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Everything posted by Jester.

  1. Jester.


    I think whiskey would be more suitable, since there are already whiskey bottles.
  2. Jester.

    Suggestions to solve the biggest issues

    To elaborate on #2, maybe bandits can just spawn somewhere more remote.
  3. I reckon a couple of the Arma II faces could be modded to look female.
  4. Jester.

    Achievements and Skins

    This would obliterate the aim of the game. Why do people need to be rewarded with achievements nowadays? Simply play the game and have fun.
  5. As the title suggests, I believe that Bandits should have to scavenge to support their killing habit. Currently there really isn't a consequence for being a bandit... (Though people will even randomly kill you MORE if you have a bandit skin.) This isn't too extreme in my opinion, because weapons constantly spawn all over the map. It would just space out the amount of spawn killing bandits do.
  6. There's no consequence for killing, and there should be. I've actually been killed by way more new players than bandits.
  7. This is only US servers that are doing this for some reason. The Russian server I play on to avoid night time, has full loot and zombie tables.
  8. I for one welcome our new weather overlords.
  9. Jester.

    Zombie speed

    I'd like to see shambling zombies that can only be killed with headshots, as mentioned before... However then the number of zombies would have to be increased to around 2500 per server in order for it to be a challenge.
  10. I don't like how all the FPS people want to dictate how *everyone* plays because they personally suck with 3rd person. To me, third person makes this game way more interesting.
  11. Guess I'll have to wait for more people to download this before I test it.
  12. 1. I think it'd be pretty cool ( Though, I don't know if it's possible) if players could change their skins to one of the many available Arma 2 skins. This would include the civilian skins that are used for zombies. I believe it would add a level of immersion and realism. (People confusing others for zombies, individuality) 2. Could it be possible to make it so zombies can't warp through doors? This way people could hold out buildings without worrying about zombies breaking in. The thirst and hunger system would prevent people from simply staying in a building for too long because they would have to go out and get food. 3. Another suggestion would be to have zombies lose aggro over time, so that someone without ammo could still have somewhat of a chance to survive.
  13. Jester.


    Option to fill Jerry Cans with not just fuel, but water too! That way you could drink up to 4 times.
  14. Jester.

    [Legion] Sorting this all out

    One of your members was spamming sound clips tonight. It really made me dislike your servers.
  15. Factions are unneeded. I would like to see groups that players can keep track of though.
  16. Jester.

    Rocket has gone too far

    Damned casuals!!!!
  17. As most of you know, 90% of the people you see will wind up shooting you. There's no real consequence for doing so, so people will just connect to the server for the first time and fuck people up. My suggestion is to have a requirement of 1 hour played total (Not per life) before you can both attack, and be attacked by players. This would curb random deaths like you wouldn't believe. I'd go so far as to say that the survival rate of characters would even skyrocket, to probably around 10 hours.
  18. Jester.

    Official disconnect thread

    There are no rules to DayZ. Get over it.
  19. Jester.

    IF you're a bandit READ

    It's funny because I kill bandits that do this.
  20. Jester.

    Bandit? Spawn without a weapon!

    Yes there does need to be a consequence. This is a Zombie survival game, not Call of Duty.
  21. Jester.

    Findable Guitars or Balalaikas

    Doesn't seem too realistic, considering Zombies are attracted to sound.
  22. Jester.

    Dynamic Underground Shelters-Interiors

    This actually exists in other games. It's called an interior. But I totally would like to see these. Furthermore, non-enterable buildings could be made enterable. (If of course someone makes an interior for it)
  23. Jester.

    Dedicated button for "Don`t shoot" sign

    This would be pretty cool / useful. I like it.