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About cuth

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. cuth

    Auto Login script

    How do I use this!
  2. cuth

    My Trip to the airfield

    I am indifferent on the spawning of weapons there I suppose, Although I just feel the map is just so large, it takes long enough to just group up with friends, then the run to the northern part of the map is so long and boring that it is just not worth it to me at this point to even bother. I look at it as a road trip, fun while it lasted, but wont be visiting the place again for a long time!
  3. I guess I am mutual on this discussion. I have -30k humanity, and I deserve it not going to lie, but even if I want to group up with people I cant, it is an endless cycle now where it keeps getting lower and lower from defending myself, one guy started shooting me, I killed him, lost humanity, he said in chat after I asked why he was shooting me, he replied "you're a bandit, I shoot first ask questions later." Though I do not disagree with his logic. I like killing other players most of the time, so a bandit I will be for life.
  4. Well, since I started playing this mod, I have heard a lot of talk about the airfield. A group of 8 of us met up in the woods outside cherno to begin our journey to the airfield. 5 min in, a glitch happens and everyone is teleported to the middle of cherno, we log out and back into the server, 4 of us are out in the woods before the glitch, the rest are spawning in the middle of cherno and dying : \. Eventually after what seems like 2hrs of running through the middle of the woods, we reach the airfield, we find a guy walking, I shoot him, then all of us killed mowed down instantly from the treeline. So, is there a faster way to get to the airfield? just seems like a giant waste of time, we shall just camp cherno and kill everything that moves until vehics are more common I guess PATY CLAN--- FEAR US.