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The Riddler (DayZ)

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Everything posted by The Riddler (DayZ)

  1. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    Depending on your GSP, it should be setup for you in the cp somewhere. Sorry that's vague but for us using Fragnet, its a new link that was added. We can stream the logs as we play which is nice :) Our logs are working....sorta. I made comment under this thread http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/220049-stable-branch-053126384/page-4about how they don't seem to reporting everybody's death including myself at the new Prison Island. If you're a server owner/operator, give feedback there on your logs so far.
  2. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    We are LIVE! on .53!!! ENJOYING THE PRISON!!!!
  3. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    Thought i'd post about an observation I've already found with the logs. I am not sure if this is my GSP's issue (Fragnet) or its indeed BI's, but I believe the logs are missing some player's actions (death). I've been streaming our logs on my 2nd monitor while we were playing just to see what it looks like when myself and another admin got caught in a bad situation at the top of the prison island tower. The other admin was killed in an exchange of gun fire. The same player who killed the admin then made his/her way to the top of the tower where I was waiting. I grazed them with my mp5 and he/she continued up the stairs where we killed each other. The reason I know this is the case is b/c on my screen I saw he/she go down from my shooting as I went down and went to black (You are Dead). I As I waited to re-spawn I watched the logs come in on my other monitor and below is all that came in around the time I killed that player and when I died. I also included log events before that to show that it didn't record my other admin (player name is Christian) getting killed from this same player. See below my name in bold red. That player I killed killed Christian but I have no record of it :( nor do I have record of my own death :(
  4. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    Thank you for making this!!! I've been trying to get my login fixed now for nearly 2 months on that site and have been wanting to ask these questions. :beans: :beans: Here here!!! From one admin to another, here's to having LOGS!!!!!!!
  5. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    Thanks for playing with us!!! Had some fun server gatherings in Kamishovo!!!
  6. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    Silly cheaters!!!!! No tolerance for that!!!! Thank you for reporting and getting us video evidence!!! From all the admins, we thank you very much!!! Add us to your favorites!!!
  7. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    Thank you for coming on our TS to report hackers with video evidence!!! It really helps when reporting!!! Thanks to all who play here!!!
  8. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.52 Discussion

    As Tatanko mentioned, check out this thread above and more specifically watch the interview with Brian Hicks. Its great to listen to players and producer talk about the game. Brian mentions things about animal and zombie ai as well as their goals for persistence. They're trying to get persistence on track by the end of Q1 (End of first quarter of the year). Ready for .53 and hope we get it sooner than later!
  9. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Status Report - Week of 19 Jan 15

    Yes, the entire public hive will be reset so everybody will start as a new spawn. Its awesome to hear discussion about cheaters and hackers in detail. As a server co-owner/admin I am very excited to have logs and have more control over the server when it comes to dealing with cheaters. Of course I understand we won't always be free of cheaters and hackers but its very nice to know the security team has been hard at work. :beans:
  10. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    Elektro continues to be a killing ground. If you read this and play on our server, treat Elektro as KOS. Trying to be friendly has gotten me killed every time so no more mr. nice guy while in Elektro this guy. If you are in Elektro, hop on our TS via dal-voice1.fragnet.net:9991 and let us know. We can team up or simply avoid one another so not to accidentally kill someone who isn't hostile.
  11. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.52 Discussion

    I don't believe this has been reported on the feedback tracker. I would help report it for you but the dev's are trying to figure out why my login is still broke :(
  12. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.52 Discussion

    Is today the day we see 0.53 released to stable? I noticed our server was down this morning so i'm hoping it was more than just weekly maintenance! Apologies if its already known that .53 is not releasing today.
  13. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Server crashes and lock-ups

