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Everything posted by Gu1t4r_M4n

  1. I've been working on my character for just long enough where I'm comfortable with my items. I'm waiting a few days for my friend to get on before I venture anywhere else, should I die in the meantime and not be able to help him start; however, I still want to play DayZ, just not on this character. I remember some time ago during the summer that I had two characters: one on a regular server and one on a hardcore server. Is that implementation still in DayZ? Can I have "two characters" still? And what connotes a hardcore server? Is it the "1st/3rd person" vs "1st person only" description? I don't want to end up deleting my character! It's happened many a time before... :P Some of what I am talking about is touched on here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/169812-hardcore-vs-regular/ , but I couldn't find a more recent post pertaining to my question. Any help would be appreciated. (And I am not looking for a description of other implementations in the hardcore server vs. those found in a regular one). Thanks!
  2. Gu1t4r_M4n

    Not Losing My Backpack

    I read it, because of your title, but don't want to help, because of your title. (That and I have nothing to contribute to this thread. It's 3:00 AM >.>)
  3. OK. So I died falling down some stairs the other day (in-game of course). I got the black screen message saying "You are dead". I logged out quickly. On the main menu screen, there is no character. Now here's my question: If I log back on to the server, will my body still be there, dead on the ground for a short amount of time? Or will I instantly respawn as a new character upon login? If I have to start over, no big deal. That's half the fun of the game! But if I could save all of my items, that'd be great too. (I have a defibrilator in my backpack and I was hoping that my friend would be able to go where I died, have me log on, search my backpack for the defib., and try to revive me.)
  4. Gu1t4r_M4n

    "You are dead" - Logout; What happens?

    I'm going to have to read up on defibrillators then in DayZ. I must be mixing up dead and unconscious?? Edit: Checked the wiki. Yup. I forgot the difference between dead and unconscious. MAN this game is realistic. I love it!
  5. Gu1t4r_M4n

    "You are dead" - Logout; What happens?

    Sweet! Thanks guys! Now I know. As this being my first post, I am glad to say that I like this forum already. It's active, and I got helpful responses!