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Everything posted by bonesnap

  1. bonesnap

    Are they improving performance ?

    It's not even version 0.50 yet. Relax people.
  2. I think people made the thatpostgavemecancer jpeg exactly for threads like this.
  3. bonesnap

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    Rarely. Also, since the servers are capped at 40 players it's rare to even find players to begin with. :/ Are the 100 player servers still being tested? And if so, are they ever going to make it to stable is the real question.
  4. bonesnap

    Does the game become worse every update?

    By strafing sideways, it's pretty hard to get hit by zombies. I killed nine in a row without getting hit once using a pickaxe, by circle strafing them. It's really not that hard. Also, you are better off trying to kill them in an open area. Going into a confined area like a building to melee them is a bad idea.
  5. I have absolutely no problem with not allowing private shard server admins to modify loot tables.. But I highly recommend allowing changes to vehicle quantities/qualities when they are available. I do not own a server and never have, so this is coming from a player's perspective not an admin's. Some of my best memories of DayZ mod were on the very-high vehicle-population servers. It was much easier to meet up with friends, and vehicle-initiated gunfights were very interesting. Quick example: One time somebody hit me with his car, I went flying and my legs were broken. He did a 180 turn about 20 meters away, and got out of his car to try to gun me down behind cover. I lobbed a grenade at the car, it exploded and I won the gunfight, when odds were strongly against my favor. It was exhilarating. Needless to say I attracted more attention, and things escalated, which added to the fun. Sorry for the long post, but please consider allowing admins to alter vehicle quantities/qualities on private shards. Thanks for reading. P.S: I understand many people do not like high vehicle-population servers. This is subjective, and you do not have to play on these servers if you do not like this feature. It is also worth noting that my suggestion does not go against the realism aspect of the game; as in a post-apocalyptic scenario, there would be immeasurable amounts of both working and broken-down vehicles all over the place from survivors trying to flee the country. EDIT: Damnit. This whole thread is butchered, sorry. A forum admin explained private hives and private shards in another thread, and I interpreted shards as hives. Since "private hives" will allow admins to modify loot tables, including vehicle quantities, this whole thread is kind of pointless, as I originally thought these private hives were going to be heavily restricted. "Private shards" are just vanilla servers with a few extra controls like passwords and the ability to ban players. If an admin is reading this, please delete my thread.
  6. I take it you've never seen shows or movies like 28 Days Later, The Walking Dead, etc? There are vehicles EVERYWHERE. That's one of the signs that chaos occurred. Broken down or working but out-of-fuel, abandoned vehicles everywhere. Besides, if you don't like it, no one would be forcing you to play on such servers. Do you just scour suggestions forums waiting to bash everyone's ideas? edit: Also, generally speaking, probably half of the population of non-3rd-world-countries own their own vehicle. For how many zombies there would be, there should be quite a bit of vehicles. What would all the roads be there for if there is 20-40 vehicles on the entire 220 square kilometer map. Would make zero sense. We can't say for sure yet how many vehicles there will be since they are not yet implemented, but really there should be a half dozen vehicles even around the small towns. No one said they had to be mint condition, or even have any fuel at all. I still think admins should have some control over vehicle quantities, granted they aren't allowed to do silly things like spawn them on the spot.
  7. bonesnap

    Should zombies fear fire?

    Do zombies feel pain? I think this answers your question. AKA no. Why would they fear fire. Zombies shouldn't fear anything, so to speak. Also, this. If you are going by the lore concept of them being attracted to heat, anyways. Some lore would state that they want a warm meal. IMO they would just chomp stuff down to the bone, warm flesh or not. There would be less zombies and more skeletons around. The only zombies around would be the humans who got infected and escaped.
  8. Having played since DayzMod alpha, calling "friendly" is the oldest trick in the book. No offense intended, but you should have known better. Well, on the bright side, this should serve as an excellent learning experience. XD edit: P.S. I've been shot at first by hero-skinned players in DayzMod, without even having a bandit skin, so I literally trust no one except the crew I'm with.
  9. Hardcore fo' life. Only beginners to FPS games and campers need to look over corners and walls. Flame me all you want, but I'm not the one playing with a handicap.
  10. bonesnap

