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The Riddler (DayZ)

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Everything posted by The Riddler (DayZ)

  1. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Sure wish I could have joined you guys. That sounds like a lot of fun. Work is owning me this week. I'm out of town this weekend as well :( but hope to see you guys soon!
  2. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Ah I hope this is intended. I've been wanting to play 1pp this week. I didn't partake in putting a bus together, but a friend on the TS did. He was successful in getting all the parts while in Cherno and drove the bus out of town.......only to crash it into a rock and high center the bus :D :D
  3. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    A lot of things on the horizon fellas. For those who don't frequent these forums often, PM me and I'll be happy to bring you up to speed based on your questions, but I highly encourage you to read up on what the DEV's have been up to as there is plenty in there to keep you coming back for more. I know for some of you, this has been a year full of promises that might feel like they have been broken, but as I look at this from a different angle and under a different light, I realize how amazing it is to have a game like this. The younger gaming generation(s) won't fully appreciate where we've come from especially in the world of First Person Shooters (FPS) let alone a 3rd person view. I mean for us older guys, remember how amazing DOOM was when you first loaded those 3.5mm discs or if you were privileged from a CDROM!!!??? OMG!!! Anyways, seriously, if you don't feel like reading through a bunch of posts to get caught up and are actually interested in what's going on, I'd be happy to lend a hand. Hang in there dangling survivors'.
  4. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Sam's Hot Car Lot

    That's a lot of stuff that is going to get wiped.......
  5. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    I did as well for you guys. I know what its like as I was on a dual core AMD processor when Red Orchestra 2 released years ago and the code was not optimized well at all for AMD dual core processors. I would go to extreme lengths to try and squeeze as much FPS as I could get just to enjoy the game. Hang in there. Dev's should help out since they've fixed it once before. The biggest improvement you'll see is if you use the new UI vs. the old. Also in the last update from this week frame rate in and around cities seems to be better. I didn't use fraps or a frame rate tool to see exactly what I was getting but I could noticeably tell there is an improvement.
  6. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    EDIT: re-downloaded stable and launched fine. Re-downloaded EXP. and launched fine. Quite possibly a corrupt file? I'll report it if this happens again. I'm getting I believe the same memory error as you now. I can't successfully launch the game without it giving the same error. Validating files is not helping. Might try going back to stable and back again just one more time tonight. As for doing spoilers, use brackets instead of parentheses [ spoiler ] [ / spoiler] <<<<< NO spaces. I did that so it wouldn't create a spoiler ;)
  7. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Try updating your video card driver. I did this tonight after switching from experimental to stable and back and the game loaded just fine after doing so. Sounds silly but it might help you.
  8. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    I can confirm for my friend and myself that switching back to stable, loading it up and connecting to a server; then re-download Experimental fixed my issues with getting into a EXP serve tonight. YAY!!! And its only 19:13 and the wife is out with her girlfriends all night :) :) :)
  9. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Ok a friend of mine with regards to the BE issue found a fix...at least for him. He switched back to stable, let it download and he was able to play no problem. He then OPTED back into Experimental, it downloaded and he can now play. Hope this helps anybody. I'm in the process of trying this right now.
  10. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Same here. See above :) and Below :) I have not yet. Trying that next and then if needs be a full reinstall. I did roll back my nvidia driver to the one releaed on November 9th as I know I played that day and was working fine but still doesn't seem to be working. Still in the same loop of trying to install battlEye. :( ANOTHER EDIT: After validating my game files it fails to launch BE and Install and window closes. Validating game files again and now its installing the BattlEye Service......fingers crossed or I'll be reinstalling the game.
  11. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Bummer man. I'm having a heck of a time trying to get past this BattleEye issue. I've emailed support@battleye.com to let them know. I actually updated my graphics driver (Nvidia GTX680) hoping it might help but now reading back a few pages I see I should roll back. Any other suggestions?
  12. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Ugh work has been killer trying to get things done before Thanksgiving. I can't wait to jump in and find a vehicle to at least play with today/tonight. All my vehicles in real life are manual and that's the only way I like them so having a manual transmission in the game is a breathe of fresh air even if its kinda wonky right now. Has anybody tried power shifting? I.E. if you're in 1st gear, you stay in the throttle as you shift to 2nd gear when you're at the top of 1st? In real life that is killer on the clutch and gear box but minimizes deceleration and since its a game I assume their not accounting for mechanical wear and tear....at least not yet anyway. As I've been reading I mention this due to the lack of speed especially from the VS3. Reminds me of when the VS3 was first introduced and if you stopped on a hill you were S.O.L. (shit out of luck) trying to get it to move faster than a person could jog/run. I plan on jumping on late this afternoon/evening so if any of you are willing to jump on the TS, I'd love to hook up with some of you to play. Have not even spawned in since the wipe so I am not sure where I'll be.
  13. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Compilation of memorable moments by TopeREC TV

