Well, since I started playing this mod, I have heard a lot of talk about the airfield. A group of 8 of us met up in the woods outside cherno to begin our journey to the airfield. 5 min in, a glitch happens and everyone is teleported to the middle of cherno, we log out and back into the server, 4 of us are out in the woods before the glitch, the rest are spawning in the middle of cherno and dying : \. Eventually after what seems like 2hrs of running through the middle of the woods, we reach the airfield, we find a guy walking, I shoot him, then all of us killed mowed down instantly from the treeline. So, is there a faster way to get to the airfield? just seems like a giant waste of time, we shall just camp cherno and kill everything that moves until vehics are more common I guess PATY CLAN--- FEAR US.