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Everything posted by MaxTheSurvivor

  1. MaxTheSurvivor

    Weapons w/ Magazines

    Then you were lucky to have someone taking care of your rifle. For us it was clear at the moment we received the assault rifle at the arsenal that we were responsible and would be held responsible for anything bad that could happen with our personnal rifle. Each infringement to security rules that were considered not too serious were punished by things like running around the stadium or stay still the whole afternoon with your full pack on your back. When ammunition were involved and a soldier was doing something stupid like leaving a mag loaded in the baracks it was usually 3 days of jail. My platoon once had to stay a full afternoon still with full pack on our back from 13:00 to 18:00 under a heavy sun just because a guy of our platoon arrived 5 minutes later than the schedule. He was that kind of guy a bit lost in space and after this afternoon we told him he should give up because he wasn t a soldier, he was some kind of Steve Urkel, and it wasn t the first time we were punished because of him. He told us that his father was a colonel and that he wanted to prove his dad that he was a bad ass too. That night we did a "full metal jacket" operation on him. I guess it really depends in which weapon you are, some have harsher rules than the others. I m not that proud of the full metal jacket thing but the guy constatly sent us to fuck off, he wasn t caring about the platoon so we had to educate him.
  2. I guess it depends what gear you have and how much you ll lose in case you die, in this case the guy had pretty much nothing to lose but an axe. Moreover he was in a military facility and we all know that the trend there is to kill or be killed.
  3. MaxTheSurvivor

    The War on Wilderness - Reclaiming Myshkino

    That s why i don t even bother looking for a tent, since they re eating all the forests to replace them with towns and city the risk to have your hard won tent found by some guy is too high. The only way would be to have a bigger map, maybe the same as we have now but twice the size so that distances creates a feel of safety as it will take much longer to go from on point to another and thus giving those who want to build a safe haven the possibility to do so.
  4. MaxTheSurvivor

    Various issues....please help ? :)

    The "please wait" thing can be solved by pressing "ESC" and choosing another server, some servers seem to take an eternity to log you. The "You re dead" thing seems strange when you re a fresh spawn, if you re not a fresh spawn it means you logged off in a place you shouldn t have and someone killed you when you came back. The ruined pants while going upstairs seems odd, if you could provide a video this could be helpful. About the melee weapons, the only weapons you should look for are the axes and pickaxe anything else could lead to disappointing death.
  5. MaxTheSurvivor

    A nooby moment

    Nice you decided to share our crazy DayZ, remember "they all want to kill, do it before they do".
  6. Be bold! That s what i ve learned from DayZ, the only way to sign a truce in this game is when they re on the floor crying about mama and how nice they ll be next time. Play it hard, sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt but you know what will happen to you if you play it "I was a poetry teacher before all this happened"
  7. MaxTheSurvivor

    frendly face frendly words UNFRENDLY SHOTGUN lesson

    Don't trust nobody rule number one of the DayZ club.
  8. MaxTheSurvivor

    Weapons w/ Magazines

    I ve been through NEAF, NWAF and Balota I don t know how many times and found only an AKM with no mags before I got killed by a ghost player that shoot my with a silenced weapon (crossbow?) in 2 consecutives shoots that left me suspicious about how he could manage to find me and kill me where I was. Now I'm back looking for an assault rifle but with no luck yet. Must I say that I haven t found a mag for any assault rifle yet?
  9. MaxTheSurvivor

    Why is SMERSH so rare?

    Yeah this means that the smersh vest is as rare as an m4. I didn t knew having a few extra slots in the inventory was such a great advantage to make such an item so rare. I understand assault rifles are rare but a vest? It s not like if we were looking for the black balaclava that adds some cool look to our character.
  10. MaxTheSurvivor

    Whats your favorite location on the map?

    I have no favourite location, i keep moving, you will never find me wandering in the same place twice the same day. I m too paranoïd that someone spots me twice in the same area the same day and then thinks i established camp somewhere nearby. I m always on the move whatever i do whatever i m looking for, there are enough location where to find gear not to stay stuck in the same place.
  11. MaxTheSurvivor

    Why is SMERSH so rare?

