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Everything posted by bonesnap

  1. Yep, people are dicks. ..And I wasn't talking about just the sniper lol.. snide forum posters are included :D In response to the crying like a girl post, no, actually he wasn't. He was upset he lost one of the rarest items in the game to cheese. In fact, you yourself are the one who sounds like the annoying baby here, sorry to break it to ya.
  2. bonesnap

    Best way to pinpoint gun fire?

    I would suggest headphones so you can tell the direction of the gunfire easier. The directional sound in this game is pretty well done, I like it. Usually I can tell which direction the gunfire came from by the first or second shot so I can either check it out or bounce if I'm not willing to get into a gunfight at that particular moment (usually the latter lol). edit: or yeah surround sound speakers if you got the cash/setup, headphones are the cheaper alternative
  3. bonesnap

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I would almost dare say to make bear traps work against zombies only, but rather than go to that extent I think thedukey3 has the idea, they should be hella rare that way we can forget about them then accidentally walk into one ha.
  4. bonesnap

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I agree that basic stuff should be fixed rather than worry about the headache of problems beartrap introduction will cause, not even including the crazy amount of griefing it will bring. I guess new stuff is always nice, but I have a feeling it will go down the route of barb wire fencing and take an even worse turn. Vehicle spawns are stupid rare and needs to be completely retooled/changed so jackwads can't hoard, bagging guns needs a fix (they disappear), hatchet should sit in toolkit and use F to change to so you don't have to give up your main gun, and a zombies hitting/going through walls fix is 100x more important than giving trolls new weapons.. uhh but I guess trolls need to be fed? =/
  5. bonesnap

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I didn't want "craploads" of vehicles. I wanted to see another one again, preferably in this lifetime. I don't play on select servers and from what I've seen from tens of servers, is next to no vehicles. Don't bring up planes, because to be honest I don't know why heli's are in this mod at all, air vehicles are way overkill and don't really have a place (they are definitely realistic but perhaps a tad overpowered maybe), but all vehicles in general should bring hordes running from the town over almost and it would be fine. It would force players to have to park their vehicles far outside areas they would want to loot and have a chance to get their ride stolen! Rather than just parking right beside where they are looking for their next jerry can.. And that's -if- they even find a ride to begin with. It's so stupid rare right now doubling it won't help me see one this week still bro. Increase the vehicle spawn by a ton, and tune up the noise on vehicles beyond 5 bars to something huge (just make it flash red to signal you are generating something in excess of 5). If gasoline usage was tuned up too it would make us run on foot for supplies 24/7 anyways, there's tons of ways to balance out more vehicles if it ever became a problem, unfortunately right now its quite the opposite.
  6. bonesnap

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    We don't need moar run speed, we need more vehimicles! So non-clannies can have a ride once in a blue moon too. See post on pg 121 for more details.
  7. bonesnap

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Kiting the zombies up steep hills is an easy way to LOS and lose 'em. Or step on a dock, and watch them go in the deep end of the pool where you can now safely run away as they try to swim back to shore. Stairs are also decent to get shots off from, I don't think zombies could run up stairs even if they could run in buildings. But yes please read my post about vehicle spawns in page 121, ty. :p
  8. bonesnap

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    It feels like the vehicle spawn needs to be tripled or even quadrupled. 80+ hours and I've found one vehicle, a tractor. And I definitely can't say the same for my friend who has logged about the same amount of time but has seen zero vehicles. If I played 2 hours a day, I would find one vehicle every 40 days at best. Good gravy. And that's being optimistic, like I said my buddy has found 0 vehicles in roughly the same 80 hours... The vehicle patch apparently didn't reduce hoarding enough. :( One should not have to roam the edge/outskirts of the map to have -any- chance of finding a vech. I actually super lucked out when I found that tractor at the top of a hill, didn't think I was EVER going to find a vehicle in this game unless I stumbled upon some packrat's vehicle collection. And it's not like extra vehicles are going to break the game either, just make 80-90% of them need repairs from spawn. If you really wanted you could also make vehicles consume more fuel on use to counterbalance having more vehicles. In short: It'd be nice to find a useable/repairable vehicle more than once every couple months. Please up the vehicle spawn. Seriously, who wouldn't want more vehicles? And maybe to prevent hoarding you could implement some sort of vehicle spawn reset if 3+ idle vehicles were within about 2 km of eachother (must be idle and not in use). Obviously you have more pressing matters like performance tweaks and such that I too agree are of more concern, but when you have time, I'm sure a lot of players would appreciate some vehicle changes.
  9. I think once the engine was optimized to the nines, it would be cool for zombie amounts to be doubled/tripled and with that new 200% of zombie population composed of slow zombies, so it forces players to work together more since zombies would be more difficult but won't make it absolutely tough enough to be unplayable. Key point there being the extra population of zombies are all slow ones. And allowing them to spawn elsewhere a bit, forests are completely void of danger and should have some threat involved. Of course this is purely hypothetical as it would be rediculously demanding but I would rather play on a 10-20 player server with thousands of zombies than a 50 player server with hundreds of zombies. Another thought would be the occasional mutant zombie, overexposed to the virus or genetically susceptible to it and would be extra tough/strong/fast/etc and would vary in difference and probably be bigger and scarier. Maybe even different detection mechanics as well. But yeah the games in alpha, at this point any new features are good ones pretty much.
  10. bonesnap

