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Everything posted by zanbato

  1. zanbato

    Bug-tester invites to Survivor Gamez!

    Last weeks survivor games was a joke, why would anyone wanna participate in that.
  2. zanbato

    Map Improvement

    Play the game long enough and you will never need a map, i can navigate to anywhere without a map and have been doing so without for months now.
  3. zanbato

    .55 loot, I'll just leave it at this.

    So many memories came flooding back when I read that 1 sentence.
  4. zanbato

    Another tactic for dealing with the new infected.

    Or, shut the said infected in a room/house and leave it for an unsuspecting victim.
  5. Maybe an infected carries it off to their hidden basement when you aren't looking.
  6. zanbato

    Zombies are not so OP

    showing zombies aren't as OP as claimed https://youtu.be/TXHv1bRwguE
  7. zanbato

    3PP Camera Movement/Immersion

    Can't play the video either, not sure what we are talking about here.
  8. zanbato

    Recommended FPS Counter?

    Play without one, no need to be watching fps, it's gonna poor regardless.
  9. zanbato

    Where's the M65 jacket?

    Fair enough. In the 800+ hrs i've played i haven't seen one, it is the only item in the game i haven't possessed
  10. When it was first put in the game the ladder was too short, so you would climb down the ladder fall maybe 2 metres of the bottom of it to the ground but then you couldn't reach it to climb back up.
  11. zanbato

    Where's the M65 jacket?

    Sorry but with an item as rare as the RAK i gotta say no pic, no proof.
  12. zanbato

    DayZ Autorun Tutorial

    There are trucks everywhere, who even runs nowadays?
  13. zanbato

    Recalibrate Check Pulse

    or they could check the name tag your mother has sewn into all your underwear
  14. zanbato

    Recalibrate Check Pulse

    Or there would an option to check their dogtags to find out the name.
  15. zanbato

    Trucks spawning inside each other

    i take it this isn't normal?
  16. zanbato

    Trucks spawning inside each other

    we never have trouble finding them, just didn't expect 3 at once.
  17. zanbato

    New fireplace kit

    You need to add 5 sticks to it to make the fireplace.
  18. zanbato

    My Rig

    60+ fps outside of towns, 15-30 fps in towns (dependant on settings). No point trying to build a dayz machine as nothing runs it well at the moment.
  19. Dont quote me on this but sure they were like that last update.
  20. zanbato

    My lucky day

    me and my mates only ever use them as submarines to get to the prison complex.
  21. zanbato

    Is this a thing now?

    Could just be a way of kicking you from their server so that you're to worried about a ban to realise that you just got kicked you for no reason, giving them am empty server.
  22. zanbato

    FPS crash since stable 0.53 release

    Honestly cannot suggest what would help (sorry), i've had the complete opposite and had a fps boost, just feels more stable.
  23. For a minute then i thought someone had found our v3s, we managed to get ours onto the beach but not up the hill.