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Everything posted by MaxTheSurvivor

  1. MaxTheSurvivor

    Dragging bodies!!!

    +1 The Cradle-drop drag position (see below) is by experience the most efficient in pretty much all situations, there are many other ways to evac a wounded or dead body and take him to cover like dragging the body by the smersh vest but it works only if the soldier has a smersh vest and if he closed/attached the vest correctly. And this one is, I believe, the easiest to animate.
  2. MaxTheSurvivor

    Post Your Gear So Far

    I know it's been 2 days since you posted your gear. You might be dead by now. Anyway, if you're still looking for the BLUE canvas shorts I saw one yesterday in that kind of houses, and it is not the first time I saw them there:
  3. MaxTheSurvivor

    Character skills from before the Zeds, learning skills

    We've been there before, good old days (2 years ago) when you were arriving in Berezino just to see guys jumping from the highest buildings or frenetically running towards you begging you to put an end to their misery. No way to punish someone for such behavior since a program cannot make the difference between an awkward player or a guy who jumps deliberately from the roof. As some point it was pure mayhem, guys becoming aggressive if you were refusing to kill them, trying to punch you in hope that you would shoot them down. On the forums people were constantly asking for the devs to have the suicide options implemented just to abuse the Vybor spawn.
  4. I like that, I like it a lot. Any little things that brings us closer of the "Do it yourself" is welcome
  5. MaxTheSurvivor

    Character skills from before the Zeds, learning skills

    Would be nice, but honestly I think it would just end up as with the Vybor spawn, 98% of the Bambis committing suicide until they get the, guess what? ... The guy with the military background. It would get old real quick as the other skills would be under represented which of course would end up with 98% of the people complaining that there are not enough medics to correctly heal the wounds of the guys with the military background or not enough mechanics with the skills to repair the vehicles. Actually the very same guys that forgot that they are those who systematically killed those who decided to play with the medic or mechanic skills because that was so easy and so much fun.
  6. MaxTheSurvivor

    How to fight the abuse of the gamma settings

    My rig is quite outdated with 2x GeForce GTX 460 SLI and in worst conditions I'm getting 25 -26 fps. I have no budget to upgrade my rig so if this tweak has the slightest impact on performance and eats 2-3 fps then I'm against this. We don't all have the money to upgrade our hardware to the latest GPU and with the new engine I think many people with low quality rig like me are happy the way the game is right now. Good ideas might not always be good for everyone and implementing a tweak that has a performance impact could reduce the player base as these people would not be able to play in good conditions anymore. Devs could give it a try on low-end/outdated configurations to measure the performance impact.
  7. MaxTheSurvivor

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Damn, the server on which I had 8 oil barrels of stash is gone, never to return. I was just telling myself 5 minutes before it goes definitely down without even knowing the server will vanish: "Take one of your M4s as primary and swap the CR75 for one of your FNX. What if the server disappears?" Thankfully I listened myself. But that's all I could save. The rest is all gone.
  8. MaxTheSurvivor


    Listen "honey", 14 years of real life personal experience and scientific proofs tell me something completely different from what you say, being pedantic is not an argument
  9. MaxTheSurvivor


    source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adaptation_(eye) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Efficiency[edit] The human eye can function from very dark to very bright levels of light; its sensing capabilities reach across nine orders of magnitude. This means that the brightest and the darkest light signal that the eye can sense are a factor of roughly 1,000,000,000 apart. However, in any given moment of time, the eye can only sense a contrast ratio of one thousand. What enables the wider reach is that the eye adapts its definition of what is black. The eye takes approximately 20–30 minutes to fully adapt from bright sunlight to complete darkness and become ten thousand to one million times more sensitive than at full daylight. In this process, the eye's perception of color changes as well (this is called the Purkinje effect). However, it takes approximately five minutes for the eye to adapt to bright sunlight from darkness. This is due to cones obtaining more sensitivity when first entering the dark for the first five minutes but the rods take over after five or more minutes.[1] Dark adaptation is far quicker and deeper in young people than the elderly. [2] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Never been in the army, isn't it? I suggest you go out of the city once in a while far from the city light pollution. And you'll see how your eyes are able to adapt to the darkness. No need for night vision goggles for that, our eyes are not that bad at it, sure far from other nocturne animals but still brighter than the picture I posted above.
  10. MaxTheSurvivor


