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Everything posted by Rags!

  1. Alright, this is actually kind of insane. It's probably the biggest glitch that I've ever seen in DayZ, but it's really subtle, and you'd never know it if you didn't have a friend with you. Watch this video and you'll see it. Here are the screenshots of an example. The first is his view of my female survivor... The next is my view of him in the Gorka outfit standing right in front of his "sign".
  2. My head is invincible.
  3. These buildings now seem to spawn loot... Also, the blue vans also spawn loot. Those are my Youtube subscribers in the picture.
  4. Rags!

    Is DayZ really set in fictional Ukraine?

    Imagine being that guy living in the Czech who is able to go to the in game spot where his actual house is.
  5. Rags!

    Do you want pooping in this game?

    This is the shittiest idea I've seen in a long time.
  6. I also leave bodies free loot all over the place for others to find and enjoy.
  7. Rags!

    Well, I combat logged.

    I come back to this thread and actually see people defending the act of Combat Logging...I'm genuinely shocked.
  8. Rags!

    Do I look like a bandit?

    If I saw a player wearing that I would shoot them so fast it would put Usain Bolt in the Millenium Falcon to shame.
  9. The Experimental Servers suck. I've had about six characters in a row die of starvation. Picking apples is an exercise in futility since you can't pick them fast enough to keep you alive. You can't find food because it's not spawning. You can't kill wildlife because before you find a firearm and the appropriate ammunition and the wildlife itself you starve. If it's raining you're fucked because you die of hypothermia because nothing is spawning. My last Experimental character spawned into Svetlojarsk. It was raining. There were five people on the server. I could not find any matches in the entire city. No food, either. I had to look for it all, so I got Wet. So I got Cold. So I got Hungry. So I Starved. This may not see like a big deal, but when it's raining you'll die of the freezing cold weather unless you can get warm clothing and stay dry, and when you spawn into the game...what I realized is that this game can basically become a roll of the dice as to whether or not you can get your hands on something that will prevent you from succumbing to the elements. An entire city with no matches? I had the place to myself (because nobody plays the Experimental build because it's an Ethiopia simulator) and I still couldn't find something as simple and basic as matches. It's not about skill most of the time. That's what needs to be avoided. You should always spawn in with a fighting chance. If you spawn into a server, it's raining, and you aren't around some sort of town that can get you matches, an axe, a raincoat, and some food...you are fucked. Survival in a game like DayZ shouldn't be yelling and screaming at your face, wide eyed and with its claws wrapped around your throat while it shakes you ad nauseum without ever letting go. Survival should be standing behind you with a knife, ready to kill you unless you pay it attention and aren't frivolous. Survival should be riding in the chariot with you as you roll around Chernarus, whispering constantly into your ear "Remember you are mortal, Caesar." I think that DayZ can learn a lesson from another Zombie Survival game, 7 Days to Die. While they are definitely different...what I've noticed about 7 Days is that you can survive anywhere you spawn in...with effort. You aren't rushing around like a madman, methodically doing everything the exact same way every life...you have options and with some basic planning you can make it. Different game, more crafting mechanics, different focus of an experience...but still I think that DayZ survival can take a few queues from it for the better. In 7 Days...you start with nothing. But you can get things. You can make things. You can create things. You can survive because you create, not just loot. DayZ "survival" isn't fun. It's not engaging. It's not challenging. It's downright frustrating. It's punishing. Challenging and difficult make for enjoyable, memorable experiences. Losing to an enemy that cannot be fought once you spawn into the game is frustrating. I shouldn't have to sit underneath an apple tree for half an hour to hopefully find more calories in a luck of the draw action prompt to stave off starvation. Survival should challenge you. It shouldn't punish you.
  10. Rags!

    How Devs Can Fix FPS!

    Way to take feedback to the next fucking level.
  11. Rags!

    Jumping Server Cheating and Spawning Characters

    OP, you're right. Server hopping is way way way too easy and there's no penalty for doing it. I think it definitely has a negative impact on the experience. I know in the Stable servers that's what a vast amount of players do. It seems like every character I see in the Stable branch servers is on their way to a Blackwater Enterprises job interview, fully geared with their favorite weapons and sidearms. BUT... When I play in the Experimental Branch where server hopping is much much more difficult...I don't see that. I see players who have much less geared up characters. They have jackets and jeans and Blazes and Sporters...you can instantly tell that once you take server hopping out of the equation players wear and use what they find and go to greater lengths to find it. They spread out because they know they can't just hop servers and then stay in a military base or at the coast hassling new spawns. The kinds of characters that you see in the Experimental branch seems much more organic. To me, as much as I've played...the difference is obvious.
  12. Rags!

    Where are the mosins?

    What are the parameters of loot re-spawning? What determines how loot respawns?
  13. Rags!

    Where am I ? (The Official)

    Oh god, you're in Tank City. Run. Run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run.
  14. Rags!

    Wait a minute?

    Shame. I thought the Jailhouse in Turovo was a lovely little player magnet. Now until the vehicle spawns are working...Turovo will be merely a town of ghosts.
  15. This game is in Alpha stages now. It's very poorly optimized, it's buggy, it's glitchy, and it's really hard to run this game anyway. Even on the best computers this game runs like a quadruple amputee, so buying a computer with this game specifically in mind and what with all the upcoming changes that DayZ is going to be getting...it just might not be the wisest thing to gauge computer success on. And half of wisdom is knowing when you can't be wise.
  16. Rags!

    Well, I combat logged.

    Don't encourage him with your cowardice.
  17. Rags!

