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Everything posted by Rags!

  1. Rags!

    Loot Spawn by Peek Volume

    If this is implemented correctly, then I could be in support of it, but I can go both ways on it. I like an idea that attempts to combat clan hoarding with personal loot-up servers. Then again, maybe I'm just excited to see a forum noob be constructive instead of bitching about the lack of .50 cal Barrets not spawning in people's closets.
  2. I think I sense a backstory to this topic's creation...
  3. This is why I don't play Public servers. Cowards like you.
  4. Rags!


    I wish it were like Resident Evil 4 and grenades would pop out of the little cluckers.
  5. Stop calling it the "SVD Dragunov". SVD means: Snayperskaya Vintovka Dragunova That shit's redundant. You may proceed with your day now.
  6. Rags!

    Persistence Poles

    I can imagine a bunch of noobs running around with poles in their hands, frantically staking their claim around Chernarus like this is the Eastern Bloc version of Manifest Destiny or some shit.
  7. Rags!

    When will the Sway be fixed?

    Damaged ones, yes. Pristine/worn weapons and ammunition should never jam, as this give the player the incentive to keep his gear in as optimal a state he can.
  8. Rags!

    When will the Sway be fixed?

    Guess what? It's a video game. Real life isn't a video game. Not everything in real life belongs in a video game, and having rifles of the same condition and make vary greatly in accuracy is not a real life truth that should make its way into Chernarus. You can try and dress up shitty mechanics all you'd like under a pretense of "realism" but at the end of the day to have somebody simply happen to grab the short end of the stick without even telling them until it's too late is just bad game design. Let us hope that you never aspire to the career of a video game designer or producer. Or perhaps there is a market for games where there is a dice roll with every step you take that could cause you to fall and break your character's leg. You could make that game. Every step you take, dice roll for ankle damage. Your character might just be wandering around and catch malaria because they got bit by a mosquito. Dice roll every ten seconds for malaria mosquitos. Let's have another random dice roll for if you have diabetes and require insulin as well. Diabetics won't be too well off in the apocalypse. Dice roll for diabetes upon spawning. The game isn't real enough, yet. No, we have to go further. There's a dice roll every single time you fire a weapon as well. Guns can jam in real life. Even pristine ones. Dice roll for weapon malfunction. That is...assuming your ammunition even works. You know sometimes those pesky things just won't fire off. Dice roll for ammunition malfunction. So really, it's not about who's the overall better player. The other guy killed you because his gun randomly was better than your identical gun. He just got the better dice roll. He wins. You lose. That's life. Too bad. It's not about who is sneakier, smarter, more skilled, more intuitive, more clever...it's really about who has the luckiest dice.
  9. Rags!

    When will the Sway be fixed?

    The idea that you can find two identical weapons in the game and have one of them perform randomly greatly worse than the other one is a shitty game mechanic that has no place in DayZ.
  10. Rags!

    When will the Sway be fixed?

    Yesterday I said that having characters spawn with random allergies to foods was the stupidest idea I have heard in a long time. This is ten times more stupid.
  11. Rags!

    When you know you play too much Dayz :p

    Anything that prevents death is a medical supply.
  12. Rags!

    Character Development & Weaknesses

    So wait...you're telling me that you want players to randomly spawn into the game with the chance that the next piece of food that they eat could blow their insides up with some allergic reaction because the computer's dice roll came up short for them when they spawned in? I can't believe you actually want this. Do you realize that this isn't anywhere near good gameplay design? This is a random assignment of character inhibiting survival punishment upon respawning. The fact that everybody spawns into the game as an equal is a very good thing about DayZ, and after you spawn you can choose where to go, what to loot, and can take your chances wherever you like. Characters are blank slates that are what we make of them. They aren't some randomly generated fucker with diabeetus that will die in 13 hours anyway because you didn't get your insulin. Besides, if you're arguing for realism, which is stupid in a video game half the time anyway, then...wouldn't you already know if you're allergic to something? You spawn in as a grown-ass man/woman who would certainly already know that eating a can of mangoes in syrup will blow their face up like the Hindenburg. Wait, let's go for total realism. If you get shot, you die. You don't respawn. The game is uninstalled automatically from Steam and you have to rebuy it again. Except you don't get to re-buy it. Because until it's proven otherwise, only the Dalai Lama gets to respawn. And you sure ain't Mr. Lama. Yea, that's about one of the most stupid ideas I've heard in a long time. And I was around for the "You should have to poop" topic a few months back.
  13. Rags!

    Possibilities for the endgame

    Ever had food poisoning? And I don't mean "Oh, that piece of toast was sorta questionable." food poisoning. I mean "Holy mother fuck, I haven't slept in 36 hours and I've puked so much my sides hurt and I'm dry heaving so much I'm gagging myself with water just so it doesn't hurt as bad when my body makes me hurl" food poisoning. Yea, that shit's no joke. You thought getting the stomach virus was bad, but a bad oyster and overdue crabcake will fuck your innards up like an exploding colon bomb. You want an endgame in DayZ? Brother, you spend a week in a post-apocalyptic electricity vacant Chernarus and not catch a social class severing full-blown Soviet Bloc Stomach Stalin and we'll see what you say about "endgame".
  14. Rags!

    This may seem stupid

    Yea, this is stupid.
  15. Rags!

    Weapon degradation

    A friend of mine fired an entire box of fifty .22 rounds out of a Trumpet and it stayed Pristine, so the rates of weapon damage are obviously in the early stages. As for the M4, it's not like a fully automatic military grade assault carbine is designed to withstand the immense punishment of...shooting bullets.
  16. Rags!

    Ability to turn off chat

    For eliminating confusion...instead of saying "chat" maybe call it "Server messages". Chat is an in game tool that players use and is not automated. I voted for "No" at first because I thought you meant player text communication, not server messages.
  17. This required a new topic, not a simple Google search.
  18. Rags!

    "Surroundings Adaptation Camo"

    Here's one of me disguising myself as a bench.
  19. Rags!

    Inverted texture on repeater?

    Chernarus is in Europe. Everything is backwards there.
  20. Rags!

    Bounty Idea

    This would be a horrible idea with no redeeming qualities and no positive gameplay benefits. If I could mug people and steal their beans, I would do so with your post.
  21. I don't server hop, so I never play on empty servers.
  22. Rags!

    CR527 Carbine Talk

    You said "And yes the mosin which i didn't mention is just as good with or without the scope." Emphasis on the "is just as good with or without the scope". Especially the "Is just as good" bit. The sentence that you typed means that the Mosin is just as good without a scope as it is with a scope. So, yes. I am high. High on knowledge.
  23. Rags!

    CR527 Carbine Talk

    The Mosin is much, much better with a scope. Are you high?