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About Romo134134

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  1. Romo134134

    Anti tank rifles

    This is exactly how I feel. I've played the mod quite a bit on a few different servers (Epoch, Overwatch, Overpoch, and the default game.) All of these with the same problem, campers with days worth of ammo for a weapon that shouldn't be used for how they're using it. It's called an 'Anti Material Rifle' for a reason, not to be used for an OP, long ranged, one shot kill weapon. Bandits basically rule the world of DayZ (Mod and SA) and giving them any weapon with this type of power or close to it is only going to make the issue worse. I play as a survivalist (Neither hero nor bandit) because I don't like risking my life to spend 5 minutes of, "Hey I'm friendly" then walking separate ways or being shot trying. 80% of the times I'm killed in DayZ is by bandits camping high loot areas (e.g. Airfields) or common spawn cities like Berezino or Svet, both of which have perfect camping locations for snipers. Most of the people that play DayZ are PVP and always will be, which is the sad truth of how a real world apocalypse would end up being, people killing other people for their own good and not one thinking about other people. Even the clan I play with is about 99% bandits (with me being the 1%) The ONLY exception I'd like with an anti-tank/material rifle would be something heavy, old, and without some crazy scope with the range of a billion magnifying glasses. BUT! Have we not even considered the amount of hacking going on in EVERY ArmA based game there ever has been? How many times have we ArmA II players been killed by some mass mortar? Or maybe every player in the server just dropped dead, looking at the killfeed and seeing 'Player was killed' filling up the side of your screen. And one of the biggest problems is how it's harder to tell in the SA with the limited UI, there's no blood counter that tells you -800,000, or so, blood when shot by a hacker. They'd just spawn the gun in with unlimited ammo and their little scripts that point out every player in the game (I've seen how they work). I'm gonna come straight out and say "I'M AMERICAN AND I LIKE GUNS" I'm a gun nut, a gun fanatic, I love just about every aspect of any firearm known to man, as long as it looks and sounds cool, right? Not really, a .50 BMG or anything larger than a 12.7mm will make your head pop like a watermelon with a stick of dynamite in it. There are soooo many pros and cons to adding rifles like this into the game, but I stand by my opinion in saying that I don't think they should be in the game. Making them rare will only make hacking more common because of the desire for the weapon. Thanks for reading if you did and sorry for the lengthy post.