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Everything posted by budlime

  1. budlime

    Need new pc for DayZ around 500$

    I'll see if I can find the links to it. I would recommend 8gb of ram, an i5 and a better graphics card to be a little more futureproof. Give me a bit to dig it up. http://secure.newegg.com/WishList/PublicWishDetail.aspx?WishListNumber=26262925 This one here is a step up from mine. Listed price is under 449.99 But the ram is out of stock. My suggestion would be to buy another 4gb stick thats identical with what you currently have. If you don't want the graphics card you can save a little bit and step up on the i5 a little bit. The parts I used for my build are no longer in stock. So I couldn't link what I have exactly.
  2. budlime

    Need new pc for DayZ around 500$

    It would probably work. But I've heard of a few people with AMD builds saying they have issues with Dayz. I think intel may favor this game over AMD. http://pcpartpicker.com/guide/gcTwrH/entry-level-gaming-build Try this one. You could save a few bucks because you have a video card you want to use. Just keep in mind that it probably isn't very futureproof due to it having an i3.
  3. budlime

    Need new pc for DayZ around 500$

    I've had my keyboard for years. It's an old beat down Razer Lycosa. I bought a Razer Naga mouse a few months ago. They're like 60 bucks now. Give me a bit to get the list put together. Newegg doesnt have that list saved for me anymore.
  4. budlime

    Need new pc for DayZ around 500$

    To run a game as unoptimized as this game currently is, even pcs in the $2,000+ range struggle. I've seen alot of people saying that a better cpu would help a good bit. The faster the better. I currently run an i3 3220 with a 650ti and 4gb of ram. Some days it runs like a champ, some days it is unplayable for me. I built this pc a few years ago, all the games I've thrown at it have ran it on either high or ultra settings, except for this one. If you want my build list I'd gladly message it to you and offer additional suggestions. I paid $560 for everything, including being shipped to my door. I'd imagine its probably way less than that now.
  5. budlime

    Need new pc for DayZ around 500$

    Could probably squeak by with an additional 4gb of ram and a cpu upgrade of like an i5 or something if its compatible with your motherboard. Running a highly unoptimized game like this won't really run "good" on a budget computer. Alot of high end rigs struggle to run this game..
  6. budlime

    DayZ Vehicles (first implementation)

    What I want to know is how bulletproof these vehicles are gonna be. I sense people being angry about not being able to find one, so they set up roadside ambushes with automatic weapons and such. Also waiting to see how many scenes from Fast and Furious will be recreated... Chernarus style!
  7. That red and white sign looked like one of those things that you see outside the old timer barber shops.. took me a second to see it was just a stupid sign.. :( I hope its new gloves though!
  8. with the game not being optimized youd be wasting your time.
  9. budlime

    Not Losing My Backpack

    play on a persistent server.
  10. budlime

    Barracks glasses and penetration

    Always thought the barracks windows were bulletproof glass.. Been shot at numerous times through the window, but always got away clean when I'd play dead and shoot them when they'd come through the door.
  11. Well, being that the game is classified as a SANDBOX game.. there really is no WRONG way to play it. Some people would rather make a beeline for the nearest high spawn rate of military loot, then head for Elektro to open fire on anything that moves. That doesn't appeal to everyone. I'll take the solitary gameplay over that any day of the week. Living off the land is more fun in my opinion.
  12. budlime

    Any update on magic leg breaking?

    I have a pretty low end pc now. No SSD. But I have yet to randomly break my legs in any of the buildings listed above.. Maybe the DayZ gods are in my favor.. :)
  13. I still prefer the loner lifestyle. Its so hard to read peoples intentions on this game so I spend more time trying to avoid them as much as possible. If they do sneak up on me and strike up conversation with their mic instead of their gun, I don't mind a quick chat. But if I hear gunshots I'm gonna Houdini my way in the other direction and hope I'm not being followed. If I come upon a new spawn, I'll usually spare a few cans of food and my canteen if I have extra. It makes me feel a little better about myself, and maybe it helps his thoughts toward being hostile toward everyone in the future.
  14. That made me laugh... alot. :beans:
  15. I understand what you said, I just don't understand the reasoning behind it. If you're really having that much trouble dealing with the minimal weapon sway, this game isn't for you. It really isn't that hard to compensate for..
  16. Ok, I think I finally understand what you're trying to say.. You don't run much, and when you go prone, you still have a little bit of weapon sway?
  17. I'm pretty sure the characters are based on being civilians, probably not military trained. And I don't care who you are, running a long distance with a backpack full of gear, possibly with your clothes soaking wet from the rain and/or sweat would make for one tired dude; probably meaning holding a heavy weapon like a Mosin up without some sort of support from a wall or whatever, wouldn't be easy. Especially if your heartrate is up from sprinting from Vybor to Elektro..
  18. I'm sure the aggro range and amazing x-ray vision that the infected have will be fixed at some point. The game is in alpha, so I'm sure that isn't intended. On a side note, if you go prone instead of standing you have less weapon sway. But who really busts off a round to kill a zombie when you could possibly have unfriendly people nearby? I usually wait for it, dispatch it as quickly and silently as possible, and cautiously reposition in case someone did see the infected coming my way.
  19. budlime

    I feel bad, even if I shouldn't

    You killed a liar, that classifies it as a guilt free act of self defense in my opinion. Good job, buddy.
  20. Sometimes, I can believe it. This is the generation of entitlement.. :(
  21. So, from what I gather.. you are asking for a perfectly steady weapon aim?
  22. Don't sprint so much, heartrate won't be so crazy. Makes more people get dead too.
  23. budlime

    Finding weapons

    I have always found at least a repeater or the mp-133 in the train cars. The blue carts spawn mosins and sporters for days.. I usually go for the repeater or mp-133 because I find more .357 and buckshot than anything else. The clothing and backpacks are easy enough to come across.
  24. budlime

    sick mans punch too much power lesson

    I think he said someone knocked him out at the airfield with brass knuckles, and he is suggesting that if you are sick or starving, that your punching power is greatly reduced? I had a hell of a time understanding that.
  25. budlime

