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0.64 Freerider

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Everything posted by 0.64 Freerider

  1. 0.64 Freerider

    Experimental Update 1.04.151979

    Yes I believe the version number hasn't changed, which might be because the thing they changed did not require that. The whole "patch" is just one change to prevent the hud issue. In order to test that, we would need a FULL experimental server. Sadly it appears, they haven't thought of that before the weekend. See this post:
  2. 0.64 Freerider

    Experimental Update 1.04.151979

    Menu overlay bug happened to your on current experimental?
  3. 0.64 Freerider


    Unfortunately I have no idea. This video is all I have seen and found of this moonlight. No mod in the workshop. No reply from the channel yet. Maybe someone on here knows more.
  4. 0.64 Freerider

    Experimental Update 1.04.151979

    That ticket was created by wouter.commandeur. It is indeed wondrous how some guy looks at the code and sees there is multiplication going on, but not the devs who wrote it...if it's true, that is. T141588
  5. 0.64 Freerider


    Yup absolutely agree with you. As far as I'm aware the moon does go through a proper cycle and even if it's full moon but with overcast it should be pitch black imo! But for those times when the moon as a decent amount of fullness, it should be reflected with the light.
  6. 0.64 Freerider

    PLEASE reverse the NEW "Client Side Personal Night Light"

    Here is something interesting I found...
  7. 0.64 Freerider

    Black Screen All Around?

    The issue is assigned on the feedback tracker (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T141158). I suggest you check there for future problems first, as it will save you time creating posts here. If you don't find your problem there, you can also contribute by creating a ticket and thus make it, so they can fix it sooner.
  8. 0.64 Freerider

    black screen

    The issue is assigned on the feedback tracker (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T141158). I suggest you check there for future problems first, as it will save you time creating posts here. If you don't find your problem there, you can also contribute by creating a ticket and thus make it, so they can fix it sooner.
  9. @ImpulZ Hi, unfortunately this forum is the only way I know how to direct any sort of question remotely into the direction of the devs. I don't care at all, if the answer is even just ONE WORD per question, though of course I hope for a little bit more, but just any answer would be great as these 2 questions are very important to me personally I'm not gonna bother you with the details, since we already spoke in direct messaging about it, so the questions are about the current situation. I will explain some details below the questions for the people who don't know what I mean, since this is still a thread. 1. Do the developers still consider it a possibility, implementing the quickbar to be made only bindable to items that are in your holster or pockets(shirt/jacket, pants or vest) or boots, as those are the areas you could "quickly" reach in reality? 2. Do the developers still consider it a possiblity, implementing separated slots based on an items specification e.g. separating the 'grid' of the Assault backpack in one big grid for the main storage and two smaller grids to the left and right, resembling the actual pockets this specific backpack has? Going back to the first question those would also logically make sense to be somewhat reachable for quickbar perhaps. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Now for the explanation part, obviously not for you Tim: Regarding the 1st question - Why do I suggest this? I'll start off by saying, that in my opinion it would add to immersion. You would be expected think more thoroughly about how you organize your items and your bindings in the quickbar, due to the fact that you can't just bind everything from within your inventory. It also makes it more attactive to wear items that have these capabilities. These items already make it so you get more quickbar-slots in total, so there is already some thought going into this direction. But now for the main purpose this tweak would bring, which is 'READABLITY'. Ex-Lead-Designer Peter Nespesny always talked about this as one of the most important factors in this game. He wanted you to be able to read other peoples body language and gear, so you could somewhat estimate if and if yes, how big of a threat they could potentially be to you. And there comes in the issue, because you can store smg's and even big assault rifles like the AKs and M4 in your backpack and bind them to your quickbar. Yes, yes the smg's could even be hidden inside the vests (I'll get to that in the 'details' regarding the 2nd question) and I have no problem with them fitting inside backpacks, but the point is, you wouldn't be able to just quickly draw them from there in real life, which this change would deny. As for the assault rifles I don't think they should fit into any backpack that is in the game right now, as long as those guns are fully assembled. Just look at the models and you are going to quickly find, that that wouldn't make for a good fit. The guns would have to stick out the top of the backpacks, but yeah, that opens up a whole nother rabbit hole, that I want to leave unexplored for the moment 😉 So there you have it, that's all I can think of at the moment for the 1st question about quickbar-accessibility Regarding the 2nd question - Why do I suggest this? This might be the one of the two that would be harder for the developers to implement, as I assume, but hey, I'm here to explain myself! The "separated slots based on an items specification" basically mean, that the grid you have in your inventory, roughly represents the spaces and the subsections for e.g. pockets on an item. I will provide some images below from the game Escape from Tarkov™, that uses a very similar inventory system and has this slot separation: Now, as you can see this isn't very accurate but of course the actual represantion can only go so far, because balancing needs to be in play as well. I'm not saying that I think it's impossible to balance, even when going fully accurate on the represantation slot-wise, but it might be alot harder. The effect I ultimately want to achieve with this type of separation is, that you can't put an smg in your PANTS, SHIRT, OR VEST. For certain clothing parts it would limit the type of item you could fit in there and that is exactly what I want to see with this change. Thank you for reading TL;DR Feature requests to add immersion and mitigate houdini-gun-draws
  10. Yes, I get the issue with playing 'memory' here. That is why in my opinion, the loot table could use an adjustment in order for compatible items to have a high or even definite chance of spawning in the vicinity. Logically it makes only in very, very(!) few scenarios sense to find a gun someplace, without ammunition or if required mags nearby. It just doesn't make sense, someone who has owned the gun, would have stored ammo/mags somewhere nearby. However in your example I think it would be fair if you were forced to choose between the cr527 carbine and the sks. With my suggestion you would have to have the two big guns 527/sks and tundra on your back and the scorpion i would be totally fine with to fit in a pocket, that thing is small!
  11. 0.64 Freerider

