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0.64 Freerider

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Everything posted by 0.64 Freerider

  1. 0.64 Freerider

    Experimental Update 1.02.151010

    Did It say it was the general thought of the community? The people who are active and invest work and time into contributing to this game, are the people on this forum who make posts. It is only natural that their concerns would be taken into consideration as the rest of the players is simply mute and doesn't voice their opinions. So nowhere in my post does it say, that I speak of the entire player base, but in fact of the people who contributed and voted on my public post, that everybody can vote on, in favor or not. I want to kindly ask of you, to check your interpretation with the author before reacting to what you have read into things. That would make the whole conversation alot more pleasant for everyone involved I believe.
  2. 0.64 Freerider

    Experimental Update 1.02.151010

    Digging most of your points. Touched on alot of them myself. Also in the "Focused Feedback Round" that I feel has never really been evaluated, or at least not been publicly responded too. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T128664
  3. 0.64 Freerider

    Experimental Update 1.02.151010

    @ImpulZ We are at 75% (34 votes) in favor of having this new artificial "personal night light" removed, with 11% (5 votes) wanting to keep it and 13% (6 votes) wanting it to be modified. Given, that according to this, the vast majority want it removed, will the dev-team revisit the issue before making a decision regarding the 1.02 update to stable? Here is the Post -->
  4. 0.64 Freerider

    PLEASE reverse the NEW "Client Side Personal Night Light"

    Right on. Maybe I misinterpreted, but in case I didn't, the Kazuar is already in. It can be found in military locations.
  5. 0.64 Freerider

    PLEASE reverse the NEW "Client Side Personal Night Light"

    Hi, I feel the exact same way about the game as you do. I've noticed the issue with way too much food being around as well and hence made another post for it, where you can VOTE as well: The different length for Day/Night are definately possible as I've seen it in effect on some servers. I think 75/25 or something around that mark is a very good balance, because IRL you would need some sleep too, right. So the night being shorter than the day makes perfect sense to me. It's a game after all. But yeah, thanks for your post, it's always nice to meet like-minded people, especially when it comes to DayZ.
  6. 0.64 Freerider

    Experimental Update 1.02.150980

    Everybody can see it. Everybody can see my calls for voting. I've told about 6 people total. If they had not voted, it would still be 22/5. Feel free to make the poll mean more to something again by telling people who are opposed to it 😉
  7. 0.64 Freerider

    PLEASE reverse the NEW "Client Side Personal Night Light"

    You mean like moonlight, clouds, fog and rain?
  8. 0.64 Freerider

    Experimental Update 1.02.150980

    Would appreciate your vote on the "personal night light" over here -->
  9. 0.64 Freerider

    Experimental Update 1.02.150980

    Thank you very much, you spoke from my heart.
  10. 0.64 Freerider

    Experimental Update 1.02.150980

    The Vanilla Servers should ALWAYS reflect, what the majority of the playerbase and the devs want the gameplay to be. People who have a low end pc have a problem. That's right it's THEIR problem, not mine, so that's not a good reason to have the artificial personal shite light 😄 Yeah, there are more important things to do, especially since they attack this problem from the wrong side. Moonlight is the keyword.
  11. 0.64 Freerider

    Experimental Update 1.02.150980

    And if I don't find a server that has 1. Proper amount of players active at all times 2. is 1st person 3. Only has one single mod installed that removes the "personal night light" and has no other mod ?
  12. 0.64 Freerider

    Experimental Update 1.02.150980

    And if I don't own a server?
  13. 0.64 Freerider

    Experimental Update 1.02.150980

    @ImpulZ Hi, just a quick question, I've made this post regarding the "client side personal night light" and so far ~75% voted to remove it of an admittedly small voting group (Total:29). My question is just if you know, whether any of the devs has seen that there is some protest against it and whether it is being taken into consideration. Here is the post:
  14. 0.64 Freerider

    PLEASE reverse the NEW "Client Side Personal Night Light"

    Haha, wow that winchester is going bananas. QA anyone? Anyways, the ingame light sources are there to be used and once moonlight is back, the nighttime gameplay will probably appeal to alot more people. However inside buildings you should always NEED to use light sources and that is my biggest concern with the "Personal Night Light", as I've explained. I for one always play on Private Hive Servers, as I cannot stand the concept of shared characters and the resulting issue being server hopping. I would be fine with nighttime being considerably shorter than daytime, as you would sleep most of the night IRL. Anyways that's up to the individual server owners and there is alot of freedom there.
  15. 0.64 Freerider

