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Everything posted by bonesnap

  1. Sadly the only populated servers with a decent ping I can find sell G17's/AKM's and other crap to donators. So it's not as completely avoidable as some may say. That and my favorite server (a lingor one that was heavily populated) is now hackslapped twice if not more a day, and is basically unplayable due to rollbacks happening 24/7. So yes I agree this whole donating for loot crap should be removed.
  2. What weapons damage helicopters? Only grenades/armor penetrating sniper rifles, or do other weapons damage them as well? I tried doing a search but could not find any info on this, so some information would be much appreciated. Since I keep reading that M107's and AS50's are being taken out of loot tables for servers, I think it would be super one-sided to remove the only counter to the already-overpowered helicopters. Thanks.
  3. bonesnap

    What weapons damage helicopters?

    Wow thanks alot for all the quick and detailed responses guys! You answered my next question already, which is how much damage you would need to do, roughly, to bring one down. Thanks again! Beans for all :P
  4. Sweet, thanks, I will try this tomorrow aft :D
  5. May I ask where you disabled hyperthreading? In BIOS, windows, or arma 2? I am curious now since my performance is pretty bad with a core i7 and I added hyperthreading startup parameters to arma 2 and it didn't do much. TY. edit: Also, to the poster above, supporting multiple processors is not the same as supporting hyperthreading, a feature proprietary to solely Intel processors :P If hyperthreading isn't supported it could cause more harm than good being enabled I believe.
  6. bonesnap

    Dayz Commander: Dayz +

    Looks great, but ew, don't remove as50's and m107's unless you remove helicopters as well.. Remove one superpower that is the only counter to another superpower and next thing we know it's gonna be a gongshow of heli rape :( as if they weren't powerful enough? I'm not suggesting removal of helicopters per say, but seriously don't remove the ONLY counter to them. XD
  7. bonesnap

    Discussion of the standalone defecation\poo feature

    I'm surprised how 99% of people posting here think he was serious about the 19:39 comments revolving around defecation. 20:55 sums it up best. "Ah yeah so don't step in the poo." Ahahaha, sounds like a sense of humor and people are getting worked up over it, thinking its legit LOL
  8. Other: "It wouldn't make a difference since getting sniped by a unknown or even detected assailant is pretty much gg anyways."
  9. bonesnap

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    A steam release would be wonderful for VAC, as well as the wide distribution to consumers (it's the largest online game distributor in the world), we can only hope. Either way buying a copy, so that's settled. Yeaaaaa
  10. Uhh bro, some of us spent two grand on our computers within the last year on pc's with core i7 quad core hyperthreaded cpu's and solid state hd, 16g ram, GTX 570 SC, etc, and can't even get near maxing out the current game (arma2) without having garbage fps. I'm talking having shadows and aa on low just to get a decent first person shooter experience. Yet I go back to skyrim, deus 3, bf3, anything new-age really and remind myself once again what my computer is capable of. Everything maxed out with silky fps. What are you playing on, a server? The game runs terrible. Yes it's old and wasn't necessarily designed for newer equipment, but you just talked so much garbage I mentally saw the dumpster pour. In actual relevance, I hope an nvidia 560 really will properly run this game as they say it will haha.
  11. bonesnap

    What keeps you playing DayZ?

    The sandbox survival experience is unlike any other. Thought haven't really played much at all lately since every time me and my buddy start doing well we've been getting hackslapped. Still hop on occasionally for kicks I guess. Just gotta avoid them populated servers like the dirty plague that they are.
  12. bonesnap

    New War Z screenshots

    The car's a boat (term for a large car), why won't people understand that rofl.
  13. bonesnap

    vehicle "hoarding", what the hell is it?

    MAKE VEHICLE SPAWNS RANDOM. Problem partially solved. Good day.
  14. bonesnap

    No Respawn button now? /sigh

    If you can't find zombies or a 3 ft. ledge to jump off of to break your legs and bleed out, well, not sure you're cut out for the zombie apocalypse then. Sorry, I'm not trying to be harsh, but killing yourself accidentally from the damn button is 10x more aggravating than trying to find a single zombie to kill yourself from if you are so intent on cutting down the distance of your friends. Even more counter-argument: Ever misclick respawn trying to change controls/video options when you're already with your friend and have to run 20 mins to get back? Yeah that's worse than spending a minute finding zombies to get killed by and respawn. Hell, my body was gone by the time I made it back, lost FN FAL, 7 tools, etc, alot worse than spending a minute to find a freaking zombie.
  15. bonesnap

    Pending Update: Build

    Disabling respawn button? Thank youuu.. I've died as many times from it as I have hackers (twice from each). Thank you so much. XD Also I bid you good luck trying to work out the whole Alt+F4 matter, seems very difficult to find a proper solution. However, I did like the 5 seconds of staying around after disconnect, although imo it could be lengthened to maybe about 15-30 seconds (if this banning thing doesn't work out with the false positives and such). edit: If the 15-30s delay on disconnect was reimplemented again, and people have problems with disconnecting / bad internet, I guess it could be time to upgrade to a decent connection. Absolutely incredible work. Thanks again for actually listening to the community, that is just one more reason I have a feeling this will be an extremely successful title when released.
  16. bonesnap

