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Everything posted by Kronons

  1. Kronons

    Exp Update 0.61.137116

    Persistence works fine. Vehicle spatial orientation doesn't. It's been a known bug for a while. The reason for persistence to be disabled for some experimental servers is to increase server load. I.e. if people found vehicles and hid them. It would be really hard for people to find and test vehicles. Hence why persistence is disabled so vehicles will constantly spawn after server restarts. https://trello.com/c/MYYTVXFL/107-stable-hotfix-vehicle-spatial-orientation
  2. Kronons

    Exp Update 0.61.137116

    I've been testing vehicle persistence and vehicle positioning. So far it doesn't seem to be working for me. I will continue testing.
  3. Kronons

    Stable Branch 0.61.137076

    Guys and gals! I don't understand the complaints. First and foremost it is at the discretion of the developers to release content when they feel it is ready. Secondly the game is in current development aka alpha phase. Their main focus is not to fix all bugs, but to implement all features and get the game as a whole to the beta stage. Which has been stated over and over again by the developers. If you cannot play the game in the current state or are angry some features are not implemented or has been taken out. Then take a break and go play something else. Comeback when they have fixed the issue and gotten to a version you can play on. Simple as that. Period. Other than that feel free to provided constructive criticisms rather than whining. Thanks and have fun folks in Dayz!
  4. You would think it shouldn't have a perceivable degree of performance. Remember first and foremost this is a very complex game with lots of dependencies. Even limiting rendering it would still use resources. In computing it is known the improvement of lets say 1 minute to 30 secs is a great improvement. To put this into perspective. Lets say you set the number of junk items to spawn to 100 items in the player radius. Now on top of the rendering of the junk items the game will also spawn another 100 items in a town. Lets say it takes 1 sec for each item to spawn. You initially would have 100 secs before all loot is spawned, but if you add junk loot it would take another 100 secs. Causing the game to take 200 secs of load time. You may say hey it doesn't seem to bad right? But you be wrong. Compound the size and scope of the Dayz world and you would be eating up resources on the client or server side for no reason. Now if you really want aesthetics where you see junk items all over the place. It would be best to have it render with the map itself and not with the loot spawn system. You wouldn't be able to pick them up and interact with them, but it would use less resources then trying to spawn in junk items. You may see some improvements in 0.62 in this matter since the main focus is improving the environment of Dayz.
  5. Kronons

    Exp Update 0.61.136593

    Read the op. It simply states they are still working on server optimizations and fixing server crashes. Plus it is experimental. Either wait until 0.61 goes to stable or play stable. If they stated that the servers are now stable then test and report back. But knowing it is a work in progress and complaining helps no one.
  6. Kronons

    Exp Update 0.61.136593

    FYI Hicks has stated they are shooting for a 0.61 stable release before Christmas. Hence the multiple updates on exp. :)
  7. I agree with Funkmaster Rick. Btw wrong section...there is a troubleshooting section for such issues....
  8. It will affect graphics a lot. No matter if you do it server side or client side. It will take resources. Each individual item is rendered in to display on your screen. With one item you may not notice a significant change, but let say you increase the item rendering to 100 or 1000 items in a building or city. You just increase usage of resources. Add all of that on top of zombie spawning in and rendering, buildings rendering in, trees, grass, roads, sky, etc...How it basically works is the more geometry in a given location the more resources used.
  9. Kronons

    Exp Update 0.61.136562

    Probably not 0.62 as it has been designated as a full environment update. But more likely post 0.62 will we see the new player controller and beta!
  10. Kronons

    Exp Update 0.61.136562

    You should really read the OP and status report. As per the status report. The new infected are using the new player controller while the actual players are using the legacy player controller. Because the physics don't match from the new to the old it causes the zombies to push a player due to how the new physics work on the new system. And at the moment they are working on a temporary fix until the new player controller is released. As with per the OP. The server performance does cause collision issues with geometry which causes the zombies to push you through buildings. Lastly they only push to stable when the new build is working well and is "stable" for the player base. Do your reading and research. Have fun in Cherno!
  11. Kronons

    Exp Update 0.61.136505

    Yea this happened. Lol
  12. Kronons

    Exp Update 0.61.136468

    Honestly I don't understand the complaints about server crashing or people trying to explain what is experimental branch. First of all you guys wasted 2 pages answering a question which could of been used for better purposes. Second of all it doesn't matter if servers are crashing. In development there are multiple branches and versions. We only see 2 of them which are exp/stable. Nothing is stopping the devs from uploading a new update from a different branch with a newer version. Or it could be as simple as changing a few lines of code and uploading a new patch. Or it may require more work. And it takes until Monday. No big deal a few days lost. Lastly do understand that server crashes and client crashes are two separate things. We do not collect server logs...hence the name server logs. Log in, play and let the server crash. The logs are auto created and the devs take a look and fix accordingly. Take a chill pill and let the devs do what they do best.
  13. I don't like the idea of useless items. Think about it. If items are useless it uses server resources which would be used for nothing but aesthetics. You say make it client side? You waste local resources if they implement it that way. You would see your 60 FPS drop to 40 FPS. Why? For junk. If new items are added they should all have a purpose and not be useless eye candy. For example if you see a empty can. You should be able to craft a makeshift knife, container, or pot. Every item should have a purpose and use. Not only for aesthetics. Otherwise use the resources to spawn in more items, more infected, or more wildlife. Not used on useless items. IMO.
  14. Kronons

