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The Riddler (DayZ)

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Everything posted by The Riddler (DayZ)

  1. The Riddler (DayZ)

    AKM vs AK101 performance

    I think what you're missing, you actually made a point about. I've killed hundreds with both guns and I still can't "hands down" say one gun is better than the other due to the damage bugs and spread issues. Just like you, i've been shot in the head, point blank by a teammate for testing purposes by both guns, and each of them produced the same results as follows: AKM - 1st time. ) One shot to the head and dead 2nd time.) One shot to the head - unconscious and only my sunglasses were ruined. AK101 - 1st time.) One shot to the head and dead 2nd time.) One shot to the head - unconscious and only my helmet was ruined. As the game progresses each gun will have its advantages and disadvantages but right now I don't think its fair to put your hand down and say "X" gun is definitely better "Y" gun. Not until the gun physics get ironed out.
  2. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Do you have Persistence turned on or off?

    We decided to turn it off today instead of waiting. We had to have Fragnet reinstall Day Z for unknown reasons today and our traffic really died once we turned it on. Now that's its been off for the past hour I've seen more players in the daytime than I have over the last several days during daytime hours here in the U.S. Not saying persistence had a direct impact on player count, but I can't rule it out. Are more of you leaning this way as well? We want to turn it back on asap but will wait for further development and news from the dev's on the state of persistence. Really appreciate you all commenting. Please keep it coming. This can be good for new server owners or others who are thinking about turning on or off.
  3. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Finding weapons

    Head further inland and checkout the military base's. That's where you'll find the guns you're looking for ( I assume you're looking for more than a rifle ;) ) In particular you could hit up the military base near Zelengorsk, as well check out the town of Zelengorsk. There is a prison on the south end as well as a barracks which usually will have AKM's inside it. Once you've checked out Zelengorsk, keep heading north to the North West Air Field (NWAF). There are tents there as well as barracks etc. You're bound to find what your'e looking for up there,but beware if you're on a populated server, your chances or running into another player up there is increased for sure. You're welcome to check my server out! See my signature. I have persistence off and 4 hour restarts.
  4. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    Well we decided to turn persistence off instead of waiting one more day as we've had some server issues over the last 24 hours. Until persistence is developed more and we know items will stay longer than a few days we'll leave it off. I do feel persistence is on the right track here but just needs more time to be played with and tweaked by development. Looking forward to playing around in experimental with it and looking forward to what development has to say for the next release.
  5. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    Our server has been restored with a fresh copy of Day Z installed. PERSISTENCE IS NOW "off" UNTIL THE NEXT UPDATE (0.51)
  6. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    Well folks, sorry to jump the gun here, but our server unfortunately wouldn't start today and our provider Fragnet is having to re-install the instance of Day Z for us. Therefore, we've decided to disable persistence instead of waiting until tomorrow. Please forgive us if you login and don't find your gear! We won't be turning persistence back on until another release (0.51 etc).
  7. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    Hahahaha, some things never change with that town. I stay well clear of it these days just for that reason. Sometimes I enjoy sitting up in the woods and listening to all the gunshots and watching from my binoculars. All i'm missing when I do that is a bag of popcorn to go along with the entertainment :P
  8. The Riddler (DayZ)

    BEC Controls on Private server not working

    Can you post your files here for us to look at? I just spent some time re-writing my schedule for a public server and finally got everything working the way I want with regards to jobs in the schedule. Keep in mind as of 10/10/2014 - BEC updated the formatting of the scheduler. Below is the message we received from our provider (fragnet)
  9. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    Thanks for coming into this thread Hicks and clearing the air on the development of DayZ. The fact that you guys are participating in the discussions of a game that is still under development with the community helping to support the game is a breath of fresh air to me and I'm sure a lot of other survivors out there. I personally appreciate all the hard work that you guys are pouring into this game and its development. For me as a server owner I really look forward to each update that comes out no matter what it throws at us. Sure things break/change that are not expected but that's part of the development cycle and it gives me and other admins on our server something to look forward to. Personally I really enjoy giving feedback and documenting things in the game that need attention and feel a sense of accomplishment when we report an issue the dev's didn't know about just yet. For those frustrated with the game, maybe take a step back and see what it is you can do to help contribute to the game which might help make your experience more enjoyable. If its so bad that you don't enjoy playing, then stop and come back at another time. You've purchased the game and can play it again when you feel like and with a game like this still in development, you might get surprised when you pick it back up again after taking a break. Just my .02 on the subject. Here's to discussing more about this update and ensuring we get feedback to the dev's that will help make the next update even better.
  10. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    Persistence is starting to become a pain and we're considering turning it off starting WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 11TH @ 07:00. We've had far too many complaints with gear not staying as it should and we got our first report of loot piles at the NWAF after the server restarted. We want to make it fair for all players and feel by turning it off it will help new spawns gather gear better. Our server will restart every 4 hours starting at 04:00, 08:00, 12:00, 16:00 and repeating every day. We are setting up messages that will display starting 30 minutes before restart, followed by 15, 5 and 1 min.
  11. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Do you have Persistence turned on or off?

