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Everything posted by Airborne28

  1. I live in Italy. I'm looking for a group to play Orgins or OVERPOCH. I have 90 hours in SA and grew tired of it. Looking for a new group to have fun with
  2. So I have about 100 hours on SA. I watched some youtube vids and saw different UI's which i assumed are ARMA ii. So here is the meat and potatoes, If mod seems more stable and has cars, helos, and better weapons, whats the point of an SA? If ARMA iii has a dayz mod more complete than the SA why not go that route. So whats the real difference here between all the different mods and the stand alone. Do the mods still have large communities? Is hacking as big a problem in mod as it is in SA? Sell it to me. I have 0 interest in playing army so no need to sell me the arma game pure
  3. Airborne28

    gut feelings

    Kosers ( murderers) dont want it as they are able to avoided. I have several people in my group that like kos fresh spawns. I think its stupid and dont play with em unless its a large op. They do it out of boredom, or for simple things like food and expediance. Heros want the system as it will enable them in their misguided thinking that people wont kos them as often. Now to play devils advocate here, most people say " well in real life i wont run a certain way or have a koser tag" . True, but in real life there are subtle clues about you that give your motives away. If a system were made, it should be nothing more than clues about posture, their speech tells the rest of the story. Now im a bad player. Im not a koser or a bandit or a hero. Im me. If i am put into a situation where someone seems cautios to talk, ill listen. If someone asks for medical help, ill throw a bandage or splint on the ground. If somone is unconsious, ill revive em but handcuff or take their weapons to feel them out. Typicaly it seems that children are the ones who play the wounded animal trick.
  4. Airborne28

    Trading Post

    Wtt M4 with acog, 2 60 round double mags, about 100 spare rounds and various attachments. For a mousin and a rare item like smersh vest or something. Pitch me an offer in msg
  5. Airborne28

    Hackers, we need evidence

    Ok so i read a thread about hacking but they lock the thread. So heres my story since i cant record evidence. Saturday night in A server my clanmates and i were ontop of a building in cherno. We began hearing shots from a mousin near the treeline to the north. Then less than a minute later, shots to our west, then east in town. Then one of our clan mates yelled over teamspeak and i herd a shot like it was right next to me, i saw a bullet hit the roof floor, then saw a bambi, with a mousin vault off the roof in an unatural way, achiveing an unatrual distance but died on the ground. The only ways up were covered by our players. We quickly logged as we all survived the encounter.
  6. Airborne28

    Standalone to mod? Sell it to me.

    We talking arma ii or iii mod? Yeah SA has beenin in dev for a while. I am begining to doubt that it will ever come out. Now im not looking for COD game with zombies. But it would be cool to use a bike, some different guns and maybe find a carmonce in a while that works. SA just seems to be a running sim or hacking teacher.
  7. If you ain't never been to elektro, dont ever come to elektro, cause you wouldnt understand elektro, so stay the f@$& out of elektro. Jokes aside homies, if you ain't gearered, elektro is a bad spot. Its the new berenzino. Lots of new spawn killers and people running around with no pants on. If your a freshie head inland and land nav your shit elsewhere. Cherno isnt much better. Apparently doors randomly open by themselves too make it more difficult to track people. The mechanic both hurts you as it makes people outright avoid places, but helps if your looting to keep ohhers away. Take it slow, stay off the roads. Big cities are full of zs so if you dont have atleast a decent swingable, wait till you have some better nessesities like rags and some clothes. Clothes now are. Big deal. I died of hypothermia. I LOVE this feature, but i hate the near constant messages it brings. Run through a few houses, then WRING OUT YOUR SHIRT!! Do it several times then move on. Or changes clothes often. It slows down the looting process for some but i like that as it forces me to plan every group of moves. Plan your moves Ok tent ciy balota is gone right. But they moved it way west and a little north into a bowl. Sniper city. But, appaently NOTHING spawns there. i havent confirmed but thats the word in the elektro hood. Ok to the dude in elektro with the green motor cycle helmet that i shot off the top of the school, My bad. When you raised your hand to wave, i thought you were reaching for a gun, it was one of those moments when you cognativley think "wait!" But you motor functions have already begun to do somehing else. I shot you in the face, i KOS which is a dick move and once i killed you i felt bad. If you read this please pm me so we can link up and i can give you a rad gun, my backpack full of food or whatever. If you KOS me, that sucks but i understand. Again, my bad. Stay safe, take care of you buddies
  8. Airborne28

    How did you first taste blood?

    Shot a clanmate whom went afk from teamspeak.
  9. Airborne28

    Why does everyone kill me?!