    Hell of a shot in that first moment! That guy came out of nowhere and you took him down just as fast!!! I love seeing moments like that. I hope your buddy that died got all that guy's gear. "Capital is not KEK, its Warsaw bitch!" <<<< LOL!!!! That was hilarious!!!!
  14. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    EDIT: I found these two reports already filed. Might as well add in our screenshots as further proof. It seems to happen with the gun holster and the plate carrier holster as ColdAthrophy as well reported: https://feedback.dayz.com/view.php?id=28654 https://feedback.dayz.com/view.php?id=28701 S3V3N, I can confirm the same bug with the gun holster. It happened last night to a buddy of mine with a Red9. Furthermore, after this happened as you can see in the screenshot below; he dropped the holster to show me, and then proceeded to pull out his primary weapon (SKS). The game then treated his SKS as if it was a hand gun. He was holding the SKS with one hand and when running he was swinging the SKS as if it was a hand gun. Below is a screen shot you can use to help with the bug report if you are going to file one.
  15. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Guys, I'd like to invite any and all of you who want to test together to use my teamspeak. I know we all live different lives and in different time zones, but please feel free to use it so we can all communicate with each other if you want to test something or just collaborate on your experiences with this version of experimental. My thoughts are based on my experience yesterday plus Boneboy's reply encouraging all of us to band together making playing experimental not only fun but productive. I figured with the Thanksgiving holiday this week here in the U.S. a lot of people will have more time to play so now is the time to get the word out and use my TS. ts.welcometothejungledayz.com NO PASSWORD. Happy Testing everybody.
  16. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Ok, small Rant here about some of the players on Experimental....... I understand this game is mainly right now running around, gearing up to kill, I get that. The game is still being developed to where you don't have to play that way if you don't want but its not there yet IMHO. What I don't get is why players are KOS'ing other players that don't even have a weapon. Nothing on their back, nothing in their hands, no weapon except their fists. Go play Stable if you want to do that. There are quite a few people that are truly testing to find bugs and report them to the Dev's which I just witnessed. I REALLY REALLY wish I had shadow play on before I launched so I didn't get the video of this incident but here is what happen below: Two guys all the way up in Berezhki gun down a player who was running from house to house and dumping all the gear in one spot by a boat. I was up in the hills watching this guy for almost 30 mins just to see what he was doing having just spawned in Svet and ran across him as I was descending on the village. I didn't have any weapons either but was well hidden up in the rocks. As the first shot rang out, the guy who was dumping all the loot by a boat started yelling "whoa whoa, why are you shooting at me? I don't even have a weapon and am trying to test some things". As he ran around missing the bullets from this KOS'er he started asking the guy "Why are you KOS'ing on experimental especially when I don't have a weapon!?" Only response from the player who killed this guy was "Stop Stop" in a very thick Eastern European/Russian Voice. His partner was higher up the hill shooting as well. The guy pleaded with him "Dude please stop, I'm trying to test something with the loot and I don't have a weapon" Why are you shooting at me?" BAM. They got him. Both meet up at the body and hide it as he truly was a fresh spawn wearing only a shirt, jeans and shoes. Shit talking commenced over the dead body and then they moved on back toward Turovo. Sorry but I just don't get it. I guess the argument could be that they were testing out a new weapon, but one had a mosin and one had the CZ rifle :rolleyes: .......it is what it is and there will always be bandits out there I guess is the lesson from watching all that......but I wish they'd go on Stable to do this.
  17. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Anybody else just CTD (Crash To Desktop) ? ? ? First time that has happened to me in this version........seemed to be a video card crash referencing memory. If it keeps it up i'll screenshot the error and file a report.