    Thanks for the input so far. I'm starting to feel the same as far as traffic to our server. We're down from the last 2 weeks quite a bit and I can't help but think persistence is mainly to blame. Overall our server has been running far better than it did on 0.49 but we kept persistence off then. Anybody else care to share? I'm leaning towards turning it off on our server.
  12. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Do you have Persistence turned on or off?

    Thanks man. I reported that as well a few pages back in that thread. Found a random server to play on and found gobs and gobs of loot at the NWAF. I have to this day NOT seen this on my server. We've checked and checked and we're not seeing this issue which makes me wonder what is different about our server and/or what our provider is doing differently than those servers with this issue.
  13. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    We are looking to have people help us test persistence to see if its DayZ (0.50) or if it has something to do with our proivder (Fragnet). What we are looking for is people to join our server and actively communicate with us in TS on when they put down their gear in tents or simply just stash their gear in their place of choosing. We are not asking people to share their loot or their locations. We are simply asking for you to report to us when you drop your gear and if you're able to recover it or if you've lost it. We have an option to restore the persistence file that is backed up every 24 hours by Fragnet. We are hoping with the help of the community who actively plays on our server to help people keep their gear longer or maybe for as long as they play with us. Please join us on TS @ dal-voice1.fragnet.net:9991
  14. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    We're seeing the same thing on my server. I've communicated to folks we're leaving persistence on and when they found stuff missing, they kinda tripped on me on TS. I explained we didn't change anything but i'll see what I can do to get the stuff back. I have an option to restore our storage file, but I have no idea at this point how far it will go back and how often I can do this? Trying our hardest to keep persistence on for everybody and not get this stuff deleted so if there is any input, please PM me or reply to my server thread.
  15. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    Is anybody else having issues with persistence on and items not staying? I've had a few folks email us stating their tents were gone when they logged back in. It seemed to be working the day .50 released. I setup 3 tents with different items in them and they all were there yesterday when I logged in. I have not had a chance to check today but my fear is those items are gone just like the others on the server who reported this issue........
  16. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    Well Persistence seems to be having issues. We have a few that have reported their tents are missing after logging back in. We have not made any changes to the server's setup, nor changed any config for BEC. Sorry if you've lost gear you thought would stay - we're at the mercy of getting more info from the community or dev's on how to fix this.
  17. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    We were at the northwest airfield as well when we encountered the same thing as in your video. The picture I put up a few pages back was from the fire station @ NWAF. My server "Welcome to the Jungle // 24/7 Daytime // Persistence ON" is not having this issue. We've had several admins across the map looking for places that might spawn loot like this but so far we're not seeing it. Myself and Apollo (co-owner) were at NWAF for most of the day yesterday looking to see if this would happen........
  18. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    Found this on random server. I'm sorry I can't recall the name of it. I hope this is getting fixed soon :( EDIT: found it in my server history. Maybe this is one of the servers that didn't get updated correctly yesterday..... DayZ (Public/Veteran)125360 - Hosted by GameServers.com Public Hive IP: 2014-11-06_00005 by , on Flickr
  19. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    Persistence so far seems just fine. Few more days of playing and testing and we should have a good grasp on if we'll leave it on full time or not. We will give notice before we make any changes!!!
  20. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    With 0.50 out today we are enabling persistence. We have already done one restart and items are remaining. We will leave persistence on unless we see issues arise over the next few days. If we do decided to turn persistence off, we will notify folks via this forum as well as an ingame message. Thanks for playing!!!! Join our TS!!!!
  21. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    We've got persistence turned on and we have successfully restarted and items are staying so far!!!! We're gonna leave persistence on unless over the next few days we see issues. Kudos to the dev team for a big update like this. I've already discovered a few of the new places and the new military base is creepy!!!!! Found several new items as well and having a blast!!! NE airfield has a new building? Sorry if this is not new as of 0.50 but its a hanger with the terminal building connected to it. Needs some work as some of the doorways are too narrow for you to go through and there is a door open that prevents you from walking all the way through a hallway. I do like the fireplace it has attached to the building though! Looks like you could throw a party under the awning :) Ahhh so nice to have an update like this :beans:
  22. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Is it too soon to assume they've updated the map to with the new villages/towns they mentioned here in this update? http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/214362-twitter-senchi-there-will-be-really-giant-map-update-for-stable-patch-five-new-villages-and-towns-four-new-unique-locs-and-more/ He mentions update to stable so maybe along with what Eugene mentioned about uploading changes, this is why its taken so long? New Map content = bigger update? I'm only speculating obviously b/c i'm super excited!!!!!
  23. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    I am happy to announce we'll be around another month! Thanks to the community for supporting us and helping out. We really do enjoy running a server and enjoy watching so many survivors return to play once again. IF all goes well today with the update which I assume is why the servers have all been down now for 5+ hours, we'll turn on persistence and give it a shot. Please give feedback here if you'd like! I read through it all and will do what I can to address your issues/concerns. THANK YOU FOR PLAYING!!!!
  24. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Can't wait to get off work and see if we have an update. With the servers down this long I assume they're rolling out 0.50 to stable and not just normal maintenance.
  25. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Status Report - Week of 27 Oct 14

    Thanks for all the info Dev's! This is very exciting news, especially the new inventory layout!!!