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Everything posted by Rags!

  1. You spawn in hungry. So you can't sit in a house and just read a book. Plus, if "don't play the game" is how you are supposed to survive in the game, I'll just not play it.
  2. This really is a problem, though, in all seriousness. If you spawn into a server where it's raining then you can die because the things you need to keep yourself warm/dry simply aren't there. I've spawned before and not been able to find matches. You can't find something that hasn't spawned or that wasn't there in the first place, and it's a loot spawn issue that needs to be addressed. It's not "survival" when you have to find a certain object to survive and that object simply isn't within reach. When you die of hypothermia because there's no matches or waterproof clothing, that's not skill. That's not survival. That's just you getting fucked over by dumb luck because the objects that you can only get by picking up didn't spawn near you or somebody got them first.
  3. I really dislike the Third Person View. Not because it isn't strictly a first person perspective of the world, but because the 3rd Person View in this game is far too advantageous and immersion breaking. I don't have anything against people who like it, and it's kind of sad that on this website I have to make sure some of you people don't take this as a personal attack against you. It's cool to be able to look at your character from some sort of third person perspective to see your gear, your weapon, and even in a more tactical sense...to see how you look in foliage, against a certain wall, or how your character will appear (to a degree) when viewed at another angle. In real life, we have a situational awareness about our bodies that a video can't truly simulate yet. A third person camera lets us compensate for that lack of awareness and feeling that we have. But I think that the raised and drawn back camera of the game currently is a bit too much because it lets us see too much. I AM NOT ARGUING THAT THE THIRD PERSON VIEW IS UNFAIR. IT IS NOT UNFAIR. IT IS PERFECTLY 100% FAIR. But, I do think that in a game like DayZ, which draws lots of mechanics from realism and which strives to be as gritty and authentic as possible at times...you shouldn't be able to have such a superhuman ability to see above walls and fences, around corners, over cars and obstacles, around trees...etc. Third Person View allows you to keep your hitbox and character safe and sound behind cover while you reap all the benefits of what would normally come from some level of exposure and risk. Laying on roofs and crouching behind cover in most games means that you can't see what your character can't really see, leaving you to rely on intuition and audio clues to make up for your lack of sight lines. The third person camera just gives to much of an advantage to people who aren't mobile. I understand the concept of "tactical situational self-immobilization", but the current camera, I think, takes that a bit too far and gives you too much to work with. A game like DayZ is all about Risk vs. Reward. The Risk of exposing yourself should reap you the Reward of having a view of your surroundings. My personal preferred remedy? An over the shoulder Third Person Camera, akin to games like Dead Space or Fallout or Resident Evil. These cameras allow you to look at yourself in the third person, but don't let you survey the land like a spy satellite. It would still allow people to look at themselves and check their camouflage and their positioning, after all. "But Rags, if you don't like it, then don't play on Softcore servers!" But I DO like the concept of a third person camera, I just think the implementation is...poor. I understand that the Third Person View is sort of a staple with the game, but when you consider no staple-toting office is complete without a staple remover...
  4. Rags!

    DayZ uses more CPU or GPU?

    Can I get a third option?
  5. Rags!

    A sign !

    There should be a semicolon after the first "shot" and there should be a period after "again".
  6. Rags!

    Quick Hits Compilation

    You know what was a quick hit? Can't Buy Me Love.
  7. I thought you meant server hoppers, and I was about to say that they never left, which is why I never see anybody anywhere, which is why I play this game less and less and less as time goes on, it seems.
  8. Rags!

    Why even persist?

    When persistence is working optimally, it will be one of this game's strongest, most amazing elements. No longer will server lists be full of 1,2, and 4 hour restarts where only the first person to reach a certain spot will benefit from it.
  9. Rags!

    DayZ and it's Story and Backstory elements

    I don't think there should be a story. It should be a mystery. It shouldn't be explained or rationalized.
  10. Exploring an old nuclear silo reminiscent of the Cold Wars days would be too cool for school.
  11. Rags!


    You can boil water in a styrofoam cups and plastic water bottles, actually.
  12. Rags!

    Dramatic FPS and GFX issues.

    What are you playing this game on? Your toaster?
  13. Rags!

    3 frendly player just doing survive

    Just doing survive.
  14. Rags!

    Sword in Rog

    Server hopping is a huge problem, but changing the loot tables to combat it will affect everybody no matter what they do. If you treat everybody like a server hopper, everybody is going to see the changes in the way they play. This would only equip more and more people with deadlier and deadlier weapons, and character lives and high tier items would lose their value because gearing up will be so much easier. People who server hop don't want any delay at all between spawning in and having the best loot in the game. Because they are lazy, entitled cowards. They will still server hop because it's still the most efficient way to gear up. They won't give up using their "strategy". The promise and the hope of better loot should be used as a mechanic for encouraging player mobility. If items that are very deadly and valuable spawn in places where you yourself spawn then you are removing the need to move around the map. We should be encouraging mobility, moving around, not living and dying where the players all spawn because now there's a chance of military gear spawning in where I spawn.
  15. I think you need to learn that this game isn't finished, and neither are the zombies in either behavior or numbers.
  16. Rags!

    Sword in Rog

    It also promotes complete nonsense if things don't spawn in certain areas. Items should spawn intuitively, and you shouldn't find Kalashnikovs inside old wooden sheds or magazines full of bullets in an outhouse.
  17. Rags!

    A few ideas.

    Ugh, the tiny text...
  18. Rags!

    What causes Desync?

    Unpurified water, I think. Always boil.
  19. Rags!

    next wipe

    After the break.
  20. Rags!

    Layered Clothing

    To what end? Why? "It's more realistic" isn't it's own reason. It would only help to nullify the danger of the cold in the game since you could just pile on anything you could find and there would be no importance of having winter clothing anymore. All characters would look the same, with the outer layer becoming nothing more than the aesthetic layer. Maybe two layers at most. I wouldn't mind that so much since the effects wouldn't be incredibly potent, only marginally helpful for thermal reasons.
  21. Rags!

    Stable Branch - 0.52 Discussion

    It seems that my character can still fail to pick up a stick in the woods.
  22. Rags!

    Least favorite game features

    So you'd rather have the definite exploit of game ruining server hopping because...there could possibly be another exploit instead? Because since your first words to my post were "I don't know"...it doesn't fill the heart with confidence.
  23. Rags!

    Least favorite game features

    The ease of the server hopping exploit, which trickles down into almost every other aspect of the game.
  24. Rags!

    Killing Myself

  25. This happens to me 0% of the time I never go up that particular staircase.