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The Riddler (DayZ)

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Everything posted by The Riddler (DayZ)

  1. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    Found my first Russian Helicopter crash site on my server ( Welcome to the Jungle // 24/7 Daytime). We have persistence off but I've never found one on my own. It was up in the field between Vybor and the Vybor Military Base. Found an AKM, 7.69mm ammo and a few other misc. items. No clips though :(. Still pretty cool to see it working and to find one. Also I found it odd that I kept finding the VS3 in Gorka. Yes I know its a spawn location, but I hung out a lot near there this weekend and just about every time after the server restarted, I went to the industrial area and there was the VS3 ready to drive. I'm sure it was just coincidence and timing.......
  2. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    Hey thanks man! The night cycle is actually something we're trying to fix. I have the server set to start at 10:00 AM but it starts at 3 I believe? Waiting for Fragnet to give me word on what's up. We run 4 hour restarts but if everybody likes a little bit of darkness then we'll leave it :) I only KOS when I see others shooting new spawns or worse shooting at me. I try and give everyone a chance so long as their not pointing their weapon or just acting nervous/strange. Thanks again for playing!
  3. The Riddler (DayZ)

    BEC Messages for restart not showing (searched around, still no)

    Would you mind sharing your script with me? I'd like to compare it to mine b/c we're still having problems. I have to, what seems restart BEC way too much and I still have not seen the messages for restart appear. It really shouldn't matter form provider to provider how the script is written so if your's is working, mine should too :huh: Glad to hear yours is working. :beans: :thumbsup:
  4. The Riddler (DayZ)

    BEC Messages for restart not showing (searched around, still no)

    Did you ever get this working? I got more info from Fragnet on our issues with BEC and the restart messages. What they requested we do is restart BEC at least once a day to ensure that it is running properly when we restart the server. If we leave BEC running all day without a manual restart, we risk the scheduler not running properly and thus the restarts and their messages stop working. What then happens is the script that Fragnet runs takes over checking the servers every 15 minutes for servers that have been running for over 4 hours. When the script finds servers running over 4 hours it promptly sends the command to restart the server without warning. Here is their official reply:
  5. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    ^^ THIS. I run into this a lot on my server. So much so that I don't trust any squeakers b/c they seem to like to do exactly as described above. I had one try to act nice while another said nothing only to attempt to knock me out with his brass knuckles while talking to the other one. Both took a bullet to the face from my SKS once I figured out what they were up to. I ran into one of them again with him not realizing its the same player that just killed him. He tried that crap again and before he could even start I shot him and as he laid unconscious bleeding out, I let him know it was me again and you should learn to play in a different manner if you really want some gear. Stay alive survivors. Trust no one.
  6. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    We're hunting for VS3's tonight! Persistence will remain OFF and we'll maintain 4 hour restarts for everybody to enjoy a vehicle if they're lucky to find one. Also as a reminder, please come on our TeamSpeak if you witness a player cheating. We actively communicate with the mod's on here to report any and all cheater's that we catch. Please provide video evidence and more importantly the player's name. We know this not easy but rest assured while playing on our server that we take cheating very seriously and will report any and all that we can. Thank you for making your home on our server and thank you for the donations!!!
  7. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    HOOORAY!!! Thank you developer's for getting us an update like this before the xmas holidays. Vehicles may not work the way people want them to, but the fact that we now have vehicles is a breath of fresh air and I can't wait to get home and start searching for one! Thanks again!!!
  8. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    Group will be on TS again tonight to round out the Holiday Weekend here in the U.S. Come join us!
  9. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    A good amount of players will on the TeamSpeak tonight if anybody would like to join us around 7 PM Central Standard Time. We will be looking for some PVP action up at the NWAF and any and all are welcome. If we get so many folks we could even arrange to possibly divide up within the Teamspeak channels and have a massive PVP fire fight! If the group would rather not PVP and just have a good ole meet up, we can do that too! TeamSpeak Server is: dal-voice1.fragnet.net
  10. The Riddler (DayZ)

    BEC Messages for restart not showing (searched around, still no)

    I'm having the same issue as you with the BEC scheduler. Messages I setup to run are working just fine. The messages for restart are not as of Sunday. I sent in a ticket to Fragnet yesterday asking for help and they asked me to test after modifying the script. I have not had a chance yet to test as i'm trying to get 5 days of work done in just 3 since its a holiday week B) . I plan to jump on tonight after work to test but you're more than welcome to see if the below works for you. This is our scheduler minus the messages for the restarts. We restart every 4 hours according to the gametime clock (not the server clock) and when it restarts the time in game is set to 10:00 AM and will run tell 2:00PM.
  11. The Riddler (DayZ)

    This is why we love DayZ :)