    From my experience, this is a restart forced by your GSP. I've seen Fragnet restart our server shortly after our scheduler performed the restart. Fragnet has mentioned before they run a script to look for servers running over 4 hours and force restart it. How often do you have your server set to restart? I'm having trouble with my login again with the feedback tracker. I have Acco (admin on here) looking into but this is what I get when I view my account :( (see below). I will log this info as soon as I have a fix!!!! APPLICATION ERROR #12 This account is protected. You are not allowed to access this until the account protection is lifted.
  14. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    We are now ranked 22nd!!! That's up from 49th at the start of last week. Thank you to all who make your home on our server!! YOU are why we exist!!!!
  15. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    Crazy weekend in the Coastal cities. Lots of PVP in Elektro and massive gun fights in Cherno. Thanks to all of those who came on our TS to report cheaters/hackers. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and if at all possible, please remember to record said player(s). We can retrieve that video from you via our FTP as we'll give you access to upload your video to us. We then evaluate the video and send it on to the Admins here on these forums if it indeed looks like its a player who is cheating/hacking.
  16. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Server crashes and lock-ups

    Good info here guys. Has anybody sent a feedback tracker into the Dev's? If not, I'll volunteer to do so with information based in this thread. I'll also make sure and give credit where credit is due by mentioning forum names in that feedback tracker. Just lemme know as I'll be happy to submit this info. :thumbsup:
  17. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Server crashes and lock-ups

    Ok so here's something interesting to follow what Sinnaman was discussing above. Last night as the server was full we had a player in TS spamming connect to try and get in. As he finally started to connect we noticed the server hang up (unable to open doors, do anything with inventory etc) as his name had an hourglass next to it as well as another player right below him in the list with an hourglass next to his name as well. They were the very last two spots in the list (bottom). Player on TS mentioned he was stuck on "Please Wait" so with the server as it was I asked him to disconnect, and almost immediately we noticed the server started responding again. The player in the list that was below him connected as well. Its only one example so I'll keep an eye on it tonight as we play and fill up after a restart to see what happens. I have a feeling it does have something to do with the server allowing 2 players to connect at once into possibly the same slot. I'll keep you updated Sinnaman
  18. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Was thinking about voice communication...

    My thoughts as well owning the same set of headphones. Its a good idea but in reality this would be so hard to keep pure while in the game. Somebody is always going to be able to mute or find a way to communicate outside of the game. I too am soooooo ready for the new sound engine to be introduced. I used to be so paranoid when I first played b/c I thought I heard a door close when at that time there was no door closing sound actually in the game. :D
  19. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    Thanks man!!! We've been enjoying 10 more players on the server and I hope those who patiently wait for a free slot enjoy it too!!
  20. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    We are now a 50 player server!!!! Thanks for all the support from the community. Enjoy!!!!
  21. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Server crashes and lock-ups

    Sinnaman makes a good point though that I have observed on my server as well when it seems to freeze up. Every time I have seen our server freeze, we are near capacity (was 40, now 50) and one thing I have witnessed when its frozen is in the player list showing somebody trying to join. I have even gotten in the habit of checking the player list when we suspect the server is frozen and every time I see a player trying to join. Its certainly plausible that the last player trying to connect could be in conflict with another player who tried to join at the exact same second. Sinnaman - since we're both on Fragnet, send in a ticket right after a crash; the kind support folks with Fragnet replied back to one of my tickets indicating there is a "bug" in .52 causing crashes and they sent off our logs for BI to review. Might be worth it if indeed the BI people are able to review said logs. You make a good point as well in regards to a memory leak. I have sat inside a house logged in as Admin and just observed the memory usage that the server is using (can't recall the command you can type in to see the performance). It fluctuates up and down, but over longer periods of time, i.e. the longer the server is running before restart, the memory count seems to continue to rise and rise and I wonder at some point if it starts to leak off or possibly run out thus causing poor performance and eventually a lockup.
  22. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Elektro in a Nutshell

    Made me laugh. Pretty much sums up Elektro on our server.
  23. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.52 Discussion

