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Everything posted by Rags!

  1. Rags!

    Add a zombie kill counter?

    The LAST thing this game needs at any point is for people to have statistics to track how many people they have killed. You think KoS is bad now? Oh, brother, hell hath no fury like a gamer playing for the sake of his precious stats. Think about how much better Battlefield would be if K/D was not tracked at all! Imagine how much more people would play the Objectives! DayZ would be the same way...once you start tracking how many other people you kill (Translation for jerkbags...How many other people you 'pwn') then the amount of killing on sight with no player interaction at all will skyrocket. DayZ is NOT about killing other players! DayZ is an experience, a journey without a destination, a world where every spawn is a new adventure and a thousand strange and heart-pounding things can happen! This isn't Call of Duty, where anybody that isn't you needs a bullet to the bridge of his nose.
  2. I was going to say Boston, but... Anyway... Head inland as soon as you possibly can. Get off the coast, and avoid Cherno and Electro like a Thai hooker. You'll see less dicks that way. That will keep you alive much longer, and once you play the game more and more and more...you'll learn where guns spawn, ammo spawns, the best clothing spawns...you get the drill. Don't worry about getting killed all the time. Everybody dies, especially new players. The more you play, the more you look at the online maps while you run around...all that playtime and experience build up more and more. Plus...and this is VERY important to learn at this stage in the game...people have a natural tendency to travel on roads. Never travel on roads. Travel by them, in the woods, the fields, the trees...never travel using a road. Other people use roads. Other people have guns.
  3. Rags!

    First kill, first interaction...

    The objective of DayZ is to live long enough to actually be worth the bullet that it takes to kill you.
  4. Rags!

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    I don't know if this has anything particularly to do with this particular update, but I did find my very first Longhorn inside of a little altar building outside of Svetlojarsk in a graveyard. Did any updates alter the spawns of that weapon? Because I have played the hell out of this game and haven't found one until today. I had even forgot the gun existed at all!
  5. Rags!

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    Nothing quite like looting a military base when you can't be sure if the footsteps you heard are real...or just a sound glitch.
  6. Also, surprised by Rocket's response, even if it was made in December, this gave has made amazing strides since then.
  7. If you are buying the game for the experience...yes. It is. If you are buying the game for your next Call of Duty replacement...no. It is not.
  8. Rags!

    Option to examine another players' body parts

    How about a much more useful feature like... "Check player's time of death" --- "Player appears to have been killed very recently." "Player appears to have been killed somewhat recently." "Player appears to have been killed some time ago." "Player appears to have been killed a long time ago."
  9. Rags!

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    I have a friend on Steam that posted a picture of when he got flashbanged. Screen was completely white. Couldn't see a thing. He was blinded by the light. Revved up... ...like a deuce...another... ...runner in the night.
  10. Rags!

    Option to examine another players' body parts

    "Option to examine another players' body parts"
  11. Rags!


    Turtlenecks in DayZ. Make Ivan be very cute and sex.
  12. I play on the ZaP Hardcore servers all the time with my friends, and they've been really reliable and I haven't had any hacker issues.
  13. Rags!

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    I haven't seen a picture of it here, but this is what you get when you liberally apply a hacksaw blade to a Mosin Nagant. It fits in your backpack! Also, this is my first post here on the site, so if I should use a different type of link or anything, please let me know. Thanks!