    Thanks but no thanks, I'm playing on full day/night cycle servers, and usually in the evening, this is how it would look like if they implemented your idea I haven't purchased a game to see no shit for the few hours in the evening I can play DayZ A monitor is unable to reproduce the human eye and its night vision. Yes we have night vision. Gamma is just here to correct what the monitor cannot simulate; the capability of your eye to adapt to low light. Just don't use Gamma correction, no need to force the other to taste your vision of "realism".
  11. MaxTheSurvivor

    Post Your Gear So Far

    my classic fishing outfit :) in 0.60 for those who are looking for the smersh vest, smersh backpack and nato or east suppressors, it seems the chances to get them are far higher in helicopter crashes around NWAF. Crashes from : Sinistok -> Vavilovo, Lopatino, Vybor, Grishino and of course those at the NWAF. I spent 4 days, something like 4 or 5 hours per day looking for these in all the helli crashes all around the map without success, fed up I decided to only circle around NWAF and bingo found a smersh vest between Vavilov and Lopatino. Then I was looking for a suppressor east and decided to pay a visit to the NWAF, checked a russian crash site on the runway and found another smersh vest. Is that a joke? I ran all around Chernarus just to find 2 smersh vest in less than half an hour almost one next to the other? Never saw one in my life and got 2 in a matter of minutes. Next day I decided to return to NWAF for the smersh backpack and found it in the first russian helli crash south east of NWAF near the runway. I decided to take some extra risks, after all it looked like it was payday, raided the east barracks of NWAF and found 2 suppressor east (one attached to an AK, the other in a russian helli crash site near the east main gate that also had the NATO one). The above information about the smersh vest location is wrong. After 150 hours in the last 20 days visiting every single military base (not Tisy) both on high pop and low pop servers (I'm not server hopping, I play the whole session on the same server) I have a better understanding of the helicopter crash sites. So far I found 5 smersh vests (4 damaged, 1 worn) and 5 smersh backpacks (4 pristine, 1 worn). All have been found in Russian heli crashes (honestly American heli crashes have only crap except ammo boxes and very rarely ACOG, no M4 at heli crahes neither, only in north-east tents at NWAF). There's no geographical location better than the other. The smersh vests and smersh backpack are only available for a small amount of time right after the heli crash has spawned. So you'll have to be lucky and be at the right place at the right time. If you find a heli crash with no loot at all it doesn't mean someone looted everything (considering the vast amount of crap spawning) but only that the heli crash is about to de-spawn ) and another heli crash will spawn in the next minutes somewhere else. You can be in a heli crash location one minute and see no helicopter, leave and come back five minutes later and have a heli crash where there was none before, that's the perfect moment to look for the smersh vest.
  12. Introduction: The goal of this thread is to slice the game in logical parts, each one can be discussed separately. If you want to discuss about a specific point just put the number of the paragraph you would like to discuss and try to argument your statements or ideas. As we discuss of the different aspects of the game the big picture should slowly appear and give us a good idea of how the different mechanisms interact to make the game more realistic and balanced. Disclaimer: Sorry for my English, it's not my mother tongue and some sentences may be hard to understand. Do not hesitate to ask if a sentence is barely understandable. Players in the lines below will either be referred as bandits or as survivors, these are the only classes that exist in this kind of game, the rest is poetry. 1. Starting location: It's likely that those who survived the infection are to be found in the city suburbs or small villages. The others have probably been eaten by the Infected or became infected before the game starts. 2. Starting gear: Character starts hungry as it does now but player has a pack of crackers and a soda (this gives the player a chance to seek food by foraging in the forest or try to hunt animals and thus avoid going in the cities). 