    We need 60-100 player sever

    This. Also, add the following: 60-100 player serversWay more zombiesLoot respawns in-game without server restartVehiclesPermanent item storage (aka "tents" / vehicle storage)Voila, GoTY awards out the wazoo. Obviously this will take much time. However, once we have 60 player servers, loot respawns and possibly a few dozen vehicles, things would be much more exciting.
  11. bonesnap

    Make server restart warning compulsory

    Logged in to up-vote.
  12. Gonna copy/paste the statement I strongly agree with most when reading this thread. DayZ needs to have a threatening environment.
  13. I agree, there should be a very low chance that all types of loot spawn everywhere. This adds variety and surprise to looting. Key words here folks: very low
  14. bonesnap

    Why Devs should allow early modding

    Give me the Lingor map on DayZ SA and all will be forgiven. Chernarus+ or not, is kind of boring without 150+ player servers (in my opinion). It just seems like an empty wasteland even on 40+ player servers.. Lingor was also way more balanced, there weren't mountains everywhere as sniper havens. Most of the map was highly obscured with jungle flora and had fairly level ground, which led to more interesting and even-sided gunfights. Lingor map size was also perfect, there was alot more excitement and less Jogging Simulator 2k14. Ahh how I miss Lingor.. I reinstall DayzMod every now and then to check up on the Lingor server populations which are nearly non-existant these days.. everyone has abandoned it in favor of cheesy currency/trader overkill-modded maps like Epoch this or that. :( TLDR; I would pay good money for Lingor on Dayz Standalone.
  15. bonesnap

    out-numbered encounters

    I'd rather take my chances than "comply" with terrorists, lol.
  16. Logged in just to bean you for the zombie horde video. Want. Now.
  17. IMO: Add tons of gore, and an option to turn it on/off for those with weak stomachs. It's a zombie game that should be rated 18A. Lack of proper gore is unacceptable, lol. Children shouldn't be playing it anyways, as said earlier in this topic.
  18. bonesnap

    DayZ should always be about survival...

    I agree in that helicopters with gatling guns were way overpowered and had no place in DayZ. Especially if the only counter was not in-game or removed altogether (AS50 anyone?). Also, the kill on sight mentality would drop hard if there were thousands of zombies, that were hard to kill (headshot only or tons of body shots) and hit way harder too. It's more deathmatch than survival, and I will be waiting a long time til it is the opposite :( An another note, speaking of IED's, those would be amazingly fun. Grenades/smoke grenades/explosives in general were tons of fun in the mod, even if just using a smoke grenade to attract a horde of zombies to a player in a building when you had no ammo to take them out lol, or just preferred to remain quiet and unnoticed.
  19. There is no difficulty in surviving at the moment. Once there are hundreds if not thousands of zombies, maybe the KoS'ing will die down (although not die completely obviously, which is a good thing - it is some of the most fun the game has to offer).
  20. bonesnap

    Bounty on Brad

    Well, that was good for a lol. Anyone who decides to stream their gameplay is open for criticism, whether you like it or not. Don't stream/upload if you can't handle the repercussions. Not trying to be mean here, but it's common sense that an uploaded video will be watched and thus judged.
  21. bonesnap

    Dayz weekly report

    Urgh all I want is proper respawning loot. Only.. Few..more..months.. >_>
  22. If you want PvE, you should play Left 4 Dead or Dead Island. What makes DayZ unique is it's pvp elements, imo.
  23. bonesnap

    Forced headbob for the sake of realism?

    Headbob should die along with 56.6k dialup XD
  24. bonesnap

    One other person on the server and he killed me

    Lol, after reading the thread title and before reading the post, I guessed electro. What do I win?
  25. Judging by the thread title, I do not think you think you know what alpha means. Alpha is the development phase in a game's software development cycle where most if not all features of a game are implemented, followed by the beta phase where the bugs associated with the newly-introduced features are then fixed up.