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Everything posted by MaxTheSurvivor

  1. MaxTheSurvivor

    Bandits are hilarious...? and liers?

    Ahh kids and their schoolyard stories.
  2. MaxTheSurvivor

    Hard Contest - Do you get it? Guess the location.

    Ok the previous one was really hard. The picture has been taken from the SW to the NE at the crossroads between Sinistok abd Vavilovo. There's another one, much easier, not only do you need to tell me where I am but also if I'm south, west, north, east of the building:
  3. MaxTheSurvivor

    i always die of starvation. i need help!

    Drinking directly from the well takes too much time, making you an easy target. "Drink all" from 2 canteens brings you from neutral thirst to bright green hydrated, that's why I always keep 2x 100% filled canteens with me. When I find a well, I take cover, drink both canteens and then fill them to the well, all this takes less time than drinking directly at the well in order to reach the bright green hydrated status.
  4. MaxTheSurvivor

    i always die of starvation. i need help!

    Anything sharp like an axe, machete, knife, bayonet or even a screwdriver(if not mistaken) can open canned food. Eat and drink until you feel stuffed but not beyond or you'll throw up, you must be energized and hydrated, then you can just keep 1 or 2 canned food and you always must have 1 or even better 2 canteens or water bottle with you. It's paramount that you try to keep the energized and hydrated in bright green all the time. It will make a difference between an injury that is lethal and an injury that you can recover from. About the can opener, I gave up a while ago, I looted I don't know how many houses, I have pretty much everything I need but a can opener. If you find one, keep it, otherwise keep a pristine machete in your backpack as it can also be used as a backup melee weapon if your primary melee weapon gets ruined. If you're cold, try to find a down jacket unless you find a Gorka Autumn Jacket, down jackets are ugly and don't have much room for items but it will keep you warm (unless ruined) until you find something better like the Gorka Jacket and Pants. Once you fulfilled the basic needs of temperature, hunger and thirst, you will be ready to look for something else. Depending where you spawn, if you look for guns, ammo or other things like that before the 3 basic needs are satisfied, you'll be dead in no time. Good luck.
  5. MaxTheSurvivor

    Hard Contest - Do you get it? Guess the location.

    Ok my turn, this one won't be easy yet there's enough information to find where the picture was taken.
  6. MaxTheSurvivor

    Loot in 49. - What am I missing?

    Loot has become rare, good loot even more. Even if you only find a hammer, take it in your hand, if you encounter Zs at least you have something to defend yourself. Circle around the Zs to avoid being hit at try to loot buildings in the streets where you killed the Zs. Try to be inventive. Don't stop moving trying to find what you need in order to survive really fast. They reduced the loot and you will soon find out when you'll be looking for a gun. There's not much else to say, as t1337Dude said you really need to move your ass.
  7. MaxTheSurvivor

    Does anyone else want to be captured/tortured?

    Fantastic :D :D :D I can't give you 3x beans, so have 1.
  8. MaxTheSurvivor

    Hack in my server

    Alright, I'm sorry I don't know what tools you do have as a DayZ server admin. Wait for some DayZ support team member to read this post, maybe they'll be kind enough to give you more accurate information about these matters.
  9. MaxTheSurvivor

    Hard Contest - Do you get it? Guess the location.

    I give my turn to somebody else, right now I'm in the forest, it's going to be really hard to find where I am.
  10. MaxTheSurvivor

    Hack in my server

    First it's not your private server, it's a PUBLIC server you rented, you are not allowed no lock it using password nor kick out players. Two, try not to write as you would speak or think, I had hard times understanding most of your sentences, please be calm before posting. If you're French, just post in French and we will translate if you're not accustomed with English.
  11. MaxTheSurvivor

    Hard Contest - Do you get it? Guess the location.

    1. You're in Nadezhdino 2. Mosin with LRS
  12. MaxTheSurvivor

    Melee aiming - post your info

    Let the Z run on you and when it's about 10m away (right before it attacks) run quickly on the right side (character is right handed) to find yourself behind him and hit with your melee weapon. If you miss or if the Z is still alive repeat this. Don't be impatient or it will hit you and maybe ruin something. Take your time.
  13. MaxTheSurvivor

    How would you get out of this situation?

    Jump servers :P
  14. MaxTheSurvivor

    Finally found a can opener...

    I still haven't found one since 0.49.
  15. MaxTheSurvivor

    What happened to airfields?

