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Everything posted by zanbato

  1. so your server has "super loot"? Calling BS on that.
  2. zanbato

    DayZ minimum/recommended Specs and your rig

    Are you not using shadowplay to record?
  3. zanbato

    DayZ minimum/recommended Specs and your rig

    My specs are in my sig. I get about 25-30 fps in the larger cities with everything on very high And around 70 fps in the wilderness.
  4. zanbato

    Amphibia S

    I got shot by my mate with the amphibia last night in the chest. It ruined my vest, jacket and backpack and all the contents inside. So how is the amphibia underpowered if it can go clean through a person?
  5. zanbato

    What rig do you need to play this?

    I use the FX8350 overclocked to 4.5Ghz and very rarely see fps drops. I know someones gonna mention intel cpus are better for gaming blah blah but some of us do more than game.
  6. zanbato

    PC Build Opinions

    What i should of said was no improvement in terms of DayZ performance. Every other game is vastly improved
  7. zanbato

    PC Build Opinions

    I can second that, i swapped my gtx 550ti for a gtx 980 and no improvement.
  8. Must be specific to the 970 because a friend of mine has been having the same issue but my 980 hasnt skipped a beat. He is still having trouble with his and hasn't found a solution yet.
  9. zanbato

    No Active Servers/Players?

    Its wednesday and all servers are turned off for a few hours for maintenance purposes, happens every week between about 7 and 10 GMT, can sometimes take longer if there is an updatr
  10. zanbato

    The struggle when you look too sexy.

    Why does everyone say marin? There is a L in it and an obvious picture of a MARLIN
  11. zanbato

    Starting under a house like Han Solo

    If you submit a ticket on the feedback tracker the developers will move your character for you.
  12. zanbato

    Powdered milk + water bottle

    Vitamin tablets are already in the game (possible containing calcium)
  13. zanbato

    Persistance auto enable with new patch?

    I know for fact the server we rent had persistence auto enabled and we had to uninstall it
  14. zanbato

    Plans to hotfix 0.50? (Dev reply please?)

    we turned persistence off on our server and loot respawns after every restart like it always has. so not EVERY server is being treated as persistent
  15. zanbato

    i7 4770k OC'd running hot.

    You should definitely consider a h100i if your problem persists, my cpu never hits 55 even when gaming.
  16. zanbato

    Upgrading please offer your input

    My specs are in my sig. My old cpu was a athlon II x4 and i noticed very little performance boost after upgrading, it's like you said this game is not optimised so it'll run like a bag of nails on most rigs.
  17. zanbato

    Where is everyone?

    people aren't interested in PvP, so will stay away from major towns most the time and explore the rest of the map unlike the kids that think this is CoD.
  18. zanbato


    You'll need to combine a rag and a stick to create a fireplace kit. Place that on the floor and add a log, then use the matches to ignite it. When it comes to animals you need to kill them and then skin and quarter them using a knife to get meat. Place the meat on the fire until cooked.
  19. zanbato

    The DayZ Shop

    We rent our own server so we would only collect from ours. I ain't got patience to wait 60secs just to hop.
  20. I believe the term would be PvAFK. Anyone with some imagination would of handcuffed him or force fed him maybe? But i have to applaude them skills though.
  21. zanbato

    The DayZ Shop

    me and my friend were planning on creating an in game shop when barricading is possible, we would search for loot and trade it for other items at our "shop", not the same thing as OP but more viable i reckon.
  22. zanbato

    Does anyone else want to be captured/tortured?

    I tend to just break legs and leave them stranded if they make it to a bush and manage to make a splint, good on 'em.
  23. zanbato

    Am i a bad person?

    That's my tactic everytime. Leg them and if they seem alright, patch 'em up and send 'em packing. if they act like a douche, handcuff them, steal their gear, patch 'em up and leave them with broken legs.