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Everything posted by Rags!

  1. Rags!

    When I join a server, server goes down

    Stay away from my beloved 50 players Private shard servers, Noobless Serverbane.
  2. Rags!

    I wonder...

    1) There isn't any incorrect grammar in that sentence. It is long and awkward. It's not objectively incorrect. The point still stands, though, but you have chosen to nitpick at improper grammar that does not exist instead of focusing on the message or the point of the sentence and offering a rebuttal. 2) (I'll make this one bold so you won't miss it) If you think that a person's opinion or idea is made irrelevant because they have a grammatical error in a sentence...you are an idiot. Normally it takes more than four posts for a person to make themselves out as a fool. This is why kids need to stay in school and develop proper reasoning skills.
  3. Rags!

    I wonder...

    Cooking an icon of meat that only says it's human flesh on a fire and your character eating with an animation that is hardly "eating" is a far cry from wearing skinned human remains.
  4. Rags!


  5. Rags!

    Food and Eating

    Having to use a utensil is an invention of civilization and actually slows down the consumption process for the sake of tidiness.
  6. Rags!

    Servers (or is it Wednesday) !

    He typed "Help!" twice. He must really be in trouble.
  7. Rags!

    Make the ice pick-axe one-handed.

    Only if we get to dual-wield mountain climb with them like Call of Duty.
  8. Rags!

    Is the AUG worth finding?

    No. The M4 isn't worth finding, either.
  9. 4 oz. Confidence 9 tsp. Apathy 2 tps. Witty one-liners 3 URLs to funny gif's And 1 big ass dick
  10. Rags!

    Status Report - 17 Feb 15

    Alrighty, that's good. I just wanted to know what they meant by the phrase, since it seemed interpretable in multiple ways.
  11. Wait, if Persistence is supposed to be global with the .54 Update, then that means that proper item spawning, item distribution, items-per-hive numbers, and intuitive item despawning will be finally finished? If so...then I'm at half mast already. This is something I've been looking forwards to immensely. I'm sick of all these restarts and rejoinings and hoping you don't get capped while logging in.
  12. Rags!

    Status Report - 17 Feb 15

    "Item distribution per buildings"? What does this mean?
  13. Rags!


    There is no such thing as a high quality headset for $50. If you want high quality then you are going to have to pay for it.
  14. Rags!

    pawn Immunity

    Let's just make everybody invincible. And let's take starvation out of the game. Also, there are not guns anymore. Let's make it just like Animal Crossing. I call being the doggy.
  15. Rags!

    Where do you all go to get your sweet loots?

    If you just go inland, there aren't any other people, so you can loot up very easily.
  16. Rags!

    I feel like an asshole

    I am certain I did not.
  17. Rags!

    Barret 50. cal?

    I never played the Mod.
  18. Don't skimp on a headset. It's a peripheral that you really want to spend the cash on. It's better to save up and get one that's better than fifty bucks later on instead of buying one now. For instance, save up a little longer and get the Logitech G430, which I have personally used before I bought my Audio Technica ATH-AG1. It's only 60 dollars on Amazon. You can get it cheaper on other places, though.
  19. Rags!

    truck glitches me underground

    Probably quicksand.
  20. Rags!

    Dayz Fps & graphic settings quick question

    Search function. Move along.
  21. Rags!

    zucchini are poisonous

    Well, somebody's confident.
  22. Rags!

    i combat logged...

    What's the reason for your combat logging, besides to save your own hide like the coward you are?
  23. I never see you on foot, either. Until spawning is spread out and players on servers are increased, finding people out and about will be uncommon at best. Everything will be on the Coast. So all the work that Bohemia Interactive does to make things happen inland simply won't matter that much until those things are finished. No amount of new towns and cities can encourage people to leave the spawn area where all the other players are in respectable numbers.