    PLEASE reverse the NEW "Client Side Personal Night Light"

    Couldn't agree more. Especially the things regarding interaction and an "even field". Well said, sir.
  16. 0.64 Freerider

    Experimental Update 1.02.150958

    @Kathosky @kopo79 @amadieus @odin_lowe Please weigh in with your VOTE over on the post I made, let's make our voices heard.
  17. 0.64 Freerider

    PLEASE reverse the NEW "Client Side Personal Night Light"

    Thank you, tried to do the same and linked to it in the post but yours illustrates it alot better, so I'm going to link to yours.
  18. 0.64 Freerider

    Experimental Update 1.02.150958

    VOTE HERE on the subject of the artificial NEW "Personal Night Light"
  19. 0.64 Freerider

    PLEASE reverse the NEW "Client Side Personal Night Light"

    Thank you, couldn't have put it better. Backed your post. You complement my point wonderfully by talking about moonlight as well. You put it perfectly in your post, I'll just quote you for the people here: They probably have problems with getting the moonlight and the "gamma-hack-block" working at the same time.
  20. 0.64 Freerider

    PLEASE reverse the NEW "Client Side Personal Night Light"

    @g4borg Well, as long as the problems that result from this artificial light remain, it doesn't matter to me how much they tone it down. Another problem is that you kind of lose feel for how visible you are from the outside, because inside everything is super bright and you can't tell if people who scope in from a distance would be able to see you. It's just not a good thing imo and like I said. It renders actual light sources pretty much obsolete.
  21. 0.64 Freerider

    Experimental Update 1.02.150945

    Hi everybody, would love for you to weigh in on the subject of this new artificial "Personal Night Light" Made a post here, where you can vote as well.
  22. 0.64 Freerider

    Stable Update 1.0150627

    I think that there is a problem with the current loot table of items spawning in what I call "swarms" in all areas. You ever noticed how you find a specific item and suddenly the next house/tent has it as well and the one after the next too? Yeah, that's kind of what's happening and you usually don't notice it with more common items but if you go through a military base and you find an sks you can be sure to find alot more in the next tents if it wasn't looted before. You can witness the same thing specifically when you're loot-cycling. Generator in one shed? You bet your ass you'll find at least 4 more in that town if you go through all sheds. Just pay attention, you'll find it to be true. Reported it here, hope it gets assigned soon. ->> https://feedback.bistudio.com/T137112 <<-
  23. 0.64 Freerider

    Experimental Update 1.0150625

    Fantastic job guys. I love this new style you're doing. @eugenharton wasn't kidding when he said one of the major things for 2019 was gonna be "Underpromise and Overdeliver". You didn't say much and then you announced the february patch and it hit right in the beginning of february and it is AWESOME. Now you're doing an experimental update addressing all the important issues directly at hand. The game becomes exponentially more stable with each update. Keep on going, you're doing great!!
  24. 0.64 Freerider


    Did you know that you could store up to 50000 units of energy in former versions of DayZ? You probably all noticed that you can keep stuffing food in your mouth without any penalties. I do not know what the current number is, but regardless, the result of the number having been that high, is not only everpresent but even exaggerated, as the player doesn't have to vomit (or only after an insane amount of food and drinks). YES, vomiting used to be a thing and an important limiting factor. Anyways here is, what problems I have with it being the way it is right now: 1. It's partially immersion breaking, clearly 2. It requires less planning ahead by the player 3. It messes with the loot table The first two ones are pretty self explanatory I believe, but I will touch a little closer on that 3rd one: If there are no penalties for eating everything you find, guess what you will do. Exactly! And so, as a result, if an area was picked clean, there won't be any food left. There will never be a moment where you are like: "Ok, my stomach is full, my character seems pretty well energized and I have no more space in my backpack....aah whatever I still have two cans in my backpack, let's just leave this one." - NO, right now people will obviously pick up everything and eat it right away, until maybe at one point they feel like they have already eaten so much they don't need to, for another 7 or even more hours (the sky seems to be the limit). So here's my proposal: In my opinion DayZ does NOT need a crazy detailed metabolism system such as the one SCUM has implemented. All we need is proper stomach volume and digestion times (emptying the stomach gradually, so you can eat more). When you push past that stomach volume by a certain amount, your character should have to vomit (just like it used to be in the legacy version) AND we need a cap that makes sense, for how much energy your character is able to take in total, to avoid the situation where your player will never have to eat again, before he dies 48 play hours later! Anyways, thank you for reading, feel free to VOTE and share your THOUGHTS in the comments, where I will be happy to discuss it with you.