    Not new just a couple of questions

    Take screenshots using Steam. When you do, they are automatically saved to your computer in a folder called "screenshots" so you can actually use them whenever you want. Here's where it is for me... Program Files x86 - Steam - userdata - 11071826 - 760 - remote - 221100 - screenshots
  18. Multiple times I've heard from the makers of this game that they want to have around 100 or so players in a server come the final release. I heard that Dean himself say that he wanted about 150 players in Chernarus at once. It's an interesting concept to think about, and we're still a long way from release or that many players being in the game at one time, but it did get me thinking about what kind of implications that would cause...and how we would go about avoiding the multitude of problems that just dumping a higher players count would cause without some serious Chernarussian overhaul... ISSUES THAT 100-150 PLAYERS WOULD CAUSE WITHOUT MAP CHANGES - Player Super Saturation - Adding this massive amount of players at one time into Chernarus would over saturate certain areas of the map, making already overcrowded areas such as Cherno, Elektro, Berezino, and Novodjarsk Polana even more crowded. Theoretically three times as crowded at times. The lack of elbow room in a game like DayZ would be tragic. If you met another player every six minutes, your lifespan would severely shorten and meeting other players would no longer carry with it the "wow" vibe that is still has even after hundreds of hours of play time for me. Where there are constantly too many players, we arrive at the next issue... - Loot and Item Scarcity - Introducing such a huge influx of players into Chernarus would severely deplete the amount of resources in the game, especially around the coastal area where new spawns enter the game. Players would spawn into a server of 100-150 players and be met with...nothing. The Coast would be bone dry, the loot having been taken long ago by the older Bambis. And since with higher players counts, players would be dying and then respawning over and over in higher numbers, you would see servers forcing restarts to occur at higher and higher frequencies to force the world to populate itself with loot so that new spawns would have a chance at survival before every piece of warm clothing, every melee weapon, every bullet, and every firearm was taken and eventually lost. As players dread dying because they would look forward either endless meandering before hoping to find a scrap of something useful, more and more of them would turn to an effective, if not frowned upon method of gearing up... - Server Hopping Would Skyrocket - Players would realize that spawning as a new character wouldn't any longer be an adventure or the start of a new journey, full of opportunity. The massive amounts of players would force loot to become so scarce or simply spawning become so dangerous that players would simply turn to server hopping as their primary method of gearing up. Since Military Bases and Airfields would become super saturated with players, firefights, and would become warzones as a result, empty servers would be the only safe-ish way to gear up. I hate server hopping. I loathe it. But it would become something that even I would end up doing, as would many others, simply because it would be the only way players could have a chance at surviving in such high population areas where spawns and already geared players coagulate. WHAT CHANGES HAVE TO OCCUR TO SUPPORT 100-150 PLAYERS - Scatter Spawn Points - Spawn points can no longer remain almost exclusively on the coast. Spawning must take place over the entire map, allowing for the playerbase to be spread out upon their deaths in the game as well as incentivizing players to travel all over the map to find players, not just heading to the few hotspots that exist or heading to the coast to watch the Bambis run up and down the Highway of Death. The problems with coastal spawning is evident in the game currently with only 40 player servers, but the game will not function with the same spawn locations and 100-150 players in the game at once. This means that players start their characters off without being almost definitely plopped down in a place where their survival is immediately at risk. - Add More Points of Interest - The game currently has a very high amount of military installations and other points of interest that are scattered across the map, but the game doesn't necessarily suffer as a result of it. This issue isn't so much that there would be too little military grade loot in the playerbase on the server, the main issue would be that the places where high grade items can spawn would become super saturated with players if new bases and airfields are not added in locations that would encourage players to not all clump together. Also, Military Bases and Airfields act as player magnets, incentivizing players to travel to these places in search of good loot...and as a result, other players. Traveling from these bases along roads scattered with smaller towns of varying value acts to slow down players, causing them to meet at higher frequencies, and as a result...having less players reach their end destination which helps these bases not become overpopulated. The places that these bases are added and moved to will affect player flow around the map and what towns players are more likely to meet each other at. By placing these opportunity points in the corners, and then having some in the center, it creates an organic flow for players to travel, and doesn't make them feel like they are spawning into a barren wasteland where they have to travel excessively long to find something of use or to defend themselves with. - Dynamic Loot Spawning Must Be Made Effective- With restarts now currently the main way that loot is put back into the world, with 100-150 players restarts would be occurring much more frequently to compensate for the loot that is being picked up, ruined, and lost at a much much higher rate. In order to keep loot in the world for players to use, especially a lower gear levels with new characters, there must be an effective and semi-predictable method of filling the world back up with things for players to pick up that does not disrupt the gaming experience. Every restart would affect all players on the map, and it's almost a guarantee that with 100-150 players in the game, somebody is either getting ripped off...or somebody's getting a deus ex machina. So... Personally I would love to see the amount of players eventually raised to these levels, but these are just some of my thoughts on the matter. I'm certain I'll think of more things to add later, and I'll keep up with this topic if it gets attention in order to clarify my thoughts. I have to go to work in, like...ten minutes, so I'll flesh this topic out as best I can upon my return, or upon and other person wanting it. PLEASE, LET'S KEEP THIS TOPIC CONSTRUCTIVE
  19. - reserved for clarification posts -
  20. Rags!

    A look at one of the new zombie models

    Slow zombies in DayZ will be neither intimidating nor dangerous.
  21. Rags!

    How to Approach other players?

    My Golden Rule for interacting with players: Never leave your fate in anybody's hands but your own.