3. Food spawn: Food loot very scarce, maybe one canned tuna every 10 houses (unless you're a survivalist IRL you only have a few cans in your home, just check in your home, you'll be surprised how little canned food you have, most of your food is eatable outside the fridge for about 2 or 3 days. Only crackers or stuff like that can be kept for a longer time). Only place where food is abundant should be supermarkets where most Zs should be found patrolling the nearby streets (explanation: as the infection was spreading, people decided to go to the supermarket and pillage what was remaining before fleeing but failed thus joining the horde as they too got infected). 4. Infected behavior: Low speed Zs roaming the streets in waves (if a loud noise is heard by the herd a part should go in the direction where the sound came from and stop after a moment if nothing eatable is found then stay here or move back in town where the smell of human flesh is impregnated everywhere). The idea behind that is that infected react by instinct as animals do, they are attracted by the smell of food. Infected that ate a player should be more passive as they had their fill already, making many scenarios possible like handcuffing a poor bastard with a broken leg and use it as bait while you go pillage the neighborhood. 5. Weapons availability: Cities should spawn only civilian handguns (mostly .22 or 9mm) and have really rare shotguns spawning (not many people living in cities go for a hunt). Small villages should have a higher chance of looting shotguns as it is more common for people in the country to go out for a little hunt. Military guns should only be available in military facilities where civilian guns should be extremely rare or nonexistent (.22 in a military facility? WTF? Military don't need such toys, they have better stuff). Melee weapons should be spread with the same logic; splinter axe should only be available in villages or barns, firefighter axes should only be available in cities where there's a fire department). 6. Natural food resources: Game should be more present in the country and in forests (this should force players to go hunt as food resources in cities would be very hard to get if not impossible to find). Expected results: 1. Players spawn in a place where they have a chance to survive. They hear the moaning of the Infected downtown and this should push them outside the cities. 2. Starting with a pack of crackers and a soda represents what the survivors had in their homes before the apocalypse started. It's just enough to give them the possibility to choose if they want to risk everything looting the supermarket or to look for berries or apples in the country. 3. Scarce food makes KoS or death matches or CoD behavior highly unlikely in cities as there are not enough resources to camp the place. The fact that only supermarkets have food but are swarming with Infected would force bandits to be there in numbers, vast numbers in order to access the food. The 12 years old psychos would practically disappear from the game as they would be unable to survive long enough to harass players, those who will try to continue to play DayZ will have to either move in large groups forcing them to be organized or move away from the cities and try to find food somewhere forcing them to become more survivors than bandits. Banditry would become more realistic as desperate people would attack the others for food and not for fun. 4. Infected moving in herds and camping the cities would force the CoD 12 years old retarded to change their behavior in order to survive or look for another game designed for death matches and stop playing DayZ. That guy on the roof shooting with his Mosin will do that just a few times before he realizes that the floor below him is full with Infected that have been attracted by the noise of his shots. 5. Making it difficult to find guns will drastically reduce the possibility of death matches. Think it that way: it took me 2 hours to find a gun and 3 bullets in that damn city swarming with Infected, I won't start shooting like an idiot because I'll attract Infected if I'm in a city and if outside I'll probably need these bullets if a better geared aggressive player shows up. Same for the melee weapons, finding a knife in a house should be easy while finding a firefighter axe in a house should be impossible. 6. In order to survive long enough to either be a bandit or a survivor you will need to find food by yourself. No more city camping with 300 rounds shooting like a moron because you will simply need to eat or drink a some point and the little 5 minutes brake to go to the next house and find enough food for 24 hours would now be impossible. Voilà for now, I have many other ideas but they're more an iteration or aftermath of what I wrote before, but I'm sure you have your own ideas, so share them with us.
  13. MaxTheSurvivor

    What should I keep and what should I drop/trade?