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That was some funny stuff!!! Best vid i've watched on Day Z this week. Nice to see those guys helped you out and nice to see you rewarded them. Good man.
  12. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    Some ruthless people last night near Balota. Sheesh! I caught 2 guys killing new spawns for no other reason than they were enjoying PVP. They sure didn't like it when I shot both of them and were able to cuff em. I thought I was recording through fraps the entire time only to find out I wasn't (my bad!!!) b/c I decided to interrogate them only to get cussed out and told i'm going to pay for this. As I was trying to talk to them another guy decided to try and take my head off with his AK101. Silly player didn't have a clip so he only got two shots off before I struck him down with my mosin. I shot him in the head from about 20 yards. When I asked the two cuffed guys if this was their buddy all I got was " F YOU MAN, just kill us you prick". I kept my calm the entire time and told them we're just gonna hang here a while and see what happens. One tried to log so he took a bullet in the back of the head. The other one I decided to uncuff and let go but his mouth kept running swearing and saying really terrible things so I changed my mind and put him out of his misery too. The good news is one of the new spawns that was killed by them returned and I allowed her to loot all their gear. Wish I was recording!!! It was a good one!!!
  13. Good point. One of you would have died for sure without you both having ammo. I find its the younger players in general who will be the double crossing rats; not saying all the young ones do this, but a lot of them like to play this way. I've unfortunately warmed up to somebody at Balota one time when I was fully geared only to have them knock me out when I took a drink from a canteen. It left me not trusting anybody unless I talk to them on TS and have played with them before. Stay safe out there! Enjoying your youtube videos.
  14. The Riddler (DayZ)


    I looked a little closer. It might be a dead zombie. Player looks to be on their knees but they have a backpack on so maybe a dead player? They didn't move in the frames that captured them in your video but from the sound of the M4 I assumed that was the guy shooting. Either way, you made out like a bandit! Got all the gear you need in under 10 clicks of the mouse!
  15. That's what I was waiting for as well. You're more bold than I am to give a stranger ammo for his gun. Glad you too survived.
  16. The Riddler (DayZ)


    Did you see the guy inside the building next to the body you looted? It looked like the guy that was shooting with the m4. He didn't even turn around when you were prone looting the body.......
  17. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    I hear ya and if the majority of the folks who will cry about being wiped would only read these forums, they'd understand that the current state of persistence "is what it is". I got drilled 4 days into 0.50 by a few guys who came on my server asking questions about persistence and said they'd call my server "home" so long as we don't turn it off without warning or wipe their stuff without warning. Well, we didn't touch anything on the server but the persistence bug/crash that is out there caused everybody to lose their persistence items and I sure heard about it on TS. I took it all with a grain of salt and explained it was out of our control and we'd look into restoring the persistence file that our GSP had backed up, but after one round of that, I knew it was time to turn persistence off for now and just wait for it to continue being developed. Hopefully some read this before posting a rant thread :thumbsup:
  18. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    Just a reminder that we have persistence turned off. I even changed our DayZ channel on TS to reflect this change ( DayZ - Persistence was turned off) as we had a few folks come on last night asking if its on or off. Its also in our server name but as you can see in my signature, its cutoff when viewed this way via GameTracker. Thank you for the donations that have kept us afloat. As we grow the need for donations won't be as important but certainly anybody who donates will get recognition within the game via a BEC scheduled message. We will also thank you personally on Teamspeak and let all know that you helped keep the server running.
  19. I can confirm that Fragnet does allow for persistence backups. They backup the file every 24 hours and allow you to restore once every 24 hours. With that in mind folks could in theory restore to Tuesday's backup or possibly Wednesday's before everything is wiped. Below is a screen shot from our control panel within fragnet. As mentioned above while we await more tech for loot spawning, I've decided to turn off persistence and just wait tell its a little further developed.
  20. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    Wow there was a crowd at the NWAF on Saturday evening. I counted 12 players in and around the runways. Had a lot of fun but lost my M4 that I had for nearly 7 straight weeks! I don't get attached to gear but it sure was a hell of a run with that gun. Thanks to all of you who made your home on our server this weekend. We were full non-stop!!!
  21. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Scheduled Restart - Scheduled Tasks question

    I believe its 4 hour restarts across the board, I.E. every provider has to do this per the Dev's rules. I'm ok with 4 hour restarts now that the servers are not locking up like they did in .49 when they got full. I don't know what times the "mandatory restarts" are at but I just sent in a ticket to my provider asking for more info. What I'd like to do is setup messages to display 30, 15, 5 and 1 min before these "mandatory restarts" and therefore I could eliminate the need to have "scheduled restarts" written into the BEC scheduler. If I get more info on this I'll reply back to the thread. We're hosted by Fragnet just FYI Scheduled tasks are based on the game's time and not the server's time or timezone. That's what I've been led to believe. If i'm incorrect, please somebody chime in.
  22. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    Server is rocking tonight! Come join us!!!
  23. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    The only way i've been able to successfully cool off is if you completely submerge yourself while in the prone position. Make sure and take off your gear b/c you risk losing it in the water and you can't fish it back out.
  24. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    No problem. You're welcome to try mine (see signature below for server info) ! I'm going to be on later this afternoon and am going to stick around Vybor to look again for another crash site. We restart every 4 hours so plenty of opportunity to find one! I was so surprised to find a 60 round clip (2x 30 round clips). My buddy also got a skull mask. Other than that, it was a bunch of military hats but still cool to find.
  25. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    Sorry I should have been more clear. I was on my own server with persistence off. I have not found one yet on a server with persistence on.