    I've spent 1 week since the 0.49 update looking for an AK rifle in all the military bases of Chernarus. I hope it won't take you so long to find one but expect a lot of frustration during your searches.
  16. MaxTheSurvivor

    Heli crash sites

    Watch your ass when circling round Green Mountain, now that some items that could only be looted on helis have seen their spawn chance drasticaly reduced, an old kind of playstyle seems to have come back; the camper. These players know exactly that the loop round Green Mountain is where you have the best chances to find a heli crash and they take position on the edge of the Green Mountain forest waiting for an unsuspecting victim to come. BTW you don't have a 360° vision from the top of the tower (the forest bellow blocks vision)and if the weather is bad you won't be able to see far enough to spot heli crashes.
  17. MaxTheSurvivor

    Heli crash sites

    Just found my 3rd crah site in 10 days, 2 MI-8 one only with military boots and some clothing, the otherone empty (probably looted) and 1 UH-60 that had only crap like 2x worn M4 buttstock MP, 1x pristine M68 CompM2 Optics, 3x Rocket Aviators and 2x Glasses with thin frames. No ammo box, no M4, no balaclava. And I'm pretty sure I was the first on site.
  18. MaxTheSurvivor

    Why not have traditional MMO style servers?

    Right now servers are mostly managed by private people, in order to make the game a success this solution seems better than having 100 official servers that would be saturated in no time. It's not a perfect model but at least you can connect to any server anytime and play.
  19. MaxTheSurvivor

    Get rid of the ambient sounds.

    Fence noises in the middle of the forest where the closest fence is 2 miles away sounds stupid. But I do agree it may not be top priority to fix these.
  20. MaxTheSurvivor

    My first DayZ kill

    He drew first blood, I think no one would blame you if you do what needs to be done in order to stay alive. Next time make sure the offender won't come back, some people do not understand when you speak correctly, they think you're weak and good to kill.
  21. MaxTheSurvivor

    Shortcut that almost cost me dearly...

    3 days ago I was on a not too populated server (20/30), making my way back from Nadezhdino and heading to Zelenogorsk. On the edge of the forest east of Pulkovo and Pogorevka I check the number of players online a see 9/30, it was 02:00 AM and I told myself I'll go find shelter in the Green Mountain forest for the night. As the server population was relatively low I decide to take a shortcut south of Pogorevka through the fields following the hedges but quite in the open fields. As I reach the hedge east of the Green Mountain forest I hear a "fffffweeeeh", I realize someone is shooting at me, I start running trying to take cover in the hedge and another shot comes, at that moment I know there's a sniper on my right on the edge of the Green Mountain near the deer stand. The guy takes another 4 shots as I reach the edge of the forest myself. I pull out my SKS in case the sniper is not alone and one of his friends awaits me on my left side which is also my escape route. I start to run heading for the Green Mountain dirt road, 3 more shots, 1 touches me lightly and turns my pristine High Capacity Vest into worn, however no flesh wound nor bleeding, and I shake the poorly skilled sniper in the woods heading for the Sosnovy Pass in order to reach the forest south of Myshkino. Before that I had a great day, but I almost ruined everything because I got lazy and too confident. Not too much damage to report but my High Capacity Vest and PSO-1 Scope both pristine before this happened and now worn.
  22. MaxTheSurvivor

    Playstyle Poll

    Thanks, I'll take that as a compliment :D , have my beans mate
  23. MaxTheSurvivor

    Playstyle Poll

    None of these options, I don't care if you're in trouble, you're not my brother, we don't know each other, if you're in trouble you probably deserved it. I won't actively seek to kill you but if you're on my way I'll shot you without a word, I don't care about the bullshit you're trying to sell me, I don't have time for this. I keep moving, streets, forests, hills, it doesn't matter, I have my own goals and you're not part of them.
  24. MaxTheSurvivor

    Online dressing-room

    What do you think if we had an online clothing tester, a virtual dressing-room where you can see all the available clothing and weapons in game? Thus allowing us to test what outfit would be best match our tastes.
  25. MaxTheSurvivor

    How are we supposed to play the game right now?

    This would be worthwhile giving it a try on an experimental server to see what happens. It could solve many problems inherent to players behavior, yet would the community accept it or start to complain about the fact that on guy found a M4 in the supermarket and that it is unfair because he wasn't so lucky and so on. Have my beans