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Yeah, I got in a small shed once when running from a horde to make them funnel in only one way so I could hatchet away. Baaaad idea. Equivalent to being surrounded by the complete pack as all 8 of them roughly were getting swings in at the same time lol. Walls were basically nonexistent.
  11. bonesnap

    Remove Death by bleeding

    Yeah without anything constructive to add. Props to all the players like yourself.
  12. bonesnap

    Remove Death by bleeding

    I think glass bones are the real problem, getting one shot at 75% health is hella annoying. Well, that and snide remarks like enigma's.
  13. bonesnap

    just shot my first person

    This one time shortly after hatchets just came out, I saw a body on the ground by the noob shores and I hatcheted it, testing out my newfound axe. Then it twitched and blood squirted haha. Saw the murder count go up and for the rest of that character's life I felt like Jack Nicholson. (I've had some friendly encounters though so I haven't compleeetely become a sith yet.) :D Pulled a zombie to some dudes once accidentally and apologized, offered them painkillers since they needed it and they gave me a M1911 with clips. So yeah its hard to shoot everyone on sight when there's decency left in this post-apocalyptic world.
  14. bonesnap

    Broken bones, no morphine, not fun.

    I also agree painkillers should be swapped for morphine, combined with the fact you start with no gun. I don't mind not starting with a gun, but no starting morphine is pretty rough in my opinion, just due to the randomness of getting one shot broken/KO'd at high blood. Also, I wish bone breaking bugs would be addressed first, second only to performance fixes. If bone breaking was downtuned that would be nice too (getting bones broken at 9k blood from a lucky hit is pretty much game over without a morphine). It might have been my imagination, but I thought I was over 9k blood and had been knocked out from one hit before too (either a bug or I misread it). Maybe if it only could occur at 5k or 6k blood and under it wouldn't be so random. Getting owned in one hit from 75% health just feels way too bursty. I'd like to hear some others views on bone breaking as well.
  15. bonesnap

    To Rocket & the “Hardcore” crowd

    "Cry less, play smarter. Or better yet; don't like it? Don't play it. " I love how the Day Z community tears apart every single poster that brings up difficulty, whether there are valid points made or not. No seriously, if there's one thing I dislike about this incredible mod, it would be the annoying small group of the community who just say trash like "QQ play something else" or something along those lines without any intelligible or constructive feedback as to why they oppose someone's opinion. Please go back to 4chan and post where you belong, where one liners are actually wanted. Or do something useful and give constructive feedback as to why someone's post/idea is worthless. I for one am loving the difficulty of this mod. Challenge brings me here and keeps me here, and no I do not want it nerfed. And no I don't mind not starting with a weapon, adds to the tension. However, the OP makes a completely valid point about bones breaking from 2 ft falls/way too often in general, it can be seriously annoying and I think it is one of the only major problems with the game right now. Do really well then fall through a building, break your legs and tell me you're not pissed. Or get one-hit at 10k blood and get your legs broken with no morphine (I've read you can only get bones broken only when swung at < 9k blood, but it seems to happen over 9k blood anyway). Oh, and just because he was on the forums for 2 hours on that name doesn't mean he wasn't anonymous playing before you even were (more than likely not the case but stop being a jerk, you playing for longer than others does not make your $#@& smell any better or you're opinion any more valid than a new player. In fact, new players take up a majority of a games revenue/sales and their opinion should be considered along with the rest).
  16. I can also confirm that I begin with 40+ FPS and after 30 minutes to an hour come to a crawling 10 or so frames per second. Perhaps a memory leak somewhere? Not sure, I'm only a hardware/software tech and not a programmer. I know it fixed when I restarted my computer, didn't try restarting just the game though, sorry. Here is confirmation on some issues I have found: -the possible memory leak I spoke of (edit: if it helps I am using a Nvidia gtx 570 SC (overclocked card) with the latest drivers, someone in a page after me said it could be related to Nvidia cards) -cannot add all sorts of items to (noob) backpack, they just disappear (have tried lee enfield, double barrel shotty and hatchet) -picking up a watch makes you drop a ton of gear -zombies will attack without animation some of the time -cannot drop hatchet after equipping it as main weapon -crossbow attack misses badly/goes through target sometimes (might be arma 2 engine flaw) -difficult to target wire fencing kit to remove an already placed kit (only tried this once though) -crawling through doorways prone doesn't work so well, my buddy even broke a bone doing it haha -speaking of bone breaking, I have also broken a bone swimming before too heh, not to mention losing inventory (which I heard is an arma 2 flaw?) Not to sound nitpicky or anything, just trying to point out things to help with this incredible Alpha. It's seriously impressive for it's state and I can't wait to see it mature, even though it's rediculously fun as it is. You should be proud of your work Rocket. This game is better than sliced bread to myself and many others, and I would happily shell out sixty bucks for a polished version of it in a bandit heartbeat. (Logged 60+ hours and haven't killed a soul yet actually, omg not a murderer yet!) The only problem now is waiting for you to shut up and take my money. :D Please do that.
  17. bonesnap