    Quote from the guy whom gave the Nazis a lot of their propaganda. He was a sick, whinny, puny little nothing whom is rememberd for stupid misquotes, and their application. Not the guy for me.
  10. First off gents I want to thank the unknown player that helped me. Outside of Elektro, a player ran up to me yelling "firendly", so I of course grabbed my shovel and prepared to fight. This fellow put away his melle weapon and typed this " its dangerous to go alone, take this with you". He dropped a mousin with rounds in the gun, then ran away. It made me smile once i.saw what he did and i made the zelda music in my head when i picked up the gun. Thank you kind stranger. I had a rough go once i logged in yesterday. while i dont covet gear, i missed my stuff especialy clothes with the new mechanics. I died 3 times in about an hour. everytime i respawned, i was outside the town east of elektro. even on low pop servers this place (Kam?) had pretty much everyplayer on the server there. I only spawned here. i got axed, shot and killed by Zs which haddent happened in a while. I didnt play with my clan at all and i enjoyed the danger and desperation of finding food. Everything was hard to find. Made me appriciate the game Berenzino was a ghost town. Im curious to see where the other spawn locs are, pls post em. The main pvp towns may change again which is fine with me. The game had become run to NWAF and bolota, run back to BZ and fight. Over and over. Be nice to see where else might hold a good fight. Can anyone please tell me if in russia firefighters are also proxy soldiers? I find more military loot at fire stations than at police stations. Stay safe, help your buddy
  11. Bring it in, take a knee: Ok gents. I follow a chain of command (the COC) in real life. Clans have COC based on time in game and loyalty. This however does not translate into skill, actionable knowledge beyond simple banditry ( which i consider stupid, unless your well geared and im not) . If you are a leader at your level saying things like, i see two guys moving does not help me. I see two guys moving from railroad towards medical, does. I have a direction, guessable distance, route of travel, and can now locate and acquire. Teamspeak is a doubled edged sword. Yes, its needed but FAR to often you here about that "damn" zombie, or hey i found a hard hat, in the middle of a gun battle. Please learn that only needed info be on the net, I.E. targetetry, and medical info. So if a glitching zombie is hitting you, i don't care. Fight your own micro battles and leave the net for macro battles. Dupeing is the act of causing your weapon/ ammo to glitch, and thereby DUPLICATING your kit. You now have unlimited ammo. This is suppose to be illegal in game, but as of last night the HD clan uses it with impunity. Me, I'd rather the satisfaction you were killed by a noob with a mousin, than to kill a noob with a glitched gun. Killing players with a glitched gun has 0 appeal to me, but for children whom require instant gratification it is a must apparently. I dont need to hear about your encounter with a zombie everytime you have one. The game is full of em. Keep the net clear. Berinzeno is a great town for pvp. Using the high rise apartments in a large group is a bad idea. You get cornered in there real fast. One way in and out. One frag and your all finished. Dont use the high rises, or limmit whos in there knowing they will be killed one way or another. If you can't stay safe, stay deadly Airborne
  12. Ok gets. first off i am typing on a phone. its a crappy phone so if my spelling is terrible and i leave out puntuations im sorry. New rule, get in a good clan if you're a noob. yes you will be told your a newb, grow thicker skin , be awesome and deal with it. I was killed in a gun battle in the military compound south of NWAF. thede were 6 people on the server and 3 were my clanmates. the other two ambushed us as we walked into a building effectively trapping us. my leg was broken from a gunshot and clanmates did what they could. they all made it amd i had to start over. While in this predicament, the ambushers talked to us with their mics, they could not hear me though. it was evident that they were juviniles by the sounds of their high pitched manner of speaking. they also spoke poorly like pouser villians in a crappy movie complete with cleche lines. some people take this a tad too seriously. I spawned in svetlagorsk and ran down to berinzino. One of the kids needed me and logged out in a police station. MISTAKE! The moment i logged back in on a ser with 3 people i hear "get down on the ground lose the bat buddy!!". 3 people in severr, 225 klicks of land, what are the odds. dont log out in police stations fire houses or military compounds. so this kid in game speak begins to give me instructions which i follow. i get my in game speak working and i do not play along with the role playing tough guy crap. the kid said buddy at either the beginning or end of every sentence. He dosnt kill me and i give him a mousin compensator for his gun. he decides to run me south. we agro several zs on tje edge of town and the server shuts down. when i relog in the zs are still there but my new friend is gone. heading south two clan mates log in and run me AAAALLLLLLLL the way to bolota.....its far. i get some decent kit and need to log . My first encounter with a resonable player... thats a plus. recruited him to the clan. KIA sucks when your well kitted. when you get an item like a gun or grenades dont cherish them. you will lose them one way or another. Dont take the game too.serious....its a game. that dosent mean not to strive to do well but again its a game. Join an established clan. give ammo and supplies liberaly amd you will be surprised how much they will help you in return. dont be a mooch. dont need 5.56 rounds? Grab em anyway, someone needs em. Decent loot to be had in military compounds but its high risk vs high reward. NEAF always seems picked over, i now avoid it. At one mil compound i found piles i mean piles of boots. was kinda creepy. If you cant stay safe, stay deadly Airborne
  13. Airborne28