    Stable Update 1.04

    @ImpulZ I'm very happy with this update and the pace you guys are going with at the moment BUT I have to say: A list with "Known Issues" like you made in the past, with perhaps even links to the corresponding tickets on the feedback tracker, such as BLACK SCREEN: T141158 and MENU OVERLAY BUG: T141233 would have been very USER FRIENDLY and would keep alot of this spontaneus but somewhat understandable HATE away. I hope you can see some sense in this.
  12. 0.64 Freerider

    Vehicle Questions

    Well, then thanks once again, that's good to know. Unfortunately I won't be touching cars anytime soon, because the feature is completely gamebreaking broken. Why? They despawn. Don't believe me? Experience the frustration for yourself then. The issue has also been confirmed and assigned by the devs for 36 days now. Since it's THE endgame goal for me personally, I can hardly motivate myself to play, despite the fact that other than that, the black screen issue and the hud overlay issue, this patch is absolutely AMAZING. ;( The Ticket: T139497
  13. 0.64 Freerider

    Experimental Update 1.04.151979

    Yeah, I suppose they must have been kinda burnt out for the day, or doing extra hours or something, because there is no explanation. It was untestable.
  14. 0.64 Freerider

    Vehicle Questions

    😄 Ah interesting, I didn't know. I don't understand code too well, but doesn't this mean, that you get less damage when you have more than 50% but still get damage?
  15. Fingers crossed! Damn, would I love to see animations for going through stuff, possibly also for looting bodies. It has been suggested for a long time, but there is just one catch, if there would be animations for looting bodies, the outry would be LARGE, that you can get shot so easily while looting. Even though in reality it would be exactly like that, people are used to the side-stepping, to protect their a**es. That's why I think it would be the smartest to release such feature, if planned, along with another feature which is officially planned which is 'dragging bodies' Excerpt from ⬇️
  16. @hemmo @CaptainClout Hi boys. This nasty bug has been reported infinite times on the feedback tracker and has been assigned, so it's currently being worked on. For the future, you can always check there first, to see if your bug/problem has maybe already been reported. If not and you want to help out or get it fixed sooner, you can create a ticket yourself, there are instructions on the site itself. Here's the ticket, which you can subscribe too, to get updates on it: T141233
  17. 0.64 Freerider

    Vehicle Questions

    No, unfortunately the engine got RUINED and ruined items get despawned within 5 minutes I believe, though I think this should be changed for cars since it still looks cool and can be an indicator for other players, that someone was there. If the radiator isn't completely filled up, the engine overheats. The overheating is also indicated by the smoke coming from the engine parts. Next time fill up the radiator completely and you should be fine. I'm very sorry for the loss...I know the feels ;(
  18. I didn't notice any change for normal draw speeds. The only thing that changed in my observation is, that with the introduction of individual multipurpose shoulder-slots Melee-weapons draw faster from the right shoulder and guns draw faster from the left shoulder. They created new animations for the "cross-drawing" and so I believe that the speed being slower for cross-drawing is intended.
  19. 0.64 Freerider

    Base Perimeter

    Here are the official patchnotes of the first version of 1.04, which I quote and link because the system was implemented not only to avoid hopping into bases These factors are ignored by your suggestions as you have solely focussed on the basebuilding aspect. AS @Lt.Master pointed out, there are also some further complications, regarding friends. What's the issue with the system in place?
  20. Yup, love it. I don't know if you were there, but there was a so called "Focussed Feedback Round" a while back on 4 different topics. One of those was "Character Movement, Gestures and Actions" I had a couple of participations there and people were supposed to give beans, when they agreed with you and for that one I had 11, which was one of the highest given in that discussion. Unfortunately they never gave us proper feedback to our feedback <:D Anyhow here's the quote and below the link to the original post and also to another one in the same discussion regarding zig-zagging
  21. 0.64 Freerider

    1.04 - All jokes aside, what do I need LAMPS for...

    Rethorical question does not mean I wasn't serious. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhetorical_question
  22. ...when I got THIS NIGHT LIGHT and vicinity menu?
  23. Well it's related, even if just very remotely 😉 That being said, I completely agree with you and want consistency here as well!
  24. Thanks, yeah, I'm absolutely with you with the longer animations for items drawn from bulky storage. I'm going to include it in the main post with reference to you, if you don't mind!