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About Wobb

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    On the Coast
  1. Actually there is a link between cannibalism and laughing/crying uncontrollably. You can contract Kuru by eating a human brain (not human flesh). What Are the Causes of Kuru? You can contract the disease by eating an infected brain or coming into contact with open wounds or sores. Kuru developed from the people of New Guinea eating brains of dead relatives during funeral rites. Women and children were of the majority infected with kuru. This is because they were the primary participants in the funerary rituals. What Are the Symptoms of Kuru? Symptoms of more common neurological disorders (such as Parkinson’s disease or stroke) may resemble kuru. Symptoms include: trouble walkingincreasingly poor coordinationdifficulty swallowingslurred speechmoodinessmuscle twitching and tremorspain in the legs and armsrandom laughing and/or cryingMalnutrition and starvation follow initial symptoms because those infected with kuru have difficulty eating and swallowing. These secondary symptoms can lead to death within a year. What Are the Treatments for Kuru? There is no known successful treatment for kuru. According to the University of Utah, boiling water, radiation, and acid cannot destroy the prions that cause kuru (UT, 2012). Brains contaminated with prions remain infectious even when preserved in formaldehyde for years. What Is the Outlook for Kuru? Individuals with kuru require assistance to stand and move, eventually losing the ability to swallow and eat. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, people infected with kuru die in a comatose state within six to 12 months after experiencing initial symptoms. Source: http://www.healthline.com/health/kuru#Overview1
  2. Was at Myshkino mb. The whole place was loot because of some loot related issues. I'm sure they'll manage to solve.
  3. Wobb

    Random "loosing connection"

    Fixed indeed, apparently it was a BattlEye update that caused the issue.
  4. Wobb

    Sprint to crouch

    I notice the same issue. If you're running or sprinting and press crouch the soundfiles of the footsteps plays twice or three times over eachother.
  5. Wobb

    Random "loosing connection"

    I have the exact same issue since .48. Can't play more than 15 - 20 mins.