    AAR: KIA, loots and boots

    Yeah i try to log in the woodline, but if my children or wife need me, i log, just a game. I agree that there will always be some general complaining by others in a teamseak. I am not an extrovert nor abnormaly kind. Listening to the chatter and random banalities can be tedious. However, if someone needs legit help, i am more than happy to help. Its about building report.
  14. Since this is my first post about newbdom, I will attempt to do a couple of things: 1. paint a basic picture of who I am so you understand where my point of origin is. 2. Give you the AAR ( After action review, the "what happened" for you civis) 3. pose rhetorical questions 4. and the upshot ( summary) These are intended to help newer players like me. Please follow OPSEC. Bring it in, take a knee: 1. I'm a GWOT (global war on terror) vet with several tours "down range". What do I do? I'm a Soldier; I solve problems. Most "Military" folks are not combatants, they are supporters of the pipehitter community. Most standing armies work this way. So that "Transportation SF SEAL BLACK OPS " e-4 dude you know, he's probably full of shit and has never herd a shot fired in anger. Sorry, deal with it, accept the wobble in your work space and move on. I am a father of 3 and husband to totally rad chick. I spend most of my free time with my family, hunting, or doing PT (physical training). why did I get this game? well it's basically a good LAND NAV tool, and as we all know LAND NAV is a perishable skill. It also affords my the ability to have a reason to NAV from point A-B, and things to avoid. It's great for dead reckoning. I will normally play for 1-2 hours every couple of days. Long enough to move about the map, do something with a purpose, and have fun. 2. No shit, there I was 001: Read the basic intel of the game, what to do when you spawn ect, and logged in. started getting accustomed to the controls ( I moved a few meters around) and got attacked by a zombie within 30 secs. I'm dead....... really? Sure I punched the dude but I was trying to mess with video settings in the "spawn zone". There we houses about 100m away, shame on me. YOU ARE NEVER SAFE ONCE YOUR IN GAME. There is no tutorial safe area. 002: spawned, ran to a house, zombie saw me. closed doors leading from the outside, zombie did not get in. First house had all open doors, 0 loot. next house open doors, zombie got through the door so I had to run out. I noticed the door had a hole in it, like a vertical gash. I have found that any door with a hole, or the glass missing, isn't a door at all. Your not safe there. I Spawned inland not near any water so I had no idea where I was. ran 3-5m off a road till I came to another built up area with a sign. Jumped on the DAYZB map website and found where I was. I had a distance, direction, and a motivation now, but no compass. I used terrain association, the sun, and the clouds to have a cardinal direction. eventually I found a fireman's ax (AWESOME TOOL) so I was not longer worried about hiding from Zs. I found my way to the NEAF ( North East Airfield) to find a gun. Found a 1911, and a magazine. Logged out. Logged back in several hours later. ran outside the Control tower at NEAF and saw my first ever other player. I had no weapon out and I used on the of the F function keys to wave. I spoke " hi there" into my mike. He ran towards my but in a funny way. His legs weren't moving, so he sort of glided towards me. Black screen, " YOU ARE DEAD". This is called kill on sight or KOS and is the default operating mode of most players.There are many danger areas. look them up. Being kind and friendly doesn't matter to sadistic children whom live in a totally disposable market life. Interestingly enough, It's such a protracted tragedy to them if they die. I'll explain more later. 003: spawned on the easy coast. Easy to find where I am. was in the middle of the "clan" application process. Clan won't be mentioned but dubbed itself as "military oriented". It's not, they just use the basic pay grade scale but it's used incorrectly nor is it effective. Got accepted; sweet, a fire team, more hands = more safety. was going to link up with them in a town. mentioned where I was and what I looked like since they had a uniform ID requirement to mitigate fratricide. Ok cool, me thinks, they think. Outside of the location to meet, one my youngings woke up from her bed time. I cut sling load and ran to the sound of real need. Came back and I was dead. Ok maybe a zombie killed me right?.... Wrong. My new clan dusted me like a leaf blower cause they couldn't reach me on team speak and were unsure of who my player was ( remember this for later). The comment when I asked why I was smoke in teamspeak was "you didn't have anything anyway!". Ohh fucking thanks nerd. I don't live for this shit at all but 003 took me about 2 hours of my life to get to that point. I don't care about dieing during a raid or zombie mass, but fratricide treated this way !?! Ok they are all civis, no big deal. logged 004: Respawned on the same server as several teammates. I spawned in NOVO way up north. It was a "fresh" server meaning everything