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The Riddler (DayZ)

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Everything posted by The Riddler (DayZ)

  1. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    Good times this weekend!!! Some great adventures and some great fights I witnessed up north.
  2. The Riddler (DayZ)

    The DayZ world is like a Ride......

    Of course we're friends! You are from the wonderful Republic of Texas as am I :) Please see above in RED from the original quote. I wasn't referring to the sentence that you have correctly identified as using the correct form of "your". I was referring to the next sentence of "Your Welcome" which is incorrect. Taking your advice and substituting the real meaning of you're in that second sentence, you get the following: You Are Welcome. Please don't take my comment of having an undergrad degree in English as an insult. It simply prerequisites why I would correct somebody's use of the word in question. Thanks for checking out my little video :beans:
  3. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    Hiya Folks, Thanks for all the support. We are climbing fast back up in the ranks. We can't thank you enough. Remember to follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/WTTJ_Dayz for server event updates as well as the latest news on what is happening on the Jungle. Also check out a streamer who frequents the server: http://www.twitch.tv/hundredcardhero
  4. The Riddler (DayZ)

    The DayZ world is like a Ride......

    Nah man. Not worth the wait IMHO. Its just a game in alpha so its part of the territory of playing an unfinished game. Plus it was a great way to tie a Bill Hicks quote to the game :P Thanks for the tip. I got my undergrad in English so I can't help but correct your English. It is "You're" ;) :p
  5. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    Thanks to all the players who make the Jungle your home!!! We are climbing back up in rank b/c of players like you!!! Please visit our forums if you wish to make comments, requests etc. THANK YOU!!!!
  6. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Enjoy Experimental Folks!!! May your journey's find critical issues that can be fixed and speed the release to stable!!! Serious boys enjoy!!! Been fun watching all you post in wait. .......I have no time but wish I did to play experimental in case you're wondering why I don't join ;). I'm lucky enough these days with work to enjoy a few hours a week of DayZ.
  7. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    I highly doubt there will be a player wipe or persistence wipe today. I'd only imagine one or the other happening when .56 hits stable, but we still have not seen .56 released to Experimental. To all you experimental players eager to get your hands on .56 ..... I sure hope it comes out for you guys today as I know a lot of you are patiently waiting......
  8. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    I had been alive on my character for 8 weeks and as soon as we made "Welcome to the Jungle // 24/7 Daytime!!!!" go live on our new Multiplay Server, I died within 40 seconds of joining to the DayZ gods.....AKA I somehow broke my legs and then suddenly died in a Fire Station. A few on our TS were thinking I was going to flip my lid or go nuts since I had been alive for so long and had some really nice gear, but I simply responded with: I never ever EVER! ........get.....attached.....to my gear :)
  9. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    Thanks to the devoted followers who make the Jungle their home. Please ignore my signature server info as that is the old server, but upon launching on Multiplay, we were at full capacity within a few hours and continue to be full tonight. Things will smooth out over the next few days as we add in a few more messages to the BEC script and setup restart messages. Server will restart at this point every 4 hours as our Multiplay server seems very stable so far.
  10. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    Our New IP is: Game: DayZ Server Name: Welcome to the Jungle // 24/7 Daytime!!! Server IP: Our Server is now powered by Multiplay Game Servers
  11. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    Our IP will be changing again soon. We do apologize for the back and forth as we switch providers. THANKS FOR PLAYING!!!
  12. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