  18. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Ok, I got a good one from tonight.........I tried out the 1pp server (only one that shows up for me). Honestly don't play much 1PP but thought ehhhh, what the heck. So here goes........... I spawn in Svet. I'm near the church and so I loot a few buildings around that square to start looking for food and drink. I run up to one of pubs and hear foot steps so I stop to listen more attentively....... Yep, definitely somebody in the Pub. Person runs out with Mosin on their back. I wave hello. Person pulls mosin off their back and aims it right at me. Sitting here at my desk I literally close my eyes and wait for the shot to ring through my headphones before I open them again............*BAM!!!! He Missed me...... :rolleyes: I decide I don't really want to be in Svet and I really don't feel like running so I close my eyes again and open them after the second shot. Missed again. Shot 3, 4 and 5........all missed. Mind you i'm not moving. I'm like a guy in a firing squad just waiting for the lights to go out. Player decides without moving to go ahead and load up 5 more rounds. I charge the player. I punch the player I punch the player again. Player goes down for the count. I take their mosin off their back which was just loaded with 5 fresh rounds. I shoot said player in the head with one bullet. For being such a bad shot, I put you down whoever you were (unknown entity when I checked their pulse). After all, you'd have been killed by a zombie at some point with that aim. If it was lag/desync or a PC issue, ok I'll look the other way............ but you missed me standing 10 feet in front of you and not moving. I feel I did you a favor kind sir. :thumbsup:
  19. Awesome man. That was great, and the cat at the end saying hello was classic!
  20. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Thanks for all the replies gang! I have a few things to try out when I get home. 1.) Reboot my rig b/c its been weeks since I have done so. 2.) Verify game cache files 3.) If the problem still persists.....file an issue on the feedback tracker. Again thanks gang!!!
  21. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Tried the new UI last night but unfortunately only got the sky blue screen that faded to white and back again. I could hear the wind blowing as if I was on the main menu but I never could get it to come up. I didn't have any friends online playing DayZ at the time so I couldn't join directly off them to see if I could go directly into a game but does anybody have any pointers? I'd like to see how much better frame rate is for me on my rig. My video card is an Nvidia GTX 680 with slight overclock. I know this game is more CPU heavy than GPU but i'm wondering if my setup has something to do with why I can't see the menu when I launch the game with the new UI? Any tips are appreciated!
  22. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    OHHHHH! I see what you did there!!! LOL! Good One!! I really did laugh out loud when I saw your post :)
  23. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Possibly a regional outage with the GSP's in the UK? I wish I could check my server browser for you, but i'm not on my home rig at the moment.
  24. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Well thank you very much for the kind words. I so badly want to get a public server back up and running again, however its hard to justify the cost right now with the game in its current state, as well I don't have enough of a team anymore to help admin the serve like I did earlier this year and all of last. I personally only have a an hour at most per day where I can sit in my home office and focus on DayZ stuff whether it just be playing or simply reading through our server logs and DaRT logs for any trouble makers. I took all reports of somebody possibly cheating as serious as I could and let the person who reported it know we are here and actively trying to admin the server. We'll be back eventually - just waiting for Beta to hit and see where the game is at that point. Our TS is still active for anybody who needs a place to chat with their squad/team. Please feel free to use it as much as you want. Its a 100 slot TS so plenty of room and bandwidth for everybody. ts.welcometothejungledayz.com
  25. The Riddler (DayZ)

    [Exp 0.59] Avenged

    Yeah man, that was VERY nice. :thumbsup: