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Everything posted by Rags!

  1. The game will still run like a quadruple amputee coated in motor oil.
  2. Rags!

    Looking for Friendly 24h Daytime server

    Friendly server?
  3. The DayZ Community Join us. We have beans.
  4. Rags!

    Should Rocket go sooner rather than later?

    When I first bought this game, I didn't enjoy it at all, but as the months rolled by I have seen immense improvements to the game and for the most part this seems to be shaping up to be a fantastic experience for me. Updates are coming out quicker and quicker, and the more they update, the better the game gets. Is this team the best? No. Do I think they have their priorities in order? No. Is this game anywhere near being finished? No. Am I confident that the finished product of this game will be incredibly amazing? Yes.
  5. Rags!

    Do you prefer fast zombies or slower zombies?

    Slow moving zombies are about as threatening as Fat Albert after an Aunt Jemima's pancake binge.
  6. Rags!

    Today Marks My Characters first death

    Levinki be all like
  7. Rags!

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    >Gear: Added lifetime and persistence parameters. >Persistence parameters >parameters parameter noun the parameters of the debate: framework, variable, limit, boundary, limitation, restriction, criterion, guideline.
  8. Rags!

    Runing with barefoot and shoe

    How about craftable moccasin style shoes using the pelts of animals that, say...decrease the sound of your footsteps by a certain percent, or make crouch-movement completely silent? Oh, right. That would be survival. This is DayZ. Onwards to Berezino! Pew pew!
  9. There are lots of Americans in the public school system that don't know these events happened, either.
  10. It's unpopular because you have a better chance of finding Jesus Christ's high school football jersey than the carbine, a magazine, and rounds for it.
  11. CERTAIN weapons should spawn with magazines, CERTAIN weapons should spawn with filled magazines, and CERTAIN weapons shouldn't ever spawn with ammo or magazines. It's not about "realism" (I hate when people use that word or use it to justify things in this game) It's about "Can this player find simultaneously too much power in a single place in a single moment." I think that firearms should be, like...at least 10-20% harder to find anyway. Every time I play a game half the players I see are dressed up like they're on their way to a Blackwater Security Consulting job interview. The Rags Opinion! 1) Military Grade Weapons - AKM and AK101 spawns should NOT spawn with magazines in them, not should they spawn with ammunition inside of magazines inside of them. Since AKM's and AK101 rifles spawn in Jeeps, which can be found all over the map, it would be too easy not only to find an automatic rifle, but to find a magazine and 30-75 bullets for them all at once. "But Rags, wut abbot mah realizm?" See final paragraph. 2) Handguns - All handguns should spawn with AT LEAST a magazine inside of them, preferrably with no ammo. Finding a handgun and a matching magazine is very hard to do, and since most of these handguns are of a residential kind, at least having to find the ammunition is a acceptable trade-off between their damage potential and their 3) Residential Firearms - SKS and Mosin spawns should not come with ammunition inside of them. Ammunition is easy enough to find as it is. CR Carbines should spawn with empty magazines half the time, since by the time you normally find both a magazine for one and the carbine itself, you've found something else better. Which would be...let me see...basically anything else. The Shotgun shouldn't spawn with ammo. Again...shotgun ammo is everywhere. Look between the couch cushions. You'll find, like...eleven. 4) Axes should not spawn with ammunition. Trust me on this one. Basically, what I think it should come down to is that there's this balance that should be maintained between EASE OF ACCESS and POTENTIAL FOR SHIT TO GO DOWN. You should find a HAPPY MEDIUM where finding ammunition and weaponry takes some degree of searching and risk for other players to see you unless you're like...patient. This is all my opinion here, and this is all based on how I've seen things spawn and be available as of my time in the .48 Stable state of the game. This opinion may definitely shift as more updates occur in the game. Now add Bears, Bohemia. Big ones. With lasers.
  12. Rags!

    Do you prefer fast zombies or slower zombies?

    Call me crazy, but with the current state of DayZ zombies...I prefer it when they ran through walls. At least when they ran through walls, you could kill them fairly, they wouldn't hit you when they weren't looking at you, and they wouldn't ruin your Assault Vest in one hit after magically taking a swipe after you post-mortem. (I guess zombies always hurt you post-mortem, though, if you want to be technical about it :| ) Nothing annoys me in this game right now more than finding some good gear (Which is really easy once you know where to look) and then losing it all slowly but surely after zombies glitch out and hit you from different floors or from seventeen feet away from the separate dimension that is the player/zombie hitbox universe. (Confirmed by Michio Kaku) Zombies should be Extremely Easy to kill if there's one attacking you from, say, the direct front. But when two or more come after you...that's where they get legitimately dangerous. Zombies are strong only in groups, though the buggy status of crawlers and other zombies make it to where every time I see one chase me, I sigh and pray that it won't glitch my pulchritude packing pantalones into ruin. Zombies should be a legitimate concern to players. BUT they also have to be fair. DIFFICULT AND DANGEROUS ZOMBIES ARE PREFERRED, BUT THE RULES HAVE TO BE FAIR.
  13. Rags!

    AAR: KIA, loots and boots

    All of the people that I play this game with are players that I have met in the game itself and have joined with, added them on Steam, and still play with them. That's the best way to find DayZ companions, by just playing DayZ and finding people that you are able to roll with.
  14. Rags!

    Please Help

    That's too bad. You should have come to my server. We're giving away FREE iPADS! www.ragslegitipadserver.net
  15. Rags!

    Optimize the game

    Speak for yourself. Nobody likes playing DayZ at 21 FPS. Don't give the impression that the community enjoys that pathetic level of performance. I know performance isn't a priority right now, but if the finished game ran like the current Alpha does...that would be a serious problem.
  16. Rags!

    Add a zombie kill counter?

    It's not about "hurting gameplay". DayZ owes a great deal of it's enjoyability because the things that you do aren't tracked by some computer, telling you how many zombies you killed or how many times you farted in Pustoshka.
  17. I'm not so sure of that. Let's think about a hypothetical server where everybody spawned with, say...an SKS and ammunition for it. You spawn hungry, and finding your first food is always somethign to consider. But let's say that food was...say...five times harder to find. Sure, you might find some. And you would...but so would other people. Eventually I think people would realize that shooting others players would be slow suicide since most fatal hits are to the body or to the legs where people store that food, so killing other players would ruin any chance for you to stave off the real threat, which would be starvation and dehydration. I think that a LACK of resources would encourage cooperation. Sure, making weapons more readily available to everybody makes shooty shoots much more likely...BUT that's in a world where every building is a Beans n' Bacon Buffet and every abandoned car was an ex-Tasty Peach smuggling buggy. Most people shoot other players for the fear of being shot themselves...but how much would killing occur if you couldn't hop servers and you were always prioritizing food instead of "where mah preshis AK101". Want to know the real problem with why so many people shoot other people without question? In the current state of DayZ...there's no reason not to shoot every other player you see. Every other player is a potential threat, and you have no real reason for letting them live since you find everything you need in the loot spawns so easily now. I'm not saying make everybody spawn with a weapon and have them laying around like you're traveling across Dead Skunk Junction, Arkansas...but let's consider adding to the game elements that give you an reasonable objective purpose to communicate with other human beings instead of introducing the bridge of their nose to your bullets. I hope you see the point of what I'm saying: Guns make you dangerous. Hunger makes you friendly.
  18. I wouldn't mind seeing guns and ammunition and clothing being rather easy to find, like they are now... ...but make food and clean water much harder to find.
  19. Rags!

    How many ammo do you carry?

    You people need to realize that there gets to a certain point where you're no long carrying ammunition for yourself... ...you're kindly collecting it for the next person that kills you.
  20. I think everybody here needs to realize that even on my computer, which has an Intel i7-4770k cpu and a GTX 780 Ti Classified gpu... ...this game still runs like Fat Albert after a Aunt Jemima pancake binge. This game is in the Alpha stages. Performance is not a priority here. They're still focused on other aspects of the game at this point. It will get better, but right now...don't buy computer based on whether or not you can run this game. It runs like ass for most people regardless.
  21. I have NEVER seen anybody in Pustoshka. Not once. I've barely ever seen a soul in Vybor or Kabanino. I have this little route that I like to take in the game that passes through these three cities, and they're full of great loot but I don't ever see anybody there.
  22. Rags!

    Babycore vs Hardcore

    I used to play only Babycore. Now after over 200 hours, I only eat babies only play Hardcore. The only difference between the two is that in Babycore, you can go into Third Person View, which allows you to see over hills, past fences, through walls, around corners, into ditches, under cover, next to nothing, over kill, under dog, slide to the left, cha cha real smooth. Basically, what I hate about Babycore is that it gives a HEAVY advantage to campers and defenders since the player can see places where their character in the game shouldn't be able to see, and since they can safely keep their hitbox behind cover while they can see anything they damn well please...it encourages you to play in ways that are... ...what's the word...less than desirable or "realistic" (And I use that term begrudgingly). I never play seriously in Babycore, and only use those servers to mess around and do silly things, like be the Fashion Police, load up on books and spread the word about how knowledge is the REAL power, or point my binoculars at other players and make "PEW PEW PEW" noises in-game before running away yelling "THREAT NEUTRALIZED". Seriously, though. Knowledge is the real power. Stay in school. Don't do drugs.
  23. Rags!

    DayZ is peaceful

    Hello. I am Rags. Give me your beans.