out reply how about some input as to why?
  12. huptut

    Weapon and Equipment Degradation

    ahem clicky clicky that link in my post
  13. huptut

    Boiling dirty pond/lake water.

    replace boiling water with iodine/bleach and im game *edit* since were on the subject of canteens.....can we get more than one drink from a canteen?!?!
  14. huptut

    Out of curiousity..

    was just browsing thru kotaku and came across this who knows what the future Will bring http://kotaku.com/5924227/dayz-creator-ponders-a-free+to+play-standalone-version
  15. there not broken they're being DDOSED
  16. 1.Dont constantly die 2. its Alpha 3. now thats not a bad idea how about a watch instead to get your bearings.
  17. huptut

    Random Zondos

    I would like to see some zombies be a bit tougher (no increase in damage) I'm all for headshots being one shot but give some of them a bit more hp in the body region. One shot in the gut with some weapons to drop a zombie? couldnt some of them randomly be a bit tougher? like 2-3 body shots to drop some of them? It will also add a little more heft to your in game decisions. You could get a group of weak ones or a group of tougher ones or a nice mix. It just might make u think twice about firing off that round. Now before u cry foul about the newly spawned players ive got it covered and made a nice little map to illustrate it. http://imgur.com/0V4ur This will also make ammo conservation a bigger priority since headshots will be more crucial since that's a 1 shot for any gun. Any constructive criticism or things to add? And if you like the idea let it be known!
  18. huptut

    Random Zondos

    maybe not those exact percentages maybe tweaked down a bit XD... just made it for a general idea/starting point
  19. huptut

    You know you've played too much DayZ when...

    when your car breaks down on a dirt road and your first thought is...S#&% i cant see the zombies. <---no joke just had this happen an hour ago ahaha
  20. i know that you currently cannot run and fire (or if its even possible to implement) but as i was running from some zeds yesterday and was using the alt button to look over my shoulder and a new mechanic came to mind. How about being able to fire your pistol (and only your pistol) over your shoulder as u run off? Obviously some really heavy sway to the aiming system would have to be in place as well as other accuracy issues. Just thought it would be a cool thing to have in game.
  21. what if they broadcasted a distress signal through radios giving coords(those with gps)/ the grid(those with maps) they landed in. so anyone with a radio/map or gps could flock to the given location.
  22. huptut

    The Infection is permanent until cured.

    i like the idea...what if it was implemented like this....infections come from drinking untreated water (make soda cans Maybe 1/3rd as effective a thirst quencher as water) add iodine/bleach in game to sterilize your water so you can kill the infection? just a thought :D
  23. interesting idea but i see a problem...since these zombies aren't the risen from the dead decaying flesh type wouldn't cleaning make you stand out even more since you would smell less like an unshowered zombo?
  24. huptut

    Weapon Degradation

    I think this is a must have addition. Making it so that eventually your weapon would slowly degrade over use (long range accuracy issues, weapon jamming etc.) and eventually leading to it breaking. So you'd have to find parts to fix it or find a replacement weapon i think it would add another level of realism and help to make the end game not so.... hey i'm fully kitted now what?