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Everything posted by Rags!

  1. Rags!

    The reason behind KoS: ?

    While I used to consider the fear of being killed as my primary reason, I have to admit...that's changed now. I was once a newbie with little experience, naive and new to the world and its ways. Now, I'm a hunter. I'll still make friendly with players here and there, certainly. But when I have the drop on somebody and I can line them up, I'll drop them. Murder really does wonders for class mobility.
  2. If we know about him, then he isn't truly a stealth player.
  3. Rags!

    Clans treating DayZ like ARMA?

    But this game isn't finished yet, and currently it's too easy to survive. I think that the addition of survival mechanics will hinder clans that have been created under the impression that this game will be easymode PvP.
  4. Rags!

    Clans treating DayZ like ARMA?

    The problem I have isn't where everybody wants to go, it's how they all seems to always be there. It makes me wonder how these clans and groups of players acquire this gear, since fully geared characters seem to be ubiquitous.
  5. Rags!

    crossbow bolts

    I think that there should indeed be more importance placed on the bow, which should be toted as the effective but difficult to use tool for sneaky players and hunters. Similarly, arrows should be retrievable if they are not already. I don't know if they are, since I haven't ever really used a bow.
  6. Rags!

    DayZ Hand Gestures Sheet F1-F11

    Beans for The 5th Element.
  7. Rags!

    New Hand animation: Hand Warming

    But by blowing on your hands, you moisturize them. And in the cold, wetter hands are a big no-no.
  8. Rags!

    How to navigate the maps?

    Shift + Tab brings up the Steam menu, which has a web browser on it. There's extremely little wait to swap back and forth from the Steam menu to the game.There is no need to use the Alt + Tab function at all for using maps in the game.
  9. Why do people keep insisting that survival is "hope things spawn around you"?
  10. Humans beings were starting fires for tens of thousands of years before the invention of matches, firstly. This boggles my mind about you people, you all want to put your fate into the hands of things randomly hopefully spawning within your grasp and if they don't, you die. You people like that idea. You people are actually advocating for that system because in your minds, you think that "Hoping items spawn around you = Challenging gameplay" when that's incredibly unintuitive. I guess that's the difference between what you think the game should be and what I think it is. For me, DayZ is a survival game. For you, DayZ is a game of sheer dumb luck and hope.
  11. That's called a "survival game". You spawn in, find materials in the world, combine them and use them to survive. The danger shouldn't come from "oh, boy...I hope cans of food happened to spawn somewhat near me". It should come from "Can I keep myself alive while constantly being threatened by zombies and other players?" You're still arguing that players should be fucked over and put into unsurvivable scenarios because sometimes "that just happens in real life", and this baffles me that you would want that. Every "realistic" game has to make concessions with realism for the sake of gameplay. That's why you do things like respawn after you die or why you have to eat many cans of peaches and drinks liters and liters of water every day to just avoid starving. It's why you can fix a broken limb with a splint. It's why you can instantly fill a magazine with bullets.
  12. This is terrible reasoning. Plopping players down in a scenario where they cannot do anything to survive or help themselves is not good game design no matter how much you want to try and use"realism" to justify it. I don't want to play a game where I spawn in and am doomed from the start and just don't know it yet and spend the next half an hour starving and dying from hypothermia when there is literally nothing I can do to help myself. Because that's not survival. In a game where the only way to get food is to find it on the ground, if I spawn into the game and starve because there's no food to pick up, the game failed me. People need to realize that DayZ isn't a realistic game. It's a game that applies realistic elements to some of its mechanics.
  13. Rags!


    Canned Peaches are your friend.
  14. Rags!

    I dont get the reason

    Sneaking up on another player and slaying him gives me a great feeling accomplishment. That's how most of my murders have been committed. I slink around the outskirts of town and catch people unawares. Stealth in games isn't often a viable tactic, but when your flank or patience is rewarded by moving up in the loot ladder, it's very very rewarding. I don't always KOS, but sometimes I work for it.
  15. Rags!

    What if you stay a bit longer then normal?

    Be careful that the background music isn't too loud. Tense moments in DayZ are not necessarily made better by background instumentals.
  16. Rags!

    How do you set up your hotbar, and why?

    Let's not be hasty.
  17. Rags!

    How do you set up your hotbar, and why?

    In order... 1) Long gun 2) Sidearm 3) Melee Weapon 4) Second Sidearm (if I have one) 5) Bandages 6) Binoculars It's notable that all these numbres are reachable with my right thumb with the mouse buttons along the side of the G600.
  18. Rags!

    a PERFECT reflex headshot! Right in the nose ^^

    Great shot, fun to watch...but there was a lot of filler in that video of you driving around with nothing happening.
  19. Server hopping is bad. It's for cowards and lazy players who feel entitled to the best gear in the game and refuse to compete with other players for it. If you server hop, you are the scum of the community.
  20. Rags!

    Surviving with a axe and matches

  21. Rags!

    Victory Gamerz Private Shard Day1 - Battle in Cherno

    Normally most music is beneficial. That's the difference.
  22. Rags!

    Surviving with a axe and matches

  23. "sometimes you are just going to die". No good game should tell you that. You shouldn't have a survival game, especially one that strives for some level of realism, that throws a "sometimes you're just going to die" brick right in your face. Dying should happen because of a reason or because there was an obstacle that you couldn't overcome. If it's against a player, that's one way. If it's against the environment or the AI controlled characters then there should be some sort of logical reason for it to happen. There's a difference between difficult and intuitive survival and "lol no matches anywhere you ded now". You can't excuse bad design for "sometimes you are just going to die." You should never be spawned into Chernarus with the doom of dying from hypothermia because the game code didn't give you something you needed to live. "It's supposed to be a hard game". That doesn't excuse futility. If I gave you a maze that was only dead ends and that was impossible to solve, I could use this sentence to describe your complaints about it. It's just a hard maze. This one you can't beat. Because when you spawn in the rain and you can't warm up using any possible means, that's not difficulty. That's impossibility. You can't say a game is hard when there's no possible way for your character to survive because no level of skill will save you. "All the PvE elements at some point rely on finding certain items and are therefore luck based there's no getting around that." Only the first part of this sentence is correct. In a world that will eventually have 100 players in it, or more, all competing and interactive and sharing the same universe of items, you cannot decide who lives and dies because of sheer luck. Why can't I find two sticks and rub them together to make a fire? Why can't I use a lantern and gas to create heat? Why can't I slice open a cow and live inside his smooshy bits like a Tauntaun? There's only two options for surviving the rain when you spawn: Make a fire or get waterproof clothing. A survival games needs more options than that because both of these options rely solely on the luck of loot spawns. You should always have at least some sort of option to surviving. It would be better for them to make the survival aspect always possible if you are shrewd or clever enough, but have threat of other players constantly looming over you. Surviving the elements in a post-apocalyptic world should not be the primary focus of your survival. You need trees for basically doing anything in Minecraft, for instance...but you always know there are trees around. They're trees. The way that trees are spawned into the Minecraft world can be applied in different methods to the survival options in DayZ, though obviously they would be less obvious and easy. "I disagree that reading a book isn't playing the game, your character is still in the game world and is affected by it" I suppose you can really stretch what you define "playing" as, but for me, it's not huddling down in a little house reading about Jesus because I'm afraid of the rain.
  24. Rags!

    Victory Gamerz Private Shard Day1 - Battle in Cherno

    I don't get the random electronic music. What's the purpose of that other than to make me mute the video from that point on?