    There is still one more week in this month so my guess would be a release to stable a week from today (28th of January). I would imagine their taking this week to work on the hardware and see how it effects the experimental servers before deploying to Stable. Just my guess. I too am looking forward to the animal animations and AI. Agreed we need more crafting abilities!!!
  24. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins

    Thanks for playing on our Server. We are looking forward to a new version on Stable. Also thanks to those on these forums who have joined our TS to report cheaters/hackers. We were successful in capturing video and gathering the names of two players using an ESP hack this past week. Below is a guide we have come up with to help combat a cheater/hacker when they are encountered on our server. For the most part they hang around high populated areas around the coast, but we have certainly witnessed them inland in and around the Vybor and NWAF: There is a way to tell who is hacking; these days in .52 its more obvious than ever. The player will teleport around so quickly that they can be spotted from very far away especially when on open flat ground. This is even more visually apparent when you're driving a VS3 and a player will not only keep up with the truck, but out pace it and start doing circles around the moving vehicle but their character will look like they're just standing still. I have plenty of video evidence to support all of this. Killing hackers is not easy, but its absolutely possible to kill them. I have proof positive video evidence of it and had the hack confirmed by the admins on here as well as the BI developers; We killed the said hacker(s) and got the name(s) before they could log out or respawn leaving the dead character as "unknown entity". Furthermore, we've started noticing hackers like to use the name "unknown entity" to try and conceal their player identity if they do indeed getting killed. Below is a strategy that we have used numerous times to kill said hacker(s). The number one thing you don't want to do is just "run away" or worse attempt to log out. That is what 90% of the hackers expect you to do and so they'll teleport ahead of you, take aim and you become "unconscious" or "you are dead" almost instantly. If you attempt to log out it makes things even easier for them as your players stops moving making you easy prey. Over the past few months, myself and a few other admins got so sick of our server getting overrun by cheaters that we have developed tactics to combat the hackers and they have proven to be successful. Please note I've died more times trying to kill a hacker than I have killed hackers, but getting just one of their names is worth 100 character lives to me. Below is a list of tactics we follow: Immediately begin recording (all of us admins have Fraps ready to go at the push of a button AT ALLTIMES)Don't run awayDon't stop movingStart to run randomly around the area, and if possible, get out into the open (like a field etc) so the hacker is easily spotted as they teleport around. zig zag, giggle, do whatever it takes but don't stop.Stay away from walls especially if they are using a melee weapon. This is the number one way I've watched hackers AXE somebody in the back of the head as they'll clip through the wall with the axe raised.Try to melee the hacker; we've found this to better than attempting to shoot them unless you have a scout in the distance who can zero in a shot while the other players are in a melee battle. If you are alone and have a shotgun, they seem to be the best gun for taking them down as they don't change direction well. Shoot/Melee into the lane they are teleporting into. You'll start to see the pattern in which they move around and you'll start to get accustom with their moving patterns so you can anticipate shooting them. Hackers can't teleport into a building upstairs. If they are using a non-assult rifle we'll move into the upstairs of a small building.Don't get frustrated if you die; the hackers will almost always hang around a high populated area like the coastal cities so you can get after them again once you respawn. If they have an assault rifle; there is no denying this, you're screwed 99.9% of the time. <<< I am being as honest as I can with this. Another way to have absolute proof of a hacker is when you A.) break their legs, or B.) knock them unconscious. They have the ability to still move across the floor as if their legs are not broke/passed out and they will always at that point try to get away. The problem they'll have is, they have to bandage or find a way to fix their legs, both of which requires them to crouch and perform an action in place. That is the time we have killed them the most if not outright from a blow to the head. It is at that point where we will screenshot their name, bring up the player list while recording, and make a verbal point in the recorded video of the said player, then kick and add their name to the ban list. The video evidence is then turned in for proof positive ID on the said hacker. If we receive word back they do not believe this person was hacking, the player name is removed from the banlist. To date we've never had to remove a single name.
  25. The Riddler (DayZ)

    Welcome to the JUNGLE - 24/7 Daytime - Active Admins
