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Everything posted by bonesnap

  1. bonesnap

    The threats in this game no longer exist.

    Try accidentally slaying yourself when you're doing really well by quickly changing controls/video options and slipping onto the "Respawn" button instead of "Options." You now know threats still exist in this game. Enjoy.
  2. bonesnap

    Your stupidest death

    Today I killed myself by my hand slipping on Respawn when I was trying to click Options -> Controls to rebind some vehicle movement keys. Had FN FAL, 7 tools, 207 zombie kills and 207 headshots, I've never maintained such a good headshot ratio in my life. Yep 100%. 'Course you can't get attached though. Becaaaaause... ..All wiped by one bad click rofl. So rediculous that there is no yes/no confirmation box on respawn killing a HARDCORE character, wiping everything. That's so annoying I decided to make a thread about it in suggestions. (Please reply to it / etc. for it to get some attention). And the worse part: I've done this before trying to change video options >_> Haha so rough. If Diablo 2 hardcore had a one click wipe button placed right beside options, oh maan would the rivers run hard with tears.
  3. I'm not expecting anything. Thus the suggestion, and not a command to implement this feature. However im sure with Rocket's coding genius he could make a yes/no popup box as one of 10 other little fixes in a hotfix update without too much effort. Or at least I hope it wouldn't take hours of work to code in.
  4. bonesnap

    Zombieless Servers?

    I've seen a few servers without zed spawns, and 20+ players. Bugged I think. Immediate left the server, what fun is a zombie apocalypse with only living meatbags to fight off ha.
  5. bonesnap

    Axe Murders

    Backstabbing, trolling, call it what you will. Trolololol This one time I saw a body on the noob shores sprawled on the floor and hatchets just came out so I decided to test it on the body to test range / see if there would be blood spray. Surely enough the body twitched so I lol'd and kept swinging, got a murder count and felt like Jack Nicholson for the rest of that char's life. Another time I was in the train station with nothing but a hatchet and buddy crouched walked in with a lee enfield pointed my direction so I started swinging away, got one swing, nothing happens, he keeps walking by and didn't even notice me. Swung again at his back, at this point I'm sure he hears the "gunshot" sounds from the hatchet (this needs to be removed, not stealthy at all XD). After 2-3 full pointblank swings that never connected at all, he turned around and 1 shot me. Was worth a try I guess, all I had to lose was a hatchet and some bandages really.
  6. bonesnap

    Will Arma 3 actually be optimized?

    I lol'd when I read some peeps defending arma 2 and saying it is optimized. Far from it actually. It looks like crap next to games I max out on my $2,000 rig such as Deus Ex:3 and Battlefield:3. However, it's also 3 years old so deserves some credit in that regard. To even be comparable to new games is actually pretty respectable. Anyways, I can't max it out without it being highly unplayable. Sure, it's a more complex engine, but the graphics engine is definitely older and not as nice looking. But saying it's optimized is pure fanboy ignorance. It's still a great game nonetheless, but don't speak before you think. I'm a computer network technician with many certifications, I think I know a bit about computers. However, I imagine a reason it doesn't run too well with new-age equipment is in part due to the fact it's based on directx9 and not 11 as most games are these days and how the newer video cards are more accommodated for directx11. You can't blame them, it's an older game. So I'm not bashing it one bit, just saying, I can go to task manager and see how it's hardly using any of my cpu and gpu yet still barely churns out 40 fps on med-high settings. IMO it's not super terrible though. I would just have hated to buy it on my comp 3 years ago and probably be running it on low specs at best ha (I didn't have nearly as nice of a rig 3 years ago, but I didn't spend 2 grand recently to not be able to max out a 3 year old game LOLOLOL). SSD hd, core i7 2600k, 16g ram, gtx 570 sc and I can't even come close to maxing it? Yeah something's seriously wrong when top of the line parts 3 years later can't max it. But yes I too am hoping Arma 3 is more optimized. Only time will tell.
  7. bonesnap

    Player Skills/Skill trees - Bad idea

    Maybe instead of a skilltree or complete opposition of a skill tree you could start with one spec that does not level up at all but provides one benefit of your choice. Could spawn as a doctor, scout, sharpshooter, mechanic, driver/pilot, engineer, melee specialist, etc. These spec's would only provide really minor bonuses though. Just a random idea thrown out there, I don't mind it the way it is now though, an even playing field is always nice. However maybe sharpshooter should give super minor bonuses so 90% of the flippin' community isn't one. Don't really need to give anymore bonuses to camping snipers and jazz lol.
  8. bonesnap

    Removing stuff off-map

    Should just implement the "kill after 30s of being out of range mechanic" that supposedly already exists in tens of mods already. Long overdue-sauce?
  9. I think an M9 SD was the best weapon I've ever had in this game, too bad clips for it are hella rare. And why on earth are clips segregated into SD clips and regular clips? As far as I can recall, you throw a suppressor on a gun and that's all that's needed for silencing it. Having to find SD mags specifically for a gun is both unrealistic and super annoying. Balance is hardly a matter when idiots are running around sniping 24/7 anyways lols.
  10. bonesnap

    Anyone else do this...