    Smersh vest are as common as camo pants and jackets in almost any army IRL. They should definitely share the same spawn chance and location as the smersh backpack. This is ridicoulus, hundreds of thousand of players and I don t even know if one guy found it since 0.49 release.
  12. MaxTheSurvivor

    Weapons w/ Magazines

    For civilian guns I do agree, the mag should be in the same house where you find the gun. It makes sense, even if for security reasons you keep the ammo gun and mag separated they should all be available in the same house. For the military guns, security rules are security rules, the only guys with handguns loaded are the MPs.
  13. MaxTheSurvivor

    Weapons w/ Magazines

    If I correctly remember my military days the rules were; assault rifle on the rack, no mag on it even empty or expect to be invited by the sergeant for a little run of two hours around the military base stadium with all your pack on your back. Of course, no bullets inside the mag if inside the military complex. A few soldiers experienced the little run in the middle of the night because they forgot the security rules. DayZ seems to repect the military security rules.
  14. MaxTheSurvivor

    Killed by a dead guy!

    The only explanation I have is that his bullet had a ricochet, as you're injured right after his rifle fired. You shoot him, he falls, his rifle fires, the bullet ricochets and kills you.
  15. MaxTheSurvivor


    Ah at last you argue what you write instead of yelling "No you're not allowed to think that, I don't want, it's not fair". See we're on a forum, this is a place where people meet, gather info, exchange ideas and arguments. Your previous posts were more statement tweets than forum argumentation. Now that we can discuss like normal people do on a forum accept the fact that other have ideas that may no match your desires, what I posted was not meant for you only but for all those that allow themselves to think how to make DayZ a better game. Moreover, my idea can easily be tested on experimental test servers and if the results don't validate the idea they will never reach the stable branch and you will never know that they even tested it. You don't have to be so jumpy when someone expresses an idea that is not yours.
  16. MaxTheSurvivor


    Ok, I see what kind of people you are, don't you understand that FPS pure PvP games other than DayZ exists? That they're better suited for that kind of play and that people have decided to purchase DayZ to experience something else? I played myself on BF for a few thousands hours since the first one and if I want to play pure PvP that's the game I'll launch and not DayZ. What's the interest for DayZ to go the PvP way? Start from an Arma mod and develop a standalone that in the end will be a copy paste of Arma? What's the purpose of that? Does it not occur to you that DayZ going that path will simply mean its death in the near future because of the competition from other PvP oriented games?
  17. MaxTheSurvivor


    I think you didn't really read what I wrote. The only time a player killed me was the day I started DayZ, since then I know how to take care of myself. What I wrote is not about punishing people from killing others but to eject the scumbags that are hijacking DayZ turning it into a stupid PvP fest. I guess you're just one of these people I was talking about.
  18. MaxTheSurvivor


    The problem with fresh spawns is that you have no way to tell if that fresh spawn is a genuine noob or a murderer that just died in Berezino a couple of minutes ago and who sees you as an opportunity to quickly get geared in case he's to far away from his body to get his gear back. IRL you would stick with others because as some point you would need to sleep, eat, and do other things that leave you vulnerable if on your own. In game you don't need to do such things, if you need to sleep you just log off and you're safe. With 0.49 as loot is scarce people tend to be less aggressive, I mean normal people, those who play the game for its survival aspect, making them think twice before they shot on sight as they may attract Zs. But this doesn't prevent the CoD 12 years old kids to play as before, it just slows them a bit and a friendly geared guy is considered a naïve moron that can be punched for his gear. That's the way things are and will be for at least the next 6 months, best thing is to leave people on their own. As it has been stated many times, the lack of immediate punishment like attracting a horde of Zs if you start shooting on anything that moves makes the game easy. Add the hype about DayZ that attracted a lot of people from CoD or BF that aren't really interested in DayZ but only about the fact that they found a new place to do the same old things and you have a bizarre mix of CoD community and people who are genuinely trying to play DayZ as it should be. These two worlds are not meant to play the same game, because they're definitely not looking for the same things. Honestly, and people will probably jump when they'll read this, the only way to reduce the amount of CoD players right now, without waiting for Z hordes and other mechanisms that will take time to be implemented is to increase the spawn time. If you die because you played the game but you made a mistake the first respawn should be as fast as it is now, but if you die every 10 minutes because you were running from spawn spot to Berezino to do stupid repetitive PvP you should have a counter increasing for each one of your quick deaths. Second spawn time in let's say in less than 1 hour, is 3 minutes, third spawn in less than 1 hour is 10 minutes, etc. I can tell you that this will highly reduce the number of babies looking for quick PvP as the game will punish the careless and thus protect those who are truly trying to survive and are taking care of their character. This is easy to implement and player profiling is probably more efficient than any in game mechanism the would prevent you from shooting at other players. BattleEye can easily identify new fresh spawns that just bought the game from fresh spawns that died 5 times the last hour because they are PvPing all around the place. And I tell you, if you have the black screen with "Respawn in 1h10 minutes" and you're looking to PvP on DayZ because you and your mates are bored of CoD or BF because you know all the maps by heart, you will quickly get bored of DayZ and you will leave and play another FPS meant for quick death matches. Leaving DayZ to those who want to play a survival game.
  19. MaxTheSurvivor