    Respawn Verification

    Save the childish remarks for some internet blog site. You only make yourself look like your eight years old, and I'd be in great disbelief if you said otherwise after that kind of comment lol. The suggestions forum is for constructive feedback, not your anal lube comments. The respawn button is hella annoying and should have a confirmation button if not be removed altogether. If people wanted to kill themselves, they could find zombies in about 60 seconds or less. Misclicking and wiping days of work is lame, if they had a kill-yourself-in-one-button beside options in diablo 2 hardcore, people would misclick and rage too.
  17. Add a yes/no confirmation box on clicking it or remove the bloody respawn button altogether. If we really wanted to kill ourselves I think it would take maybe a full 60 seconds to find some zombies or a place to jump off of, break legs and enjoy that sweet sweet bleedout. Anyways, I have a thread made in my sig suggesting these measures, you can reply/like it if you want to help this get more attention. edit: Oh sick I never heard about respawn being disabled in the future, free cookie for whoever posts the source link lol.
  18. bonesnap

    Third person vs First person view

    People need to turn their head bob all the way off. I did this in probably the first 30 mins of play. 3rd person is only nice to view my character's sexiness of all the epic gear he's acquired, and to cheat by avoiding painkiller shaky cam. I pretty much just use 1st the entire time, since I carry 1-2 painkillers at all times.
  19. I had 207 headshots and 207 zombies killed, aka 100% headshot ratio, then I accidentally wiped my char by misclicking beside the options menu, (you know, that big fat slay-your-hardcore-char-in-one-click-button, respawn). Didn't take it too well lol. Dunno, wouldn't really care if leaderboards came back, more concerned about the removal of this retarded respawn button or at least adding a yes/no confirmation box on something as important as losing days/weeks of progress in a single freaking misclick. You can read my sig thread for more info's if you want.
  20. bonesnap

    Get rid of all the sniper rifles

    To be brutally honest, removing sniper rifles from Day Z wouldn't bother me in the slightest, because then people would actually require -skill- to PvP in this game. That's also 95% of the reason so many people are crying on this thread and saying no. Lol. If they are to remain, there should be huuuge bullet drop and more shakiness when prone, to match that of crouching at the very least. It's too easy mode right now. High risk high gain makes sense for PvP, not just high bush high gain, that's a pretty bad concept lol. Almost as bad as one click killing your hardcore character without a confirmation box when you tried to change controls/video settings. (See signature thread).
  21. I suggest a yes/no confirmation box popup when you choose to respawn. Reasoning: I have slain myself twice now, being careless trying to change controls too fast and my hand slips on the respawn box, and boom, one hit death. Lol that respawn button is more dangerous than zombies and some players even. Was doing very well, 200+ kills, FN FAL, 7 tools, and even 100% headshot accuracy (was doing extremely well here, never maintained 100% hs ratio before). For something as IMPORTANT as killing yourself with a click, can we please have a yes/no confirmation for respawning? This is hardcore mode.. I realize I screwed up hard doing stuff too fast (can you blame me, Arma 2 controls require a ton of rebinding), but if there was a one-click "kill yourself" button in Diablo 2 hardcore, people would freak too lol. Thanks for reading.
  22. bonesnap

    DayZ should work with Google Maps

    I love this idea, heck I'll be honest, I've dreamed of this concept ever since I was young lol. Biggest problem I can see with it though, next to making the maps modeled after the map images, is finding players to play with lol. If everyone is playing in their hometown, there will be like 2 people for me to play with in Regina, SK :(
  23. bonesnap

    [Suggestion] Non-lethal weapons

    You could always leave the server if people constantly KO stunlock griefed you, I mean, even if a 30 second timer was implemented leaving you there defenseless when you d/c, you already are a sitting duck.
  24. I searched Respawn and didn't see any threads. I guess it wasn't specific enough, my bad, no need to have a shitfit lol. This is a big enough problem that getting attention never hurt anyways. People can just alt+F4, or ctrl alt delete, this has nothing to do with the wussies who server bounce. This has to do with the legit players dying when they try to remap Arma 2's god awful controls / change video settings to make the freaking game playable since its optimization is pretty bad. I shouldn't even have to touch the video settings, much less turn them waaay down. Playing with antialiasing on low right now when every other game I play is 16 or 32x. The game punishes us enough with bad optimization, misclick killing myself only adds to rediculous amounts of aggravation.
  25. Oh, you know I will haha. Possible alternative: Just take out or deactivate the stupid Respawn button altogether. Reason: If I really want to kill myself to spawn closer to x, I don't think it would be that hard to find some zomboes, or a nice high place to jump from to break my legs and bleedout. So far this button has only caused me more grief than good. And by grief I mean losing my entire inventory, having stats wiped, and having to run across the entire map just to meet up with my buddy again. Not cool for one click to cause this much damage, and a definite turnoff for play desirability. Hell, my body was even gone by the time I made it all the way back (I died at the top of Klen hill and heard flies. Kind of hard to miss a body there).