    If I found someones vehicle hoard stash, I'd love to blow it up to reset it. Unfortunately I haven't had that privilege, as I've only found 1 tractor after like 100 hours of playtime.
  11. I never found anything wrong with server name tags, no tag servers are hella annoying as it only increases friendly fire to the nines. More skins would be great though (but obviously we need to tend to the hackers and bugs first unfortunately).
  12. Meh rarely see any vehicles EVER, don't think giving me it's location is gonna stop the hoarders from taking them off the map. Thanks anyways.
  13. bonesnap

    let the hopper wars begin

    4-8 people to camp one barracks? That's kinda ..sad lol.
  14. bonesnap

    No competent player should die

    Yeah, instead try hatcheting someone carrying a lee enfield, now there's a challenge. Being a pussy sniper takes no skill, as much skill as it takes to point a cursor at someone and left click, maybe pressing R for the occasional reload. (I would have got the hatchet kill if the damn thing would connect, 2-3 swings point blank and it effing missed every time, I hope hatchets get fixed soon, obviously it's not perfect since it was just created though).
  15. bonesnap

    No wonder people hack!!

    I've been lucky enough to never get owned by a door yet, holy crap batman! However, I once did this cool test, do a 360 in a doorway laying down and see how many times you can go unconscious/break bones in a full rotation. I think it's like 2 breaks per full rotation lol.
  16. bonesnap

    Hackers have ruined DayZ

    The script kiddies seem to mostly be on the populated servers, thus why I try to avoid them like the plague. Also, if you see yourself getting dropped from the sky I would suggest alt+f4'ing the hell out of there before dying (one of if not the only time d/c'ing is acceptable imo).
  17. bonesnap

    Ghillie Suits

    I'm about 99% sure this is not caused by ghillie suits and probably more than likely caused by hacker trash jelly of you finding nice gear. I've watched an entire server get slain by being dropped from the air, me and my buddy included, and we were not wearing ghillie suits. Does that answer your question? I can't wait for arma 3 so we can rid the game of these fail script kiddies, not even worthy of the title "hacker".
  18. bonesnap

    No wonder people hack!!

    Bone breaking is going to be toned down in the next patch, so until then, better make dat hospital your first objective! (And probably still after the patch lols).
  19. Shoot or be shot until they patch this tdm madness, unfortunately. Bandit skins/heartbeats won't do much considering, how are they supposed to identify soon-to-be-murderers? (aka fresh characters).
  20. I prefer fun over "realism" in a game anyday. Ever wonder why BF3 and such are so successful? Yeah one of the main draws of this game is the realism, don't get me wrong. But it's also the fact that there are no other sandbox zombie FPS' on the market. At all. I really wish I was around to play before the bandit skins got taken out, just to at least see what it was like. Sure probably didn't do anything since alot of people were soon-to-be murderers and weren't bandit skinned yet lol, but would at least help identify them. As far as I can tell the heartbeat mechanic doesn't do crap, I put my cursor on my buddy when he had 1 murder and I didn't even hear a -faint- heartbeat. No sound whatsoever. But yeah what buddy said about including more benefits to cooperating makes more sense than penalizing murderers. Just how it will be done is the question. TBH sniper ammo is too common for such a parmesan weapon.
  21. bonesnap

    how to upgrade

    You can download the beta patches here: http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php/ You will also need to follow this guide if you are using the Steam copy of Arma II in order to run the beta patch through DayZ: http://southcoastbeanwars.com/day-z-news/how-to-run-arma-2-beta-dayz-in-steam/ I used the six updater once and it screwed everything and I couldn't play, so I don't really recommend the six updater.
  22. bonesnap

    Task Force Chernarus recruiting!

    Trying not to be negative here but as soon as clans stop acting like tools and hoarding vehicles I'd definitely consider joining one. (Not implying yours does, but I hope this gets fixed soon so I actually want to join a clan). And yes, inb4 I could be waiting a looooong time. Anyways, good luck with your recruitment!
  23. bonesnap

    well this game got boring fast

    Well don't server hop then? I have the ability to cheat in nearly every single player game I've come across (cheat codes exist for almost every game these days), but do I? Nah, rather play games on the hardest difficulty even if I have to die/reload saves alot. If you cheat (server hopping is an exploit, rocket said it himself), then you're only cheating yourself (out of fun).
  24. bonesnap

    No wonder people hack!!

    I gave away the location of a hackers stash on the noob shores once and then he slayed me lol. Don't regret it one bit. If you're careful though you won't die to bugs too often (you have to learn from experience though unfortunately).
  25. bonesnap

    First Car of DayZ :D

    Wew! You found a vehicle?! I guess the clan hoarders aren't doing their job right today. Yeah I found a tractor once.. once.. in 100 hours of play roughly. Kinda sad actually :o