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Everything posted by Rags!

  1. Rags!

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    I know how to encourage actual player interaction and reduce rampant killing on sight. Let's add a motherfucking box magazine fed 200 round automatic M249 light machine gun.
  2. Rags!

    Respawn Winchester

    Approximately everywhere.
  3. Rags!

    Respawn Winchester

    They respawno in residential buildings.
  4. Rags!

    I am a dick.

    The Beast by Milt Buckner
  5. Rags!

    Can someone get me an M4?

    I just copied it from Google images and made it a little smaller. Took, like...a minute.
  6. Rags!

    Can someone get me an M4?

    First post. Wants an M4. Love it.
  7. Rags!

    VSS Mag/rounds

    - Nine second intro. - Twenty five second item view. - Fifteen second outro. - 24 seconds of this 49 second video is an ad for your own channel.
  8. Rags!

    Advanced Crafting

    The groindah is my favorite.
  9. Rags!

    Drinking bugged?

    Known bug. Also, this is a thing... https://feedback.dayz.com/
  10. Rags!

    Need some feedback on my first video

    Asking for subscribers isn't allowed here, I don't think. "Don't post topics just to advertise your Youtube channel or ask for subscribers." Coming here to the forums for one post and telling us to "get back to me with some advice" is kinda not cool. How about you come back here to the forum thread that you started about this instead of making people go somewhere else? You're just expecting people to go to Youtube and get back to you because you don't ever want to come back here? Just dump a forum thread and leave?
  11. Rags!

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    I don't think "logical sense" is your forte.
  12. Rags!

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    My character is still apparently some hopeless retard who can't find sticks in the middle of a forest.
  13. Rags!

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Wait, with the new UI, can you change the interface size? There doesn't seem to be an option for it. I'm playing on a 27 inch screen with 1440p, so the inventory and options are really small. Especially the inventory. The words and pop up menus are TINY. Plus, I can't even see the icons half the time. They are so small I can't tell what they are. Or what condition they are in! Just a moment ago I found a gun on the ground and I couldn't tell if it was a Repeater or a MP-113. On my hotbar and my inventory, it's hard for me to tell the bullets apart! What the fuck, this isn't by design is it? I have all this real estate on my screen and it's cramming the inventory into this little box in the center? There is NO reason I shouldn't be able to see my entire inventory with a screen and resolution my size.
  14. Rags!

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Also, I can confirm that the Press Vest can protect you from an IZH rifle shot with a 7.62x39mm round. Vest was Ruined afterwards, and half the food inside was Damaged. It was night and I was using the new UI, so I couldn't really tell if it hurt my actual body. Morning came soon and my vision was fine, though. P.S. Shortly afterwards I gave this gentleman an industrial strength earhole fucking with a .308 caliber rifle bullet.
  15. Rags!

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    On reloading a weapon... I tried out the new UI and removed the bullets from my Winchester. I couldn't get them back in. No dragging or anything like that would do. But I set the .308 rounds to "5" in the hotbar and when the rifle was in my hands, pressing "5" would automatically make my character put the bullets into the rifle and load it. Edit: This also works with the MP-133 and the Sawn Off. The former doesn't have the reloading sound or animation in, though. Still, reloading seems to be much better. I like it. No more of this awkward dragging in the inventory. This system rewards preparedness and familiarity with your own hotbar.
  16. Rags!

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    If his ping is that high, then he needs to play in his own country. Don't encourage him to play in servers with a 220 ping. We don't want him.
  17. Rags!