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

    Yes, I believe the vehicles respawn -every- time the server restarts. That's not going to stop the server hosts from forcing restarts and hoarding them all into a few select locations, but it's a step in the right direction. Servers have to be reset sooner or later, right? Heh.
  18. bonesnap

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

    Apparently. I'll be sure to check off the map for you sometime, since checking within the map on tens of different servers for a solid week didn't yield much results.
  19. bonesnap

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

    No, it's not selfish to have 6 vehicles to your 12 player squad. That's absolutely fine. I must have misinterpreted the "we" as a lot less players, as in 2 people do not need 5 vehicles. My mistake. It's just that not everyone has a tight knit squad to begin with, and one does not simply walk into clan membership. Maybe the problem lies more with the lack of vehicles around due to the snowball effect of squads finding vehicles, then using the found vehicles to aid their hoarding of more vehicles. Hoarding is fine, and everyone wants to be that person. But I've seen maybe 3 helicopter rotors, 30 tires, 15 engines/parts/etc, 40 scrap metal, and so on, and no vehicles. I could have built a few out vehicles out of -scratch- with how much I've found but unable to use. :huh: Well there's an idea even haha.
  20. bonesnap

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

    "Also you realize vehicles only reset every 7 days if they aren't used, right? We use all our vehicles and even if we just used them as storage would make sure to move them every few days to avoid them reseting so this update has nothing to do with stopping hoarding at all, which is perfectly legit." Yeah, my point exactly. That's why a new system needs to be put in place so people can't just move vehicles every 167 hours to keep their collection of farmed vehicles. That's unfair to the rest of the players and you know it. Not all of us have 5 vehicles, let alone had ridden one in Day Z ever before. And no, players should not have to scour the edges of the bloody map as the only consistent way to find vehicles. I don't think Rocket intended the only credible source of vehicles coming from the edges of nowhere, in packs and herds of 5 vehicles at once.. Run for hours amidst the edges of the map with a miniscule chance of finding people's stashes? Terrible. And hell, it's not even very likely since people are being dumb and storing them off the map still (not you but you don't take up the entire population). I for one am not going to destroy my chances of survival by running in the bush for hours on end looking for a vehicle only to die of starvation because there is probably next to no buildings on the edge of the map. Only those with the coords have a chance of finding it without losing tons of food/water/heat supplies in the process. -1 for defending unfair gameplay mechanics to suit your selfish needs Oh, and keep defending your hoard of 5+ vehicles so that some players can never ride a single vehicle and get tired of running around slowly and wean off into another game, thus cutting down on the playerbase and interest in DayZ's future in general. Or accept the reality that it needs a fix and there are many possible solutions.
  21. bonesnap

    VEHICLE UPDATE (database side): 2012-06-16

    "Of course.. I understand and it's our fault for being invested in them and expecting them to stay there but still.. it's a shitty feeling having that much work wasted, alpha or not" Well maybe you shouldn't be hoarding vehicles like a tool anyways. I've played for about 30 hours and have yet to see a SINGLE VEHICLE. Why, you ask? Because annoying people like yourself keep hoarding 5+ vehicles in a single spot, off the map or on it, doesn't matter. You don't need that many vehicles, so I'm actually glad you lost your crap. Suffer like the rest of us, at least you EVEN FOUND A VEHICLE. 7 days respawn is WAAAAY too long, should be reset daily to prevent these hoardmongers. And IMO if you get over 3+ (parked) vehicles together it should just reset them back to spawn again. Stop letting clans have garages full of the entire server's vehicle spawn. If they are currently being driven in packs thats legit, but hoarding vehicles by the dozen is a load of crap. They should be driven daily or respawn, that could work and prevent serious hoarding.. Not everyone has even driven a vehicle, much less has the choice of 8 to pick from for the days cruise. I've beta tested like 30 games and I didn't need the experience to tell me that. Btw, Not trying to discredit the update or anything, it's great and I'll take what I can get. Just wanted to one up these QQ'ers.. "oh no I had 5 vehicles and now my gear inside them is gone." Well boohoo I haven't even ridden a bicycle or anything for that matter and I've been playing nonstop for almost a full week. So yeah I lol'd when I read that. But yeah thumbs up to all the fast updates, and the amazing game in general!