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Everything posted by Rags!

  1. Rags!

    Unconsciousness with ragdoll animations.

    That would be fine. Anything is better than the Arma 3 Wasteland style of you just "Poofing" onto the ground dead. If your ragdolled character popped into a position similar to proning everytime you regained consciousness...that would give the animation a place to resume anything from.
  2. Rags!

    Status Report - 08 Jul 2015

    First. Take that, Hicks.
  3. Rags!

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    Headshots are the name of the game now. You may think that is realism you'd aim for the center mass of a target, but nope. You gotta get those headshots. Even point blank I try my darn hardest to hit their head and it normally works out in my favor.
  4. Rags!

    Unconsciousness with ragdoll animations.

    I completely agree with you, though I think the trouble...well, the "trouble" with that would be in Bohemia's ability to make the transition from whatever position you land in back to a proned/standing/crouched position. Ragdolling can put your character's model into some odd looking positions. Making sure that the character transitions back to a conscious posture from there...that could prove very difficult.
  5. I never trusted public transportation then, I certainly don't now.
  6. You can absolutely do this thing.
  7. Rags!

    ArmA 3 Stances in DayZ

    As the 3PP camera is finally worked with, the more and more I believe that DayZ is far too complicated of a game to have the simple standard of Stand Crouch Prone While there are things that I don't like about Arma 3...well, lots of things, one thing that is excellent in that game is my ability to micromanage the position that my character was standing in. For those of you who didn't play the game or who did and just don't utilize it...Arma 3 allows for a wide variety of different player stances and positions. You had the basic "standing, crouching, proning" positions, but you could also raise up your gun just a little higher while standing, lower yourself a little more while sitting, even lay on the ground with your ear to the dirt and your rifle as low as possible. You would position your body to the side and around corners for a peek, you could even lay on your side with your gun at the ready around a wall. So you would have, instead, something along the lines of... High Standing Standing Low Standing Crouching Low Crouching Proning Low Proning This ability to manage your player profile and minimize the area that your character shows to a potential enemy would be even more useful in DayZ where (hopefully please god almighty) players will not be the bullet sponges they currently are or like Arma 3 had them. As the 3PP camera finally winds down from Peekaboo mode that allows you to see everything and expose nothing, more and more will the desire for me to want to put myself into reasonable positions grow. DayZ, I think, is far too comlicated and intricate to limit itself to leaning your body to the side in an honestly unrealistic and uncomfortable fashion.
  8. Rags!

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    Been playing with friends on Stable the last few days, and dear Lord, eveybody has an AK. It's really kinda to the point where I have to just assume people I see have them. Noobs have them, geared players have them...and I play ONLY on Private shard servers. Everybody's got an AK. I don't mind THAT much at the moment...but I know it's already starting to get really old. I've been rolling around and just shitting in people's cornflakes with my AK-74 because other players rack disciprine . Also, the SKS seems to be an excellent tool for ruining other people's stuff without actually killing them. There's no way even I should be surviving three point blank hits from that thing and still be able to function. In fact, players still just seem as bullet spongey as ever. I've unloaded torrents of lead into modestly geared players and then just bleed out of the seventeen holes I put into them and proceed to just run away. Point blank sawed off shotgun rounds have completely ruined vests and backpacks and shirts...but still don't kill! The Zigzag is strong in people, too. I hope that a focus on player inertia and momentum rolls around soonish, because the ability for people to change directions on a dime makes shooting them very hard, and sometimes just luck based when they're skittering around in front of you.
  9. Rags!


    There already is a skill system in DayZ. The more you play DayZ, the better you get at DayZ.
  10. Rags!

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Matches what looting's like everywhere else...
  11. Rags!

    Interested in a good youtube PvP channel?

    What makes your channel better than the 17,561 other channels devoted to DayZ?
  12. Rags!

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    I don't know about the updates on the Gorka helmet and damage protection it gives... ...I shot a guy holed up in a building in Novodmitrovsk. One Repeater headshot killed him. Also, it seemed that once you shot the Repeater it would bring you to 3PP to work the action. Which was...detrimental in the close encounters fighting. Though using the 3PP aiming reticule helped immensely...
  13. Rags!

    Most frustrating way you have died?

    When you hit somebody with shotguns point blank, causing a shower of blood and they still don't disintegrate like they are supposed to and act like nothing happened.
  14. Rags!

    Make doors always open away from you

    Just have those big ass gates open away from you. Doors are fine, really. But you can always just push a gate.
  15. Rags!

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    The new camera is as much a step towards what this game needs as my throwing of a rock into the Gulf of Mexico is to building a new island.
  16. Rags!

    16 hours in, met my first player!

    I am a cold blooded murderer and I don't feel bad one bit.
  17. Rags!

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Alright, bitches. Pay attention to the crosshairs when you're aiming in third person. Horizontal bars are your aiming cursor, and the curved bar represent what your gun is actually pointing at. Also, there are in houses now, in fireplaces all over. Their use is most likely guessable. Also...you can still do this... Meanwhile, if you want Cargo Pants, I found some Olive ones in this shed:
  18. Rags!

    A valuable loot (0.57)

    Is there any particular reason why the attachable pouches for the Plate Carrier do not spawn in the same location as the Plate Carrier does? I find lots of the pouches...and no vest.
  19. I haven't had an automatic rifle in my hands in ages. But I do recall that they seemed WAY too accurate when firing from the "hip".
  20. Rags!

    Identify This Tree

    The Penis Mightier.
  21. Rags!

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    Last night I played on the highest populated server on my Favorites list. Only 12 people, but meh. It's something. Spawned fresh in Berezino and by the time I walked out of the town not but half an hour later, I had put a land mine in the police station and I looked like this: So, yea...loot can be pretty crazy. Those porch buildings with the military loot explosions are crazy. The biggest step forwards with the CLE in my eyes is that looting is no longer the "Check the three hotspots in the town, pray to your god, move to next town" cycle it used to be. I feel encouraged to check out all the buildings, stands, outhouses, sheds, and cars. Not just make a beeline for the Police Station or Fire Station and then leave. Loot spawning is still more fucked up than Sylvester Stallone's English, but at least it's a whole lot more interesting and better for gameplay now.
  22. Rags!

    Combat log, server hopping

    Or people who just don't want to deal with the scummy wankstains could just play on Private shards.
  23. Rags!

    Choosing a PC...

    Be wary of buying a PC for playing a game that is not optimized.
  24. Rags!

    SVD Dragunov Spawn

    Nothing says "Oh god oh god oh god I hope I don't get shot" like your first SVD.
  25. ...aaaaaand Thread closed.