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Everything posted by Rags!

  1. Wedding video, has a hoe in the thumbnail...
  2. Rags!

    CR527 Carbine Talk

    Consider that the carbine will spawn in the same places as the Mosin Nagant and the repeater, its two greatest rivals. Both are bolt action rifles, but the Mosin has ammo that is easier to find, is more damaging, does not require a magazine, and can equip multiple scopes. The Repeater has ammo that is even easier to find and it can hold eleven rounds without a magazine. Even the humble Trumpet doesn't require a magazine and will kill players in a single headshot with ammunition that's even easier to find still. The usefulness of the Carbine is acceptable, though the ease of access is disproportionately high at the moment. The chances of finding the rifle, the rare as hell magazine, and the very uncommon ammunition for it before you find another weapon instead are slim at best. It is very easily replaced by other weapons.
  3. Rags!

    Never Taunt Me With Your V3S.

    "Sniper team." Ugh.
  4. Rags!

    Old player new on forum

    You're only old if you remember Lime Skittles.
  5. Rags!

    DayZ Painting by @Lucratea

    Holy shit, that bottom one is absolutely amazing. It's almost like every pixel was drawn perfectly.
  6. Rags!

    MP5 least practical weapon in game?

    Oh, then I must have been tripping some serious balls on some shit-tastic back-alley hallucinogenic shrooms when I thought I watched blood squirt out of Carl the Bambi when I popped him three times in the nip nips and imagined the entire thing in my drug induced daze. Your anecdote doesn't make mine irrelevant.
  7. Rags!

    Remove books and other ideas

    Also, George Orwell is turning in his grave over the title of this topic.
  8. Rags!

    MP5 least practical weapon in game?

    The shittiest weapon in this game at the moment is the Derringer. If I can't drop a new spawn running at me with a shovel after three body shots with .45 caliber handgun rounds in a gun that holds only two shots, using the weapon is less effective for boo-boo infliction than running towards your target with a gardening tool used for small scale dirt relocation.
  9. Rags!

    Larger Inventory Space

    Realism isn't the way to go here, methinks. Especially since the backpack doesn't really take into account the depth of the backpack. I've had plenty of time around backpacks filled with random shit, my BOB kit is a 56L pack and if you allowed for realistic item storage space, then...you could carry an exorbitant amount of items that the design of the game wouldn't really work with. For instance...you want to know how many .22 rounds can fit in a can? About eleventy-billion and seventeen. Consider how in the future, once rounds are balanced out...being able to carry the incredibly light and small (and quite deadly) .22 round in those quantities per space...that would be kind of insane. The same BOB kit has a Ruger 10/22 Takedown for exactly this reason. Even the large 7.62 x 51mm rounds can be put into piles that would be much larger than the current stacks of twenty in the space that's allotted for it. That single can opener, sure, doesn't really take up any space...but based on what kind of help it provides to your character should be taken into account. Items should be given, I think, space that both sounds reasonable in terms of actual item size...but I think it's perfectly reasonable to make items that might be very helpful or useful, like ammunition, to have backpack space requirements that "balance" it out somewhat. I understand what you're saying, and it's not a bad idea. More spaces allow for more precise sizes and measurements. I have no problem at all with this. I certainly think that a fusion of the Fallout 3 and the Resident Evil 4 inventories would be a match made in heaven...one for weight combined with the other of the almost meta-game attache case in RE4. BUT...I think this will be one of the later things to be changed up and altered since new items will be added as well as the spawn rates being changed and such other things that could affect rarity or usefulness of items before they are properly "balanced".
  10. Rags!

    Remove books and other ideas

    What happens then? Are you going to type in ALL CAPS?
  11. Rags!

    What are these buildings?

    That is only one building.
  12. I don't know anything about how hard things are to make in a game, but I think this needs to happen. I think that there needs to be a separation between server-wide messages, disconnects, kicks, all that... ...and the player's personal status notifications. Some servers are very spammy with their messages, BattleEye, too. Lots of times it can be so spammy it covers up my character when in 3rd Person servers. It takes up way too much of the screen. I don't care if Unknown Entity was kicked because his something or other failed to initialize. I don't care if Hugh Jassole couldn't connect to the Hive or if Mike Rotch couldn't load item ID #42069666. I DO care if I am shaking. I have a feeling this will be changed in the future, but I wanted to at least make this a visible topic. Even if the very top right hand of the screen could have the server messages and the bottom right could have my status notifications...that would be a good start. Also, give us the option to change the text size of both. Or at least let us have some option to minimize its screen space realty monopoly. I just think this would be a great little touch to the game. Also, add that Jeremiah Johnson player model.
  13. This topic has more saltiness in it than the Ultimate Feast at Red Lobster.
  14. Rags!

    Endless running - stamina/fatigue?

    I would much rather see, instead of a stamina system, simply making sprinting require a great deal of energy and hydration in order to sustain. If you want to sprint everywhere, you're going to have to constantly consume food, and as a result, will have to keep larger amounts of it on you that could have instead be spent on other gear. I have no issue making sprinting something you can always do...but it'll sure cost you. The aiming penalty to running has already been a feature that has seen an impact on my games of late. Even today I had to, twice, stop...prone, and wait for my character to catch his breath before making that shot at other players.
  15. Rags!

    FPS increase by?

    I have heard that the first implementation of the renderer will give a 30-40% increase in frames.
  16. Rags!

    Ways to Better the "Gorka" Helmet

    The Gorka helmet is like a Press Vest for your face.
  17. Rags!

    this game just isn't the same anymore

    Yea, let's just make another 225^2 km map like this is Halo or something and you can pump them out every afternoon.
  18. Rags!

    Best place to store ammo...?

    Put items like food in your chest clothing, then close it. If you get shot there, food is not hard to come by. Yet. Minimize your chest area so that you can see more lower inventory space below. When I have ammunition, I always split it in the pants and then another pile in the backpack. That way no single shot will render my ammunition useless. Also, it is very useful to keep an empty slot of inventory space in your pants so that if you empty a weapon with rounds, those rounds are easily accessible and don't go somplace like your backpack where you might have to look for them in tense situations.
  19. It should only concern you if you are in the middle of a firefight. or haven't stepped out of your V3S since you found it in Krasnoe.
  20. The town where people die to spawn to die in.
  21. Rags!

    Using Online Map Cheating?

    It doesn't give you an unfair advantage since everybody has this tool at their disposal.
  22. Rags!

    genuinely annoyed - outhouse problems

    I thought that your character needed toilet paper in the middle of nowhere, so you were calling out to somebody to log into the server and bring you some.
  23. Rags!

    Where is everyone?

    The coast.