  13. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    I have an on going thread in the Server section. I've let everybody know the issues we've been having this week and trying to get people to come back. Our server is not showing up in the server browser unless you filter for it :( The new IP is: We also are having issues getting the server to show up on gametracker.com thus why I have not changed my signature yet. Any and all help from the community would be fantastic guys. I have been out of the loop mostly this week due to my day job and have not had as much time as I would like to try and resolve this and get the word out that we are still here but our IP changed. Sorry this is a bit off topic from .55 discussion........ we miss our community of players :(
  14. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    As a public server owner, we are not allowed nor do we have access anymore to reset the persistence "loot" file. We are eagerly awaiting .56 as our server's loot right now is "broken" in the sense that massive amounts of loot are found on certain parts of the map but other places are picked clean and no longer spawn loot. On top of that Fragnet change our IP on us without our full consent and thus have lost all of our traffic b/c people can't find the server......(sigh)........good times.......
  15. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    We apologize for the issues today. We are currently working to get Fragnet to restore our server to the original IP address of For now please find the game server @ We will update this thread once the issues at Fragnet are resolved.
  16. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    Thanks for all the support everyone! Our server is coming up on its 1 year anniversary soon. We are going to try to plan some events during the month of. Stay tuned for info here, and on our twitter account!!!
  17. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    As for the desync and laggy issues seen over the last few days, i finally put in a ticket with our Provider (Fragnet) to see if there is anything that can be done. Its simply unplayable at this time for me. If I got into a situation where I had to PVP I'd probably die b/c the player I thought I was shooting at had already moved. :( Yes, you can control the time of day in which the server starts. Currently with Fragnet (not sure if this is available with other GSP's) we have the ability to accelerate the game time. Servers that currently have this enabled will have an "X" next to their server time (Ex: 10:42x). In our GSP's settings (Fragnet), we can enable Accelerated time and then set the ratio (game time vs real time). So at first to test it out, I tried 24:1 which means 24 hours in the game go by in 1 real life hour. This obviously makes the sun and moon fly through the sky which makes it (in my opinion) annoying and unrealistic. So we set it to 12:1 which more or less made 1 hour of daytime and 1 hour of night time on a 2 hour restart. Since playing with the accelerated time, we lost a lot of traffic dropping the server out of the Top 10 so we decided to keep it 24/7 daytime for the time being <<< No pun intended :P Seems quite a few players prefer daytime over night just based on how quickly we dropped out of the top 10, but eventually I am excited to have day and night on the server all the time.
  18. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    The last time I tried them, they work, but only if you're holding it in your hand. I.E. you can't leave it on in your backpack and pickup up radio chatter as its picked up on the channel you're on. These radios just like IRL have channels so you can have some privacy if you will, but if others are on the same channel and within range, they'll pickup on your conversation and of course can talk back with their radio.
  19. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    YES! Today with a friend of mine who I know has a good internet connection was all over the place the closer I was to him. I have some of it recorded while we were on the Jungle with 50 players on. His ping and my ping were 20's and teen's. Dsync was never over 300 so it seems to me to be more server side? Definitely looked like teleporting and just straight LAG :(
  20. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    Thanks for playing this weekend and supporting the Jungle! We saw our server go down a little more in rank but back up from Saturday through Today!
  21. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    Hoping that this weekend brings our rank back up!! We've been busy this weekend so far. Sorry for testing the waters on accelerated light as it seems to have scared some of you away :) We're now 24/7 Daytime for the time being.
  22. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    I tend to use a mosin a lot so I find myself sometimes with these shakes. I have not tried this in .55 but in .54 I would build 3 fires in a triangle and stand in the middle of all 3 fires. It would cure me of the shakes within just a few moments as well as dry my clothes entirely. Sounds silly, but I was never able to rid myself of these shakes without having at least 3 fires going. Never actually checked my temperature but the warmth of the fires certainly helped :)
  23. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    We've decided to turn off the accelerated time as player count has been dropping off. We'd like to keep player count at maximum if possible but we'd love to hear from you on day/night cycles for the Jungle.
  24. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    i'm finding zucchini's and oranges again. They show up blank on your inventory screen and not at all if in 1pp/3pp. You can hover your mouse over the blank item to see exactly what it is and of course pick it up. Once inside your inventory, it shows up.
  25. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    We've enabled an accelerated time schedule to change things up a bit. We highly encourage our community to please make a post here or on our forums found at the link below: www.welcometothejungledayz.com <<<< This forum is for the community to use to give us feedback, report server issues, complaints etc etc etc. WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!!!! THANK YOU FOR PLAYING WITH US!!!