    Poor Performance

    From Baty Alquawen
  15. Kronons

    Exp Update 0.61.136297

    It will make a big difference if you have more ram and vram than 2gb. Have you ever wondered why the vram limit is 2gb in the current client? Yep you guessed it. It is the limitation of the 32-bit client. Once we get the 64-bit client we can utilize more vram and ram. The increase in memory and vmemory means better texture handling and loading. It could potentially fixed the long distance empty field issue for example. Also with a 64-bit client it can utilize better methods for computations. Which can mean better physics, etc...It'll make a noticeable difference.
  16. Kronons

    Poor Performance

    Game is in Alpha. They have yet to do any real optimizations. Plus the client is still 32-bit which does not utilize the resources of 64-bit machines. Wait for beta or release. Only then will you see significant improvements. Although we did see a great performance increase in 0.60 in the FPS department.
  17. Kronons

    Status Report - 25 Oct 2016

    @Baty Alquawen Congratulations to your success and becoming the new Community Manager! To all the developers. We all know you are working very hard every day. Awesome work and I look forward to all the new work you have been working on!
  18. Kronons

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    Hi Brian Hicks, Stable Hotfix - Vehicle Spatial Orientation has been on the development board for some time and we have yet to hear about any progress regarding this big issue. In the status report we heard vehicle synchronization is being worked on, but nothing regarding the Vehicle Spatial Orientation. Will it be fixed and included in 0.61? @Hicks_206 (DayZ) I see you have answered others post after mine, but not mine. I'm curious to see if we will get any update regarding the Stable Hotfix that has been on the dev board for a long time?
  19. One really big issue you run into with an idea like this is logistics. By having any type of bans in connection with death or pvp it won't work. A lot of servers are hosted by regular people. By having bans it will decrease players on a server and hence reduce donation to keep the server running. So I don't see any modders spending time on something like this.
  20. Kronons

    Status Report - 28 Sept 2016

    I just have to say this is probably the most detailed and comprehensive status report yet! I am excited to see even more transparency between the Dayz team and the community. First off I want to say thank you to the Devs for taking the time to write up such a detailed status report. I am glad to see the devs making progress and being reassured of the commitment you have to the project. I am really looking forward to the 1.0 feature set! Keep up the good work! On a side note. I see vehicle physics and synchronization is being worked on. But any update on the "Stable Hotfix - Vehicle Spatial Orientation"? Thanks.
  21. It's still a thing. Although it is pretty rare now a days it still happens. Usually it happens because of server/client desync. If you read the latest status report they have stated they made significant changes to the net-code to hopefully squash bugs such as this one.
  22. Honestly I don't think this will happen. The developers or to be more specific Hicks have said they are building the game in such a way that the users create the story. They won't spawn characters into a specific role. I don't think they will spawn users with random items either as it can cause game imbalance. So far they have started all players on the same level playing field. I don't think that will change. Now in the future when the game releases I can see mods doing what you stated, just not on the vanilla servers.
  23. I like some of the items in the list. But I don't think an item should be useless. It is not worth the time or effort to implement. Not only so but a waste of resource. Each item has to be useful or fit the game some how. I.e. glass jars can hold water, but you can also break it to make a glass knife or glass arrow tips. Not to just sit on a shelf and look pretty with no intended function. Btw. The developers have stated in the future they will have consumable drugs and alcohol. They already have can beer. In the future will they have intended side effects like being drunk or high? We will have to wait and find out.
  24. Kronons

    how much time

    You all misunderstood. Brian Hicks was talking about how resources are allocated. Since it is still in the alpha phrase the resources are dedicated to 80% adding new features and 20% fixing bugs. Once the beta phase starts it will switch and they will allocated 80% of resources to bug fixing and 20% to adding new features. It does not indicate the percentage the progress of the game is at in its current state.
  25. Kronons

    State of the game?

    BeefBacon answered you pretty well. I also wanted to add. You do know for the COD franchise there are multiple developers. The two most prominent development studios is Infinity Ward and Treyarch. As for Battlefield there are also multiple developers. Most prominent EA Dice and Visceral Games. Since they have multiple development studios they can work on two games at once. That is why you see a new COD or Battlefield game so often. As opposed to Dayz or Fallout 4, Bohemia Interactive and Bethesda Game Studios respectively. They are one development studio so they can only work on one game at a time. Btw the COD and Battlefield still takes many years to develop. It just seems the development is fast due to 2 development studios. Before you spout nonsense please do you do diligence and research before you speak. Thank you.