    The Red 9 - 46 Second Review

    You're a busy man. You don't have time to waste. Here you go.
  18. I just copied it from my Amazon review. But...why do you want a wireless mouse so much? Wired mice are superior.
  19. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0086UK7IQ?keywords=logitech%20gaming%20mouse&qid=1446606758&ref_=sr_1_6&sr=8-6 This is the best mouse that I have ever used. Hands down. No doubt in my mind. I wouldn't ever buy another mouse should I ever have to replace this one. And that doesn't look like it will happen soon at all. I bought this mouse around two and a half years ago and I have been using it ever since. Buying a gaming mouse can be tricky, since you want something that will give you lots of options for customization, feels great in your hand, and can also be good for using in non-gaming tasks. The G600 does all those things excellently, and I literally (literally literally) have zero complaints about this mouse. It's $40 and I enjoyed this mouse far more than the G500 and G400 that I tried. But why should you buy this mouse? Lemme tell you... 1) It has a third mouse button clicker on the far right. This will spoil you and make it impossible to go back to any regular two click mice. What can it help you do? In Battlefield, I set this to swap to my secondary weapon like a pistol. It opens my inventory in 7 Days to Die or Minecract. It swaps my weapon in Guild Wars 2, it changes my camera from 1st to 3rd person view in DayZ. It lets me melee SUPER quickly in Call of Duty. It brings up my inventory in The Witcher 3, and closes it back up. In Garry's Mod it's my push-to-talk button. It takes a little getting used to, but having that third clicker there is so helpful I cannot stress how much it helps you do things super quickly and easily in games. 2) 12 programable buttons on the side! 12! If Jesus had this mouse, he'd have a button for every Apostle. It helps me swap equipment in an instant in games like Battlefield and Dirty Bomb, as well as quickly prone and crouch. In Guild Wars 2 and WoW it is super super super handy for using abilities and spells in a moment's notice. It's easy to get down the muscle memory and in the case of GW2, helps you to target enemies with abilities far faster and more precise than using other methods...and that makes you perform better in the game. 3) Sturdiness! Been using the same mouse for two years and it's never skipped a beat or had a problem. It isn't wearing out with the exception of some of the bottom padding, though it still works flawlessly. And with the exception of having to fiddle with a setting in F.E.A.R...I've never had to adjust anything regarding the EXCELLENT software that comes with this mouse... 4)Logitech Gaming Software is phenomenally useful and easy to set up. It lets you change everything from the mouse settings itself to progamming what games have what hotkeys and what functions every little button does. I cannot stress how easy this is to use, and it works very very well with other Logitech products like the keyboard that I also use, the G510s. Alternatively, what I ended up doing was changing the third click button to perform the "=" key, which is never ever used for anything, really, and simply setting in-game commands to the "=" key so I don't have to swap games or profiles in the software. So if I go into Battlefield 4 and change the "Swap to sidearm" key to "=", I can just press my third mouse button and Bam! out comes the Deagle. 5) Easy to grip and aim. It's easy to get used to the physical feel of the mouse in your hands. It's not a very large mouse, and I grip it sorta like a "claw". It's not uncomfortable, and aiming precisely at other player's noggins or selecting items and other things comes very easy to me. It's definitely made it easier to do well in fast paced FPS games. I know this glowing review sounds like I'm a fanboy, but I'm not. I've hated some of Logitech's other mice. This one is just incredibly good and easy to use and it really will help you in games. It is study and reliable, the software is great, and your muscle memory will quickly build up to press all the buttons with ease. Buy this mouse. It's worth every penny. It's a steal at $40.
  20. Rags!

    New 0.59 Smoke Grenade!

    That's...really fucking underwhelming.
  21. Rags!

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Okay, a few more things... - The CZ pistol also has the slide open on the ground when you find it empty... - The Waterproof Bag is two horizontal spots and three vertical. It holds six spaces. - Lab Coats can be found in the small barrack buildings. They only hold three spaces, but increase Science by 5. - GP5 masks are not, for some strange reason...like the M10M gas mask, compatible with ballistic helmets. Dunno why. Beats me. - I was excited for zombies being back, and now I hate them like the fucking plague. I hope this doesn't mean it's back to the old days of bullshit hit detection, desync, and one hit ruinings of your gear. Fingers crossed. It took FIVE hits to kill male zombies with the small axe. Five. Five hits. More than four. Less than six. Five. Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive. The amount of rings given to the dwarf lords in their halls of stone. - Haven't seen any animals yet. - 9mm ammunition is more rare than bottled unicorn farts. Which sucks because Red 9's have that ten round internal magazine. - I don't know if this is new, but these buildings are enterable. They do not spawn loot.
  22. Rags!

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    I have a Zotac 980 Ti Amp! Extreme. I would totally totally totally recommend it. DayZ and Arma 3 are the ONLY two game that run under sixty frames per second. I'm tempted to say about 75 frames per second were it not for the Metal Gear FPS cap. The Witcher 3 runs at 1440p on all Ultra at around sixty, depending, but you can tweak a few small, mostly unnoticeable things and maintain 75-90 with all the important settings still all the way up. But...holy shit, DayZ. Still getting mid twenties in cities at times, depending. That's unheard of for me.
  23. Rags!

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Both the Mosin and the Amphibia S could be chambered with rounds, but the animation and sound would not play. Also, Amphibia S has a new sound when firing I think. It sounds really good. Also, Amphibia S will not alert zombies to your location.