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Everything posted by Rags!

  1. Rags!

    Loot Table.

    It's almost like you have to play the game and discover things for yourself.
  2. Rags!

    do I have any chance?

    If by "why?" you mean "Who was your favorite castaway on Gilligan's Island?" my answer is definitely The Professor.
  3. Rags!

    Long time,

    And goats!
  4. Rags!

    boiling water and catching rain

    Having empty cans be created by consuming canned food would be very helpful in this, and the clutter they would cause could be easily remedied. Cans could simply despawn after ten minutes if they are not touched. Of course, you can boil water in a Styrofoam cup, too...
  5. Rags!

    Bambi inventory

  6. Rags!

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    My character got wiped today, too. I simply started a new character. I saved a lot of time re-gearing by not coming to the Forums and bitching about it.
  7. Rags!

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    You know...maybe I'm just slow at noticing this kind of thing, but... ...are the glitchy ambient sound effects gone?
  8. Rags!

    Where to find Mosin clips?

    They spawn at the brown rusty pickup trucks. I've found about three of them there since the .51 update. They are not common, but they certainly exist.
  9. Rags!

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    Because we aren't server hopping cowards.
  10. Rags!

    Any News on REAL Snipers?

    I guess I just don't see the enjoyment in buying a game like DayZ and spending your time in it as far away from other players as possible and shooting them. I suppose my version of "player interaction" just isn't limited to "shoot all other human beings at a distance because fuck other people I want to pretend I'm a 1337 sn1p3r".
  11. Rags!

    do I have any chance?

    I almost always shoot mutes on sight in Chernarus. Sorry, m8.
  12. Rags!

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    I don't know if this was added previously, but handguns can spawn up on top of these Weiner-man Stands... Just a community FYI. Also, I think that says "Fast Food". I just like "Weiner Man" better.
  13. Rags!

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    Alright, so far I have noticed that spraypainting your Fire Axe a color doesn't work. You will get the message that it was painted, but the model stays yellow. Secondly, if you have a single shell in the Double Barrel and then saw it off...the Sawed Off made as a result will have two shells in the barrels. Thirdly, drinking from full canteens FINALLY seems to be working now. Fourthly, I found this hat. I don't know if it's new to the game, but it's new to me. And that's all that matters.
  14. Rags!

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    Found this in a shed, I don't know if it was in Exp.
  15. Rags!

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    My character was NOT wiped. Huh.
  16. Rags!

    balancing persistence loot

    For somebody with 260 posts, you should know that the persistence loot spawning system isn't finished yet and obviously the current version doesn't represent the final product.
  17. This is totally normal. You just have the "Server Hopper Vision" setting turned On. Just go to Settings > Gameplay and then disable it. It's the option underneath "Head Bob".
  18. Has anybody suggested the ability to find old M16 rifles? Could be a slightly more common rifle than the M4, and could be placed at Helicopter Spawns, rarely at Jailhouses, and maybe the occasional LAV or Humvee?
  19. Rags!

    Mess up ya stuff!

    Adding the ability to add grass to anything or spray painting anything would only lead to literally everybody and their mothers doing it. Everybody would be covered in grass, everybody would be running around with shitty looking olive drab/black shirts on.
  20. Rags!

    Grab the apple

    I liked how doors worked in Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Make them like that.
  21. Rags!

    Aksu-74 should spawn at BMP

    Hmm...I can get behind this. For the most part, I don't think automatic rifles should spawn outside of military bases...but I do think that rare exceptions should exist. LAVs are somewhat rare, so a rare AK drop on them seems reasonable. I also think that Humvees should have a very very low chance at spawning an M4, too.
  22. Rags!

    Results of killing (insanity, morality)

    Why do people keep sending up this suggestion? It gets shot down like the Luftwaffe over London every time.
  23. A couple people might possibly have a vehicle...so everybody should be slowed down as a result. Nope.
  24. Rags!

    Just some extra gameplay suggestions

    Riiiight, that's what 95.6% of people would use this for...protecting new spawns.
  25. Rags!

    Best overall pistol

    I'm not at all convinced. I've shot people multiple people multiple times in the chest with this magnum without downing them, similarly I've easily one shotted people as well. I just don't think it's reliable in DayZ. When it comes to backup weapons in backpacks, I'll stick with my Sawed Off.