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Everything posted by Postmaster

  1. Postmaster

    Status Report - Week of 22 Sept 14

    It will not be in the next one, they just keep putting pictures up every time to give you the illusion of progress even though in game it is not there, your best of expecting vehicle four months from now and then you will not be disappointed. Could not have been said better.
  2. Postmaster

    How to Approach other players?

    Sometimes it's a chance you take. I have meet some really cool people in dayz that I have now been playing with for over a year. But the situation started off tense and both sides taking a risk. Going into the situation be prepared to lose your stuff if you really want to take a chance.
  3. Postmaster

    What's your favorite clothing?

    Black radar cap, blue police jacket, brown pants, brown boots, chest holster, hunter back pack if available. My character was a normal guy before the apocalypse ... Trying to retain some humanity after it. But... With all the KOS camo is more practical.
  4. Postmaster

    Favorite things about .49 so far

    Like: More spaced out spawn locations Door noises General cleaned up feeling Less loot Dislike: Less loot - started as a new spawn only to be rained on and cold in the first 30 seconds. Door/gate noises all the same "No message received pretty often" Walking indoors and having the lighting/roof glitch and the sun and rains comes through. Random taking out compass or any other hot bar item in the middle of a fight.
  5. Postmaster

    Sorry you got shot...

    So playing on day realism RP server.. you were in Stary as a fairly new spawn(green down jacket, pickaxe) me and my friend ran across you being chased by zombies. We had guns you didnt.. i shot a couple of the zombies and you knelt down with your hands up as to surrender. I told you over voice to bandage yourself to stop the bleeding. As soon as you were done my friend shot you in the head. As it turns out i am rping a survivalist while my friend is rping as a asshole. I gave him shit for it and felt bad as i know what it's like to be killed for nothing. Sorry you got shot.......
  6. Postmaster

    Sorry you got shot...

    Then it wasn't you.. This guy had a different name. But sorry for your loss.
  7. Postmaster

    Sorry you got shot...

    What's your in game name and I will know if you were the one.
  8. Postmaster

    Sorry you got shot...

  9. Postmaster

    Ella's standalone guide

    Don't care if it's a guy or girl or space alien... Appreciate you trying to do something helpful for other players. Don't let it discourage you... keep revising it with new info and people will appreciate it.
  10. Postmaster

    Singing To A Guys Girlfriend.

    Always good videos .... Need to set up people with walkie talkies and broadcast over a whole town