had reset and loot redropped. I noticed all doors were closed. Big town all to myself and no zombies anywhere. The loot ( guns included) that I found in 5 mis took several hours before. Spoke to a guy on teamspeak and left to meet up. We met up after some LAND NAV issues of the name of the Rally point. As I went into my first house near the rally point to conduct link up, a gunshot hit the wall next to me. Then another. And he told me it was him after a second or two. Got me to a red direct state fast before I knew it was him. Ok jokes aside. I can't emphasize enough what a nice dude he is, just cheeky and maybe young. He wanted to play a similar prank on clan-mates raiding a specific town. We ran down there, logged in their server got in the prone, and joined them on teamspeak. 1-2 shots into the roof of a house and herd them go nuts. My bud told them it was us. We preceded to run around the town looting and chasing down cows. Everyone was wicked nice and fun to play with, but no one (including me ) was wearing the "clan uniform". We cooked a lot of cow meat and had a buffet. As the group started to break up several members "left" the teamspeak channel, back and forth for a few until someone got specific people for another "operation". Ok, our group began the "good nights and logging off", process. From the start of town looting till the break up was 2ish hours with the last 30mins being conversations about whos staying on and who's calling it a night. I ran back to the wood line to log out and I see a player in the prone pointing away from me. I hollered out the location, and description of the player several times in teamspeak, "WHO IS IS?". I crept closer, "hey anyone wearing ect, and at ect.?". Nothing. several more attempts at ID, this goes on for a about a minute. Player stands up, turns towards me, hands start moving ( HANDS MOVING =GUN), I'm in their view, " IS THIS ANYBODY ON TEAM SPEAK!!" Hands moving (Remember my NEAF encounter?). Two shots to the T-zone and I I dropped that body like Cholera. I start looking for follow on team mates. Few seconds go by "Hey did you shoot me?" is said in teamspeak. MOTHER FUCKER I JUST FRATRICIDED!! Trying to figure out how to bandage another player for the first time is like reading the damn Rosetta stone. Player dies. I am immediately lambasted by team mates, none of whom answered the calls on team speak. In good order I elect myself to stand guard by their gear so they do not have to start over. He shows up and tries to handcuff me. Almost shot him again for that. Dueces I'm out. 3. So whats a fella to do. One day your being shot for being friendly, the next your killing team mates whom you don't know are team mates cause they were pulled from your channel. First off, there are no "safe servers". Only places that were "low pop" when you logged in. Any area cleared, then left, must be assumed to be dangerous again and re-cleared. If there are controls in place to mitigate fratricide, why aren't they enforced? If KOS of unknowns is a clan by-rule, why do we care so much or apply it disproportionately when it's a better geared friend. Why is KOS the default mode of operation, and what's the point of killing inferior players? 4. You are never safe. Linking up with a group poses these social, but should be operational issues. In real life we have MANY more mitigating factors to limit fratricide. In this game you have Commo, that's it. The time I was killed by clan mates, ok sure I didn't communicate. Communication is vital in real life, and is the only measure you have at your disposal. No one is going to want to play with graphic control measure maps, or do OP orders correctly. I don't feel that KOS should be the only interaction you have with others, but most do it out of fear. You can't expect to change this, it's the social construct of the game. Being deadly is often misunderstood as the application of violence, but is equally applicable to avoiding it or being silent. Inevitably it's up to you. Since the game changed to mostly eastern coast or eastern inland spawns, the main PVP hubs have changed. Look at the map, draw a N/S line on the far west side of NEAF, these are the new Electros and so forth. They are teeming with both geared and ungeared players. My advice is to fountain hop ( drinking fountains) and grab ALL the food you can heading inland and west. Look for an ax or a gardening hoe (two hitter quitter). Industrial sites normally have a backpack. I haven't found anything in hunting towers or car trunks yet. Certain houses hold better loot more often ( piano houses) but are fewer in number. Take your shirt off and immediately tear it into rags to use as a bandage. If you do this, you might die fast, but you'll die with little lost, more experienced. Take a mental picture of towns as you flow through them. Guns are worthless without ammo, but guns should be near the bottom of your priority list. Join a clan or go it alone, but unafraid. If you can't stay safe, stay deadly Airborne
  15. Airborne28

    AAR: Musings of a GWOT Vet Newb

    Dude, a hitters a hitter. We had a " best hair- do comp" and the ground controllers always won.