    To the OP, I guess it depends on your play style ; SKS is a good choice, not as great as the Mosin but for mid range sniping it should do the trick. AK101 and AKM without a PSO1 Scope are just good for close quarters, your chances to hit something beyond 300m are random. In my opinion either you go for long range weapon as your primary or mid-range such as the AK101 or AKM with a PSO1 scope. Sawed-off IZH-43 is good but if you have a handgun and the mags for it the Sawed-off seems useless. MP5 is a great replacement for a handgun but the rarity of mags makes me believe that you will likely carry it for a long time before you find 1 or 2 mags. 1911 has only two problems, the rarity of mags (haven’t found 1 since 0.49) and the fact that you have only 7 rounds per mag. The FNX is the handgun to have if of course you have the mags for it. What I would do: SKS keep it, you have 10 rounds, it’s effective at mid range with the PU Scope, but having a Mosin and a LRS may be a better option if you have something extra for close encounters. AK101 and AKM, if you want to have a long range rifle go for the Mosin and wait for 0.50 to be pushed on stable and look for the AKS-74U as it is reported that you can put it inside a backpack. This would be a great replacement for any other close quarters weapons, it would allow you to drop the useless MP5, AK101 and the AKM mags. A good versatile gear: Primary Weapon: - Mid/Long Range: SKS/Mosin Backpack Weapon: - Close Quarters: AKS-74U (wait for 0.50) with 3 mags - Close Quarters (backup): 1911 or FNX with 2 mags
  14. MaxTheSurvivor

    Mosin & Heli Crash Sites

    If you're stll looking for a LRS have a look here: I've found a lot of pristine LRS on top of these towers. Big advantage; these towers can be found in low populaiton areas.
  15. MaxTheSurvivor

    Any of you guys wonder what time period dayz is in.

    Hard to say, the AK101 is produced since 1995 yet you have some old style Traban like cars. I've seen computers in homes that have CRT monitors so it's probably between 1995 and 2000.
  16. MaxTheSurvivor

    The term bandit what it means now

    KoSer is not exactly a title people like to have, so they try to give some romantic touch to their actions by calling themselves "bandits". Yet as I posted in another thread, being a bandit, a real one is probably one of the most difficult play style. You really need to know how to play, have coordination with your mates in order to trap a player without killing him. It's even more dangerous to be a real bandit when the prey is well geared and knows how to use it. Bandits do no shot people unless they messed up their trap and they find themselves having to save their own life. Intercepting a player and riddle him with bullets doesn't sound like a successful banditry to me. More like a failure as all the gear gets ruined in the process.
  17. MaxTheSurvivor

    Staying warm...

    I spawned near Kamyshovo, found burlap sac and rope, crafted a courier bag, then looted the town, found a down jacket quite quickly but I kept having "I'm promptly cooling off". Went as fast as I could, but not running, to Elektro, went to the fire station, found 2 handguns (no mags) and a firefighter axe (bd), then went to the power plant where I found a ZSh3 Pilot Helmet. After that I went to Cap Golova, to take some water at the well nearby, there I encountered a fresh spawn, didn't wasted my time talking with him and to avoid a trap in case he had his friends waiting for him in Cherno I took it north around Pik Kozlova in order to have a better view of the plains of Prigorodki. Then told myself "Fuck I have nothing to lose", cut trough the plains and arrived north of Cherno, there I looted the houses in the suburbs of Cherno, went downtown, had to fight a few Zs, then went to the hospital but I found nothing of interest (except a bd first aid kit). I decided to head north to Dubky, where 3 guys intercepted me, played the idiot, doing the friendly dance, didn't wanted to use the mic because I knew these guys were bored and just looking for some fun so I took the first opportunity to leave, they started to shot at me with their M4, one of them "Shot his legs", I made the longest sprint of my life in DayZ up to south of Nadezhdino where I had a little break to feed myself and drink all the things I found before in order to be ready for my trip to NWAF. All that time I had the "I promptly cooling off", "I'm freezing" alternating messages. Went through the woods up to Rogovo then through the fields up to Veresnik where I found my SKS but nothing else of interest. Then went straight ahead to NWAF not giving a shit if someone could shot me or not. Thankfully no one insight in NWAF, but the place was quite empty, yet I managed to find the TTsKO jacket and Gorka Autumn pants in pristine condition and a green mountain backpack as well as a Makarov and two mags, a pristine firefighter axe, pristine military boots, worn UK camo vest and a worn ballistic helmet. From that moment I only have the "I'm slightly cooling off" messages. I never had to start a fire. I found a thermometer but didn't picked it up. Sorry for the long story, but I thought it would help you understand that I didn't cared too much about my temperature, I told myself "If I die, I don't give a shit, maybe I'll be lucky and spawn in Vybor". My idea was to just find enough things not to die of hypothermia in the next few minutes and make it to the NWAF in order to find the military gear I had prior to 0.49. I really had a goal in mind, I didn't started to turn in circles going here and there, I knew what I wanted to achieve and I decided to go "All in". I worked, I'm alive.
  18. MaxTheSurvivor

    Staying warm...