    My friends shoot anyone who is geared ...

    I friend of mine says the same "When you're young you tend to be a stupid idealist socialist, as you grow older you tend be become an old conservative moron". Maybe he's right?
  20. MaxTheSurvivor

    I just wanted to share

    It happened to me with my new 0.49 spawn, I was stuck upstairs because a Z ran after me and I had the bright idea to kill it right in front of the downstairs, I tried to jump over it for 5 minutes then just tried to hit it with my axe repeatedly and the body disappeared after 3 or 4 hits.
  21. MaxTheSurvivor

    Cars in Dayz Standalone

    Vehicles are a really bad idea, the map is way to small. Imagine you can drive from east to west in less than 10 minutes, what would be the interest to play this game? Stupid PvP for 12 years old that just discovered how to jerk off? I heard they intend to put bicycles in game, I honestly think it's too early at this stage. If we had a 500km x 500km map I would understand that running for 5 days IRL is some pain in the ass but right now the only interest in this game is to move from the east hell and try to find some good gear in the west then do whatever goes through your mind. If I spawn in Novo, find a bike and 10 minutes later I'm near NWAF where is the thrill? It's all gone, you die, doesn't matter because you'll be back before the guy that killed you has the time to bandage himself. No please, no shortcuts like these until we have bigger maps, even then I'd like to have to walk for 2 or 3 days IRL to go from on side of the map to the other and face all the events, good or bad that I may encounter between those 2 points. Why not a train that goes from Berezino to NWAF in less than 2 minutes?
  22. Looks like this camp is meant to be a PvP spot, an attack defense place, team A holds the place, team B tries to get it. The camp itself has a lot of place where people are safe from snipers and all this food looks like an invitation to make a stand. I scouted the camp and its surroundings for about 30 minutes looking for all the sniping spots and checked what are the safe places where snipers have no angle to shot you. To take this settlement you'll need at least 2 snipers on both sides of the valley as forests nearby offer a lot of possibilities to flank any lone sniper. I won't be surprised if this place is the next best PvP spot you'll see on youtube.
  23. MaxTheSurvivor

    Lovely People out there...

    That guy running after him made the biggest mistake he could have done, he didn't even looked for cover, he's just thrown his life away. Never follow people like that if you have no backup and if you don't know the place. Good knowledge of the neighborhood could have saved his life, but the guy just ran after him like a rookie. Good job, you remained frosty, you deserve to live another day.
  24. MaxTheSurvivor

    Out of all the randoms deaths that could've happened.

    Yeahh it's called the purge and you've been entitled for a new life on the beach (it's about trolling time).
  25. MaxTheSurvivor

    My friends shoot anyone who is geared ...

    Real bandits are those guys that will fall on your back in some remote location handcuffing you and robbing or killing you. Your friends, no offence, are twats, that kind of player other people are complaining about in multiple threads. You can recognize real bandits to their attitude, they have style, the know how to track people, set traps, put you in a position where you're stuck and have no other choice but to surrender. Your friends on the opposite are like those two guys that were shooting at other people in Washington 10 years ago from the trunk of their car. Cowards.