    Sorry mate didn't noticed you quoted my post. In this particular setup of course, as a fresh spawn I was freezing for the 2 first hours until I managed to loot NWAF. I have 170h in game and I'm playing with the same character since 2 days after they released 0.49 (first character got killed in NWAF). Playing 3-4 hours per day in average. As I said, I have no idea what makes me not being not too cold or too warm, I played on different servers, on all of them I could see my breath and I never had to start a fire. When I read the posts about people complaining that their characters died of hypothermia I don't understand why I don't experience the same. Blind luck that my setup is just balanced enough to never experience temperature problems? That video about temperature was giving us values like a jacket adds +2 to heat, etc... but it looks like it doesn't match my experience. Death can be around the next corner and before this happens I'd like to know how temperature works so that I know what clothing in need to look for in the next one.
  19. MaxTheSurvivor

    Staying warm...

    I really don t know mate, i saw that video about temperature as everyone did when 0.49 was on exp. But since then i haven t found any trustable documentation about temperature. Right now i just stick to my clothing combination because i don t need fire to keep warm. Any accurate and not too outdated litterature about temp available somewhere?
  20. MaxTheSurvivor

    Staying warm...

    I never have the "I m freezing" or "cold" status, just "I m slightly cooling off", maybe it s because i never stop moving. Here s my clothing, i don t know if this combination does wonders but it works: - Ballistic helmet (pristine) - Balaclava (worn) - TTsKO jacket (worn) - Autumn Gorka pants (worn) - High capacity vest (worn) - Military boots (pristine) - Working gloves (pristine) - Hunter backpack (pristine), i wonder if the backpack keeps your back warm, irl it does. I don t know if because i have a TTsKO jacket and a Gorka pant i don t sweat and therefore i m not freezing once the temperature drops. For me the Gorka jacket and the pants are just too much and they must make you sweat. That s my opinion. Maybe someone knows how temerature really works in DayZ. I never found clear information about this.
  21. MaxTheSurvivor

    I have a dream!

    To the OP. Your topic remembers me another one about "KoS, how to approach other players", or something like that. And i ll give you the same advice as I did in the other topic: Do not group with players if your gear is way better/worse than theirs. If you meet bambies and they see you re friendly and they died in an epic fight 5 minutes ago in Elektro, you re a gift from the heavens, a thanksgiving day turkey. You just spare them the hassle to look for gear. That AK101 you have is just what they re looking for.
  22. MaxTheSurvivor

    I have a dream!

    This topic is the counterpart of the "To the guy at blablabla that I blablabla". Same story different point of view.
  23. MaxTheSurvivor

    Hard Contest - Do you get it? Guess the location.

    The answer is: 035 014
  24. MaxTheSurvivor

    AK 101 Mags

    AK101 are rare indeed, so are its magazines. I found 3 mags in the Zelenogorsk barracks (not jail) all at the same time after something like 10 days running with my SKS and it took me another 3 or 5 days (can't remember) before I found the AK101 in the very same place. Before I could find the AK101 I had to carry these 3 mags and also AKM mags and both ammo (my backpack was pretty much a gun shop). I may be wrong but in my experience the Zelenogorsk military base seems less visited than the NWAF (maybe because being sniped in Zelenogorsk seems easier). I barely found something of interest in NWAF (too many people visiting it and so often empty). Pavlovo military base seems to spawn nothing of interest aside Gorkas or ballistic helmet (only weapon I've ever seen in there was the crossbow <_<). I'd say try to visit Zelenogorsk instead of NWAF (NWAF is so easy to infiltrate) as it may be considered a less interesting target for players or server hoppers. It's really a matter of luck, since 0.49 its seems like all the good loot spots are raided in seconds after server restart. You need to stay close of one of these locations and go there as fast as